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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. My offer sitll stands! But i agree, I think it may be slightly overpriced. I believe i've seen similar basses on eBay in the £300-350 range.
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='615068' date='Oct 2 2009, 06:20 PM']You mean low end through the 4X10 and full range through the 15"?[/quote] That i do!
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='615061' date='Oct 2 2009, 06:13 PM']I do a very similer thing all my low end goes through a 15" and the full range goes through a 4X10", because the low end is taken care of it means I can cater the mids/highs without worrying about low end. I gig mine it is amazing.[/quote] have you tried them round the other way yet? Id be interested to see if you notice much difference!
  4. Thats interesting, as the small meeting i had with the aguilars, i found them to be almost muddy next to the clinicalness of the schroeder. Interesting to see which way you end up going!
  5. [quote name='Rayman' post='613440' date='Sep 30 2009, 11:34 PM']Sound samples.....god, I'm clueless about stuff like that, I'll consult my brother who might know what to do. Thanks for all the offers folks, but they're not quite what I need at the moment, although the EDB looks very interesting. I'm hoping for a simple Jazz or Precision, but cash is king right now I must admit.[/quote] Let me know if you want a Bash on the EDB. Im not swung either way either yet!
  6. last week! We played a local brannigans (It was paying, who are we too be picky!) and drinks where half price. Got on stage feeling a bit wobbly and started playing, All was fine untill the end of the last song, where we all somehow ended up going into a VERY abstract blues jam. 13 Bar if you will. Half of our friends, Also drunk, Said it was like watching hendrix jam. The other half, decidedly more sober, said it was like watching three apes with guitars! heh.
  7. I dont know why the sound hasnt synced properly, but naymind. here we are.
  8. [quote name='Josh' post='612491' date='Sep 29 2009, 09:23 PM']I'd say have a look into some Gallien Krueger gear, for me I find them the best for controlling and maintaining that classic Jazz growl on any Jazz. Quite a few GK combo's pop up on here at times.[/quote] I agree with josh here. GK are great at reproducing the natural growl of a jazz - If that is indeed how you hear a jazz!
  9. Eesh, Im having to seriously keep myself away from this thread! My Stagg EDB could be available if your interested?
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='611048' date='Sep 28 2009, 05:33 PM']Dont get to entusiastic when walking away from your amp. The next thing the cable connecting your bass to the amp with go tight and the amp will come flying off the top of the cab![/quote] I worry about this all the time! I remedied it by putting the lead through the side handle of my cab. Having said that, If i walked away the barefaced is so light it would come with me. Who needs wireless?! heh.
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='611026' date='Sep 28 2009, 05:16 PM']I thought Shuttles could do 2 ohm loads? Did I get confused with something else?[/quote] Must be mistaken im afraid. I think there was a 2ohm mod on the old Genz neo-pak?
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='611034' date='Sep 28 2009, 05:24 PM']FOOL! You've let out the helium, it will now weigh 85lbs!!! [/quote] I sort of wish it was a bit heavier, it vibrated off the top of my cab yesterday at practice! Luckily i was using a short speakon lead and it fell forward so was left suspnded in front of the speaker! No dmage done, thankfully. Now where did i put that velcro...?
  13. [quote name='TheButler' post='610611' date='Sep 28 2009, 09:57 AM']It seems they must've perfected some sort of Quantum means of getting the power in there... I bet its actually empty inside.[/quote] I opened up my Shuttle 6 the other day, And it is pretty much empty in there already!!
  14. [quote name='chrisba' post='610732' date='Sep 28 2009, 12:20 PM']Er, isn't this the wrong way round ? If the 12th fret note is sharp, it needs to be flattened, therefore the distance between the 12th fret and the bridge needs to be lengthened. On my Fender P, this is achieved by tightening the screw. Rather than playing the open string and comparing it to the 12th fret, try playing the 12th fret harmonic and comparing that with the 12th fret fretted. Easier to tell the difference IMHO. Better still, use a good tuner. Chris[/quote] Quite right you are! edited. Thats what i meant, just not what i said! I linked tightening the screw to tightening the string, which as you say, isnt correct. Its a monday okay...
