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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='JTUK' post='678328' date='Dec 8 2009, 07:16 PM']hmmm, don't know about that. On here you have a few people who like and use them, but maybe other websites didn't rate them as highly. Google a few ... Finnbass, for example. My take is that they are a 15" speaker in a small box built for lightweight carries. Fine, but the speakers are standard and the box is... well, have a look at the website. There is a no new magic here, no new science that the best cabinets builders have missed, just a different slant which centres around lightweight and volume so have a look at the build quality and the all round package and try one. Then if you still think they are in the same league, buy one. I think a lot of people talk these up...but I have heard just as many tell a different story.[/quote] I see where you coming from, And im not going to get into a slanging match with you (I'm an owner, and i'd hate to be going "you need to buy what i use, yeah!) but there is slightly more to it than a 15" in a box. Things like sufficient bracing and correct porting make a bigger difference than people care to imagine. But of course, Seeing is believing (or not! As the case may be!) And there is a compact touring the UK so get yourself on the list!
  2. [quote name='Linus27' post='678246' date='Dec 8 2009, 06:10 PM']You wanna tuck that lead up and around your strap as oneday you will tread on the lead and pull it out of the socket. Probably be mid bass solo [/quote] I usually do I was a beer or eight worse during that photo anyway, your lucky i even managed to get the jack in!
  3. [quote name='Phaedrus' post='678118' date='Dec 8 2009, 04:26 PM']That's interesting. Should I consider the Barefaced to be a high quality cab, a competitor for Epifani, EBS, Aguilar, etc? I'd place the LH500 as upper entry level, or lower mid-level, so you reckon placing these two together would be fine? I'm not in a position to buy now, so anyone else feel free to fire on. Mark[/quote] Yes and Definitely Personally, If its mainly for live use i'd consider the cab to be a more important factor than the amp. There are obvious exclusions to this, but i know i'd prefer a high quality cab and a simple solid head if that's all money would allow The only thing about the compact is it doesnt have a tweeter, But speak to Alex, tell him what you like and im sure he'll be more than happy to advise you on the best course of action. he's dead good like that! wouldnt waste much time on the Hartke if you can afford it. I genuinly cant think of anything thats even half as good for that price.
  4. Well, My instinct would be to get the Hartke LH500, Specifically second hand from this very forum [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=70000"]Hartke LH500[/url] very simple, very powerful. best band for buck head out there at the moment in my very humble opinion! Then, I'd look at perhaps a Barefaced Compact. VERY light, and will out perform a lot of the 4x10's you've mentioned. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=compact"]Barefaced Compact[/url] Completly killer rig right there!
  5. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='678011' date='Dec 8 2009, 03:09 PM']Weird. Unless your actually shagging your bass. Although that would be even weirder.[/quote] Guilty.
  6. I normally cant stand these, but thats bloody gorgeous!
  7. Not that others shouldnt, but i feel weird taking "him" out for a whirl, or tickling "his" G string from time to time!
  8. [attachment=37899:12_Track_12.mp3] This is a nice little ditty thats a good indicator of the tone i get from my barefaced. From a live set we did at sandhill studios in liverpool the other day Mic'd through an AKG D112? (the bass drum one) And a fancy looking condenser, Possibly a blueberry? Mixed with a clean DI for the fundamental. So all the "tone" is true barefaced vintage
  9. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='675438' date='Dec 6 2009, 08:17 AM']Had a beer with my mate yesterday at The Rose of Mossley in Liverpool - we were reminiscing about the time we did a gig in the hall next door (now demolished) for the youth club . It was about 1970 - but my mate kept the pictures (taken on an Instamatic) - I wish I was this slim now... [/quote] Good god Al! I'd have tried to have a go on you Heres one from the othernights gig. I was in my happy place...
  10. Okay! First things first, I'll have me a Kt Tunstall, Then, I think i'd quite enjoy one of these bad boys With one of these to go on top of my Barefaced Vintage and one of these bad boys to carry them all round in... The ultimate band van!
