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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Good call on the Steely Dans! Otherwise, I think it would be Blur for me.
  2. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='607156' date='Sep 23 2009, 10:01 PM']Hey Guys I need a 300W power amp no more, no more that 3U at a max and no more than say 30lbs? sorry thats kind of vague, so to summarize lightish and not to big Oh and can some one please explain to me all this Bridging stuff, why are there mulitple channels and what does that mean/ do. And in gereral every thing i need to know about power amps =S all i know is i need one to drive my Ampeg SVP-BSP sorry.... lol Regards Adam[/quote] What cab are you driving and whats your budget? You might be surprised as to what you can achieve on a shoestring these days!
  3. Cais a good guy buy with confidence!
  4. [quote name='Zombywoof' post='606989' date='Sep 23 2009, 07:21 PM']I used to have this problem with an old P-bass (wish I still had her...early 80's jap) and to get around the problem I used to use a spare instrument cable,one end tucked into my trousers so it was touching my skin with the other end touching the metal on my amp (held down with some gaffa) sorted!![/quote] This is a fantastic solution to a really common problem! Not very practical, But very to the point!
  5. MythSte

    obbm's feedback

    Need i say anymore? I wanted a top quility speakono lead, Ordered one, Got one. Bonza!
  6. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='606727' date='Sep 23 2009, 03:21 PM']Another experience of Fender Jazz + Vintage = Just out of interest, what was your previous amp rig?[/quote] Haha, now theres a question! Right... from least to most recent (some overlaps) Warwick pro fet 3.2 + warwick 410 pro Eden Nemesis NC810 Hartke 2200 + ashdown mag300 + DHA studio pre Gallien Krueger 1001RBII + Warwick Neo 12 and 15 GK 1001RBII + Schroeder 1212R Little Mark 2 + schroeder 1212R Trace Elliot V4 115 combo I really loved the V4 but it just didnt deliver the goods at volume and weighed over well over 100lbs!
  7. LOL! Tut. Anyway, Here's Stephens official Barefaced Vintage gig review; First things first, There was such a satisfaction watching both guitarists struggle with their Vox 2x12's whilst you casually hoist a 2x15 to where you want it on stage and slap a Shuttle on top. A moment of bewilderment came between them, They sort of looked at me, Looked back at each other, then looked again. Lovely. Secondly, It doesnt half look the Bo-Dangleys. Under stage lights that silver grill cloth really does look oh so vintage. I should have taken a picture actually. Next time! The Shuttle looks a bit silly on top, but i've come to find it quite charming, and it doesnt detract from those gaping ports at the bottom. First things first, Our soundcheck. This is the first time i've used both the shuttle and the barefaced at all with the band, So i was a little worried, I'd got a beatiful tone at home with it but more often than not that tone never works in a gigging situation. However, I had a bit of a revelation! You know that lovely scooped tone? The one with loads of bottom? Really buttery mids and just a light growl on top? The on that gets completly lost in EVERY mix but sounds oh so lovely on its own? It worked in a band!!! I dont know how or why, I'm inclined to believe it has something to do with wattage distribution over the sonic spectrum or something(?) but the barefaced and shuttle just took that tone, made it louder (Lots louder!) and bought a massive bassy smile to my face. This means i didnt need loads of mids to be heard on stage, and also gave my guitarists loads of room. Lovely! On the other side of the barrier the other band where really rather good. An indie troupe who's bassist used an ibanez with a Pick, not what i'd have chosen but each to there own! Anyway, I told him he was free to change the EQ as he liked and whatnot - To which he replied he really didnt know much about these things and left it as i had set it. And boom, There it was again, More growl due to the pick and a bit more bass but it was just massive lovely tone that didnt get in the way of the guitars but was still very audible. All in all, Happy days!
  8. heh! Im looking forward to putting mine through her paces tonight. I've named her Sharnika. And if your not casually racist enough to work out why then im not telling you...
  9. [quote name='Finbar' post='605123' date='Sep 21 2009, 10:54 PM']As you say, with these non-technical terms, we could be talking about an entirely different completely subjective sound, but using the same word to describe it! [/quote] True! But we are comparing the same cabs, Are there any parts of the sound that the Compact had that was definately a part of the schroeders sound and nothing else?