  15. Unless your playing a £5k one of a kind jobbie have a bash yourself. Generally speaking, you'd have to be using a hammer and chisel to do any irreversable damage. Do one or two things at a time and only do small tweaks. There's only three things you really need to worry about, that is Neck Relief - How much or little bow there is in the neck - Allen Key, quarter turn at a time to the truss rod. Clockwise to bring the middle up, anti clockwise to let the middle drop. Action - how high the strings are from the fretboard - Small allen key to the bridge, cant realy break anything down there! Although address the truss rod first as this often has a knock on effect. intonation - Changing one or both of the above will change the strings tuning further down the string (slightly sharp or slightly flat) screwdriver to the back of the bridge, tune your string, then play the 12th fret and see if it is the same, if its slightly sharp, tighten the screw to lenghthen the string. If its slightly flat, loosen the screw to shorten the string. Tune up, repeat. Slightly less important, but still worth looking at more for tone changes than playability is Pickup height. On most basses this is just a matter of tightening the screws round the pickups to lower them, or loosening to higher them. Not normally an issue, but when i got my Jazz the neck pickup was far too high, and i'd often catch my strings on the pole pieces. not only did this cause havoc with any amps i was using but it also significantly shortnened the life of my strings. Its an investment to make sure this doesnt happen! Note - Using the wrong size allen keys or screwdrivers can lead to mashing the threads up, then it really is very difficult to undo any wrong turns. Make sure you get the right size keys BEFORE you start playing! Its taken me about 3 months of fettling with my jazz for it to feel "just right" now. but whats just right for me wont be just right for you! Which is why a "professional" setup would be a last resort to me.
  16. [quote name='Higgie' post='610526' date='Sep 28 2009, 03:16 AM']Runaway is most definitely not Zender! He left like 2 albums before that It's Paul Turner, and the P Bass/Stingray thing is true. 60's P and a Pre-EB Stingray IIRC.[/quote] I know i knew that, Im not completly behind the times. (ish!) I just thought it was Zender that used a stingray and a P in some tracks, I didnt know Turner did aswell!
  17. [quote name='ezbass' post='610394' date='Sep 27 2009, 10:17 PM']I know that it is a P bass in the verse and Stingray in the chorus. Effects?[/quote] I thought that was exclusivly in the Zender period of JK, but im ready to be proved otherwise!
  18. Ladies and gents! I got this with a view to lots of lovely gigs half on my Jazz and half on this. And while thats still possible, I today realised there is no way in hell it's fitting in any of our cars with the rest of our gear in, And unfortunately, Amps are pretty essential My family all chipped in to buy this for my 19th, soIf cash is all i can get i'll hold onto it, What i would like in an ideal world (i know...) Is a highway 1 P bass or similar. I've got some serious Precision GAS! otherwise i'll look at most Fenders, most anything in fact! I'll post pictures for anyone interested, Its piano black and alltogether very sexy! Thanks, Stephen Edit:- Pics Edit Again, This is for sale at £275 posted as long as BassAssasins Squier is available!
  19. Give it a shot man! If it gets too much it gets too much. I'm in college full time with every view of going to Uni next september (That means i have to work a bit hard, Apparently) I work two jobs (Cocktail bar 6 hours a week, Off licence about 18 hours a week) and i just about have time for 2 nights of practice a week with a gig most weeks also. I do get stressed occasionally, but i get stressed at the [i]thought[/i] of doing all these things, When im actually doing them i dont think twice! Go for it buddy!
  20. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='609377' date='Sep 26 2009, 04:59 PM']My latest and I believe greatest... [/quote] We need to arrange a NW bass bash again. Looks Beautiful!
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='607998' date='Sep 24 2009, 06:42 PM']My house is terrible for this, dimmers all over the place, my old Stingray would hum like a tramp's trousers whenever the lights came on. Current Jazz is a bit bad for it too. Strangely it doesn't affect my Warwick at all - suggestions as to why my Warwick's immune would be welcome.[/quote] Humbucking pickups? Soapbars? Anything that isnt single coil?
  22. If you just want a bit of a tinker, Im up blackpool way and have a Stagg EDB. Its not a double bass, but might give you a feel either way? We need to arrange another NW bassbash i think!
  23. I've looked and looked and cant find anywhere that stocks a Gold Pickguard for a Jazz bass - minus one place in America that was going to charge me $70 for postage! If anyone has any ideas, Let me know? Thanks!
  24. Looks like it might be an acoustic combo? That or a carlesbro.
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