  11. Well! We had a nice little local shindig last night. We dont play enough locally really but we've got loads over christmas and if this is anything to go by, its going to be amazing Also Recently recieved a new bass in a Trade from SiBob and thought i'd give her a bit of a run out last night. Very classy looking girl!
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='673309' date='Dec 3 2009, 03:57 PM']Want to hear this with 2 Barefaced Compacts![/quote] I want to hear it on my Vintage!!!
  13. Leave it without and put gold screws in the screw holes so you have a nice classy outline.
  14. It really annoys me when company's put such a vaguely relative picture on their amps and Ashdown have done it twice now. Those ridiculous giants on the Little Giant Series and now an Engine Block on the small block...
  15. I still think that Bacchus is the best looking bass ive ever seen Ped! :wub:
  16. [quote name='Stingray5' post='670402' date='Nov 30 2009, 08:37 PM']For luck, actors/thespians will say 'break a leg' before an audition or performance as it's considered bad luck to say 'good luck'. What could we say then, to bass players? Given we don't have the same superstitions, I'm not sure that 'break a string' is appropriate... Whatever it would be, hope the audition goes well.[/quote] Rumble a Bum?
  17. [quote name='henry norton' post='670346' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:56 PM']Ahem.... Back on topic, every bass player should own a MusicMan at some point during their lives - preferably a Stingray. It's a right of passage for us all.[/quote] Funnily enough, I owned a Bongo but have never played a stingray!
  18. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='670338' date='Nov 30 2009, 07:49 PM']Unjustified? Mind me asking why?[/quote] I only briefly heard one, and all i could think was it sounded like every line 6 combo ive used. Im sure with tweaking you could get away from that tone though. Im also paranoid its something built in my head thats weary of fully digital amps! So i'd hate for someone to actually take my advice on it! hehe.
  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='669557' date='Nov 29 2009, 10:19 PM']Heh! That's the difference between Nick & myself - I tend to sell on the stuff I'm not using, so I'm always careful to only own basses that are earning me money. Yes, I've tried Precisions, but the only one I've truly liked was Peter's (Greeneking) American Vintage 62 RI. I may have a look at one of the Mex classic 57's with the gold anodized scratch plate and put a Wizard Thumper in it, though. We'll see...[/quote] I had a play of one of these precisions the other day and really enjoyed it. I wouldnt even worry about the thumper unlss you really do find it lacking. Anyway, I hope you find the swine that took an axe to them statii!
  20. What Rich here means is yes, it'll be fine
  21. [quote name='Musicman20' post='670254' date='Nov 30 2009, 06:27 PM']Unfortunately I think I managed to get unlucky and my shuttle 9 doesn't sit flat, and Genz thinks it's a chassis issue, it's definitely not the feet as I tried it the other way up and same thing. Not only that, it actually shut off at about 1/7th master volume into one 4 ohm cab. This one is being returned. The store and genz have been super helpful. I must admit after testing when I discovered the problems I prefer the LM3. I think I'm not a hifi sound kinda player. The markbass still feels bigger and warmer, the genz has the ultra clean sparkle but I think it might not be my thing. I'm thinking of spending a little more and get the TC Elec RH450 as it just seems very very pro and solid. I'm giving up on the search for high wattage, I'll never use it! The shuttle 9.0 will be great for ultra clean players who don't want the massive warmth.[/quote] Awh man that really sucks! As for the Shuttle, See if you can get your hands on a 6 to see what you think of driving the tube. I think thats the real difference between it and the MB. I'd be a little worried about the TCRH450 sounding a bit digital. Like that Line 6 gear, sounds dead nice, but just not quite right. - My view in the RH450 is completly unjustified but its food for thought! Have you played the Orange Bass Terror?
  22. Owieee! I really hope its nothing expensive WoT! If you need to an amp for any gigs or anything i'll happily post my shuttle 6 over to you after this weekend!
  23. [quote name='budget bassist' post='668743' date='Nov 28 2009, 09:43 PM']i see cubase.... ewww [/quote] You appear to be listening with your eyes! I see a ginger but i still think the tracks well played and recorded
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