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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Evening Marty! Im afraid new Marketplace Rules dictate you must name your price. Thanks, and good luck, she certainly is beautiful!
  2. Im another guy who's on top of the world with my music right now and off to uni in September. Really do feel like someone's just removed everything holding my heart up. Sincerest condolences.
  3. Well hello there big boy... Valves and Vintage = Win.
  4. Ohh... I dont need that Pre amp. Definately dont need that pre amp. But if i did, Any idea how much you'd let it go for?
  5. [quote name='Clarky' post='722247' date='Jan 23 2010, 03:41 PM']I have taken a look on the web at the various products mentioned so far and - while they all seem to deliver what I need - most have much greater functionality than I need TBH. If that is what is available then fine and I will try and decide which one to buy. However I was wondering if there is a simple plug-and-play option with perhaps little more than basic gain and tone controls (I don't want to play much with tone as I like the tone from my P basses) and an XLR output for the backline? I spotted this DHA model for example which is very utilitarian but maybe does what I need? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DHA-VT1-Std-Bass-overdrive-and-distortion-pedal_W0QQitemZ310194954458QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Guitar_Accessories?hash=item48390f60da"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DHA-VT1-Std-Bass-ove...=item48390f60da[/url] Has anyone tried one of these? Edit: just seen it needs an external power supply which is not ideal, I prefer a battery powered pedal for convenience.[/quote] Also Clarky, that pedal doesnt actually have a DI out if im not mistaken! The only other thing to consider is a pedal like that DHA one and a simple DI box for £20 or there abouts?
  6. I really loved the J retro i had my Bacchus Jazz 5... Sigh! Thats completely one that got away. However some models dont have a passive tone pot when in passive mode, and you can only have both pickups on or one on (I think default is both pickups full or bridge pickup full via a toggle switch) I think i'd miss being able to have a shapable passive tone now. But if youve got a few jazzes it shouldnt be a problem
  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='722158' date='Jan 23 2010, 01:42 PM']Frequently when gigging in London I will use the house amps for convenience (eg, when I have to go by tube on a work night) rather than my Mesa Walkabout. This means I sometimes have a tone thats way apart from what I am after, which ideally is a warm tube-y sound with a bit of overdrive. I am thinking of buying a preamp/DI pedal to bring with me to such gigs so I can dial-in my own tone without worrying too much about the house backline. So in the opinion of the collective wisdom of BC which DI pedal would be best to fit this bill (I only need this as a tone/drive thing, don't need other bells and whistles)? I have had Sansamps in the past and they suck some of the mid tone away so I would probably be looking for something else. Other BC'ers have mentioned pedals by Aguilar (Tone Hammer), the MXR M80, Sadowsky outboard preamps, EBS etc. Thx in advance Clarky[/quote] If you dont like the mid scoop of the sansamp i think you'll find the MXR in the same boat tone wise. I happen to love it, but it does remove mids!
  8. Super smooth transaction. This guy has some seriously nice gear!
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='721113' date='Jan 22 2010, 12:58 PM']Pics! Need pics. Oh, and I need first refusal when you move it on [/quote] [i]When[/i] I move it on?! Have you no faith!
  10. [quote name='umph' post='721089' date='Jan 22 2010, 12:43 PM']shame your not near me i could walk you through it! First, remove the amp from the head enclosure and remove all the valves, then hoover the chassis and give it a good scrubbing down. Second, get some contact cleaner and spray the valve bases and valve pins and slide the valve into the base and pull it back out again a few times and repeat for all the bases. Then spray contact clean into all the pots and rotate them quickly to clean any gunk out of them and also spray all the jacks and push a jack in and out a few times to clean those. Third, flip the amp over and hoover the inside of the chassis etc. Once it's all clean and dry power the amp on without the valves in and check all the voltages on the valve bases to make sure there correct (mainly bias and plate to make sure there high enough and also check the heater voltage to make sure its there) and also check the power caps to make sure there not bulging and/or leaking (the larger ones). Finally, power it up with the valves in and let it warm up for a few mins then play through at low volume and don't rag it to hard straight away obviously and you should be sorted! just realised this isn't the kind've reply you were looking for but its what i do every time i get a older amplifier better safe than sorry with these kind've things![/quote] Very thorough! however, i think im going to do the following; Take valves out, hoover. Should do the trick, thankyou! Just had a play through it though, and my god is 100 watts of valve loud. Im genuinly struggling to hear any volume difference between it and my old shuttle 6.0. I love me valves i do!
  11. Hey guys, Ive just received a beautiful Trace Elliot Twin Valve from Shaggy here. But inside its absoloutly filthy. I dont really want to dive straight in and make a mess of it so could i get some recommendations for what to do and what not to do please?! I also dont fancy killing myself... Thanks!
  12. MythSte


    Ashdown? ASHDOWN?! gtfo. The mag series are cracking value for money. And should keep you going for an awful long time
  13. I'm itching to get back in here tomorrow. Eep!
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' post='719702' date='Jan 21 2010, 12:15 AM']I cant decide if Lady Ga Ga is hot....[/quote] I'd risk it.
  15. I'll be dropping by again on friday!
  16. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='718104' date='Jan 19 2010, 05:27 PM']That's what the Rockbasses are for! It puzzled me too, then made me glad i bought my Corvette years ago for under £600 Anyone know the prices of the new Rockbass line? The Rockbass Corvette Premium is coming in at £525 so hopefully the Basic model will be around £400. The new 2010 model looks really good, from the front it looks just like a German 'Vette[/quote] Didnt you have a corvette once...?
  17. Volume and Mids, Schroeder. Quility, Berg. Tough call!
  18. [quote name='d-basser' post='707169' date='Jan 9 2010, 10:20 PM']Thats what I thought Ste, yours didnt have the accessories (pedal and bag) did it? I priced mine £50 above yours for the £115 of accessories. I agree amp on its own £500 too steep, £450 is pretty spot on[/quote] Quite right! Although i did leave it dripping wet with my funky goodness. (purely metaphoric, i might add)
  19. I sold mine for £450 not long ago
  20. Fortunately, none of my idols have passed yet. But im sure they will, Just looking at some of my favourite artists ageing saddens me
  21. Is this from a guy in chorley? Ive heard great things about said cab. But i do wonder what it could do that its little brother, the much more compact 1212 couldnt.
  22. In my opinion, When people talk about THE Trace Elliot sound they're referring to that mid 80's solid state pick sound. Quite a lot of high mid attack and not much bottom. However, they can do a whole lot more than just that!
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