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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Shockwave' post='685186' date='Dec 15 2009, 02:01 PM']It seems to be me that every barefaced user is Whiteknighting (for lack of a better word) Barefaced and making it seem like the cabs can do no wrong, which is very similar to what happened when Ashdown gear was popular on here.[/quote] Thats a pretty bold statement. Its possible, dare i say probable that other Barefaced Owners simply enjoy the tone, weight, value etc. I gave my cab a glowing review because it sounds how i want it to sound, which isnt how you want yours to sound. Likewise mine functions like i want it to function - just because the reasons yours doesn't function how you need it to are Alex' "fault" doesn't take away from mine, or any other satisfied barefaced owners experience. And if you look in the Compact tour thread there are a lot of people who have said they [u]dont[/u] like the compatct for whatever reason. Its one thing to "white knight" a product, but if your not careful people will think your trying to do the opposite for the sake of it. This isnt a machine that needs fighting! Obviously its not that black and white with all the problems you've had. And when i spoke to you before you said that you hadn't just given Alex the benefit of the doubt and you'd have waited for a replacement from any company, which is pretty admirable IMO. I know if I'd have received a cab like that it would have gone straight back regardless of where it came from.
  2. There's one song we play, and i can NEVER remember if it starts on B or F#. Its normally a few notes of mess before im on the game again!
  3. i LOVE the fact there is a fire extinguisher in that fireplace!
  4. [quote name='ashevans09' post='684694' date='Dec 14 2009, 11:40 PM']Oh christ i get you and tayste_2000 mixed up! My apologies. Damn the closeness in your names![/quote] I do want to own one though... If you feel the want for a GB Shuttle 6 plus cash, let me know?
  5. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='684642' date='Dec 14 2009, 10:52 PM']I'd still struggle. My legs are so short that standard carrier bags scrape along the ground as I carry them. I sh*t you not. [/quote] Hehe! thats bad. On the downside, The last studio i went to, my shuttle/vintage combo was called "gay" for being big, sparkly, but actually very light on its feet...
  6. hehe, the new ply is rediculous BEndian, I can one hand it on flat ground. im only 5'9" and not what i'd call on the built side of things!
  7. My Vintage has been thrown in the back of taxis, Dropped down stairs, On the recieving end of a cymbol and the only damage thats actually occoured is the cloth has "dented" slightly near one corner. The finish actually has quite a lot of marks on it... Marks from other things not as tough as it. We need to learn to not get drunk before we've re-loaded into whatever transport we're using... Naturally though, If anyones not sure i'm more than happy to have people over for a play, or even if you want to take it for a gig. be my guest.
  8. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='684410' date='Dec 14 2009, 08:11 PM']Do you still want that spirit level for installing the tweeter?[/quote] That was funny the first time
  9. [quote name='ashevans09' post='683635' date='Dec 14 2009, 02:48 AM']I've done quite a few gigs with one I got off Mythste, it's been nothing but incredible so far . Absolute beast, I love it to pieces [/quote] No you didnt! At least, ive never owned a 400+... Who's been masquerading as me?!
  10. [quote name='Wil' post='684373' date='Dec 14 2009, 07:46 PM']Sounds about right. Definately had more of an old school sound, more blooming bass than tight thud in the chest, for want of better adjectives.[/quote] I really want to try a (relatively) low powered all tube head with it, Get the beautiful melting bass tone. Mmmm....
  11. Hmm...! Yeah i've never tred my vintage with a 5 string. In fact, ive never played anything other than a fender through it...
  12. Bugger man :wacko: I am a little unsure as to the fundamental note thing? Can you compare it to a tone that you think you should be able to get that you cant? Does that makes sense? hehe. It definately took a few weeks for my speakers to bed in properly. Those lows seemed to get lower and tighter. I hope they bed nicely on yours too!
  13. Edited at request of site owner. PM for details!
  14. I never go out of my way to damage my bass. But if im wasted and finish a set by throwing her at the drumkit, then well, Shes got a few beauty scars I also like the feel of a dried sweaty bass. Plays smoother. All IMO etc
  15. Just spotted this on Thomann, I think i quiet fancy it actually!! [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/news_msg_can_buy_me_bass.html"]Hofner Beatle bass[/url]
  16. yup, same boat as everyone else. Got the album last week, blown away. Gig in Blackpool tomorrow and have i got tickets...? Have i buggery.
  17. [quote name='maxrossell' post='682158' date='Dec 12 2009, 01:49 PM']Why not? They're around the same age as I was when I started, around the same instrumental level, their gear is about as crap as mine was, and for exactly the same reasons as my first band was awful, they're awful. I wouldn't call awful to their faces, but given that on here no-one has the faintest idea of who they even are it doesn't matter. Again, I'm just emphasising their beginner-ness to make the point of how much better this guy is than them.[/quote] I thought he was talking about me to start with. But my hair isn't long enough to join maxis band Lets stop nitpicking now ladies and gents. Oh, and Max, have you had a chance to Lurk on Prestone recently... I think you'll be pleasantly surprised!
  18. Would you be interested in selling the EMG's on there own? PM me if so
  19. [quote name='BassBen' post='681106' date='Dec 11 2009, 11:06 AM']Hi Alex, I have got a BareFaced compact, peavey firebass head I play a Ibanez SR500 bass. I am not sure what the problem is but the E string sounds amazing A string sounds amazing but the D sting and G seem to lose volume and don’t cut though the mix. Turning up the treble doesn’t help. I never had this problem with the Trace Elliot 4x10 with horn. Maybe its the horn I am missing? Any ideas to what I am wrong. I am looking to replace the head next year prob with Markbass little iii. Will that help the problem as I understand VPF controls the high end? Cheers, Ben[/quote] Just to discount the possibility, when was the last time you changed your strings? And does this happen with both pickups together and or solo'd?
  20. Thats a good point. As i said before to you Max, I felt well out of my depth in my old band. But i didnt really know what i was getting myself into! If these guys see something theyre not sure on they'll probably just panic and stick with what they know!
  21. [quote name='bigthumb' post='680465' date='Dec 10 2009, 06:03 PM']Looks like an SQ series, if not then an 'A'. Lovely bass all the same.[/quote] Its an A. Was mine, Cracking bass but i fear P's just arnt for me Alas, I now have one with the J at the back and LOVE it. Although im worried the P pickup may need some work on it as the G and D strings are almost twice as loud as the other two at the moment :\
  22. you have seriously good taste in basses man!
  23. [quote name='alexclaber' post='679204' date='Dec 9 2009, 04:00 PM']but will unload prematurely,[/quote] Teehee
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='678955' date='Dec 9 2009, 12:08 PM']I'd go "or not". I'd use my ears.[/quote] Hi, Im Stephen, And im awesome at shooting myself in the foot
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='678941' date='Dec 9 2009, 11:54 AM']I hate to say this, and this is all based on actually listening instead of the science, but there aren't any 1x15s you can replace a decent 4x10 with. If you want that much punch and volume, get a 4x10, or at least get a high end 2x12. Aguilar/Tecamp/Epifani and Bergantino are the best bet. Its better to save and get a high end 4 ohm cab with your description you gave of what you need.[/quote] Thats not the point we're making, the OP is on a relativly tight budget, especially for the brands your suggesting. Obviously, if he wants to go and spend more i think there are obviously better cabs out there than the Compact
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