  10. Right, First impressions; I genuinly think these things are changing the definition of "light" to bass players. For a long time, Light meant 2 twenty year olds could lift it up stairs without putting a disc out. But this really is a different kind of light. I managed two flights of stairs, on my own, without breaking a sweat. [i]This is a 2x15 ffs![/i]. Anyway, once in my room and plugged in (using a crappy speakon lead at the moment i might add, My OBBM lead should be here in a few days if the posties feel like it) There was a very big surprise at first. You can tell straight away its a full range cab without a tweeter - While this sounds like a criticism, Its a really solid base to build your tone off, and it reacts to EQ'ing very well. I only needed to scoop a touch off 300hz and roll the treble back a touch to be exactly where i wanted to be. Which is a vintage tone with a slight bit of growl over the top. Lovely. When i spoke to Alex i told him that i really like having a vintage tone, but with a modern presence. and thats when he suggested the vintage to me. I'm gigging and providing backline for the support tomorrow, So i'll be able to tell you what it sounds like both sides of the barrier. But for now, I'd say im satisfied. Whats also interesting (and im sorry to bound some non-technical terms around again) but i find this has the same "punch in the stomach" responsivness-oomph that i've only ever had before with schroeders, that inherent begging from it to be pushed harder. This is interesting as Chris (Finbar) a dedicated schroeder user said this was what was missing when he tried the compact. an you shed any light on this Alex? or is it just that he has better ears than me! I'll come back tomorrow with more conclusive results. But for now pictures are over in the "show us your rig" section. Lovely!
  11. Well! At long last here we are! Its taken a long time and a lot of experimenting. How long will this last? A long time i hope! (I think ive already owned this Jazz longer than any other bass!!) anyway, without further adue (And without any sunlight, its september you know)
  12. Oh wow... *throws massive cab up and down with no effort...!*
  13. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='604397' date='Sep 21 2009, 12:08 PM']Of course, this could meant that Ms. Houston is going in a new direction and going all 'fusion' on us rather than Garrison going for a commercial gig.[/quote] My fingers are crossed so hard that i might never play again! hehehee...
  14. [quote name='BassBunny' post='604390' date='Sep 21 2009, 12:03 PM']The cabs are still made by Mike but the transformation is a re-branding to "Purple Chili". This is to line the Cabs, (and possibly an amp range), with his guitar range. This is what they look like. Even nicer in the flesh. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/82740"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/82740[/url][/quote] Oh my. They look, Well, they look awful! I'm no Gok, but purple and red just doesnt go! And the badge looks like a clip-art. I hope they sound good!
  15. No It was in chorley at 7:41 this morning and chorleys like an hour away. Pah!
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='604350' date='Sep 21 2009, 11:05 AM']I did another gig with Bottomendian's on Sunday night with Bottomendian and Howard The Bass Doc in attendance. Unfortunately, the set-up meant my fat arse was stationed right in front of - and almost on top of - the cab, so the folks out front missed a bit of clarity. Apparently it sounded fine and dandy when I managed to move out of the way... I should go on a diet. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how I feel when I go back to the Bergs...[/quote] I just saw a recording booth lined with arses! hehe.
  17. I heard 2 2x12's at the Northwest Bass Bash; they where INCREDIBLY light but sounded distinctly average.
  18. I really did love my 1212R, I know i shouldnt band musical words around willy nilly, But it really was one hella' punchy cab.
  19. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='603580' date='Sep 20 2009, 02:08 PM']Cheers Steve I did ask you ages ago to pass the details on Just found his profile so will drop him a PM to check this thread out.[/quote] Come to think about it, Yes, Yes you did. But i think at that time you wanted to rip it open!
  20. [quote name='witterth' post='603573' date='Sep 20 2009, 01:51 PM']Haa Haaaaa!! Mythste. at 13.00/14.00what about a "hair of the dog?" it would be rude not to really. that's if you've no gig tonight [/quote] As far as im concerned all of sunday is a morning! Hehe. I dont have a gig tonight, and im actually free all day tomorrow. Ladies, Gentlemen, To the pub!
  21. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='603574' date='Sep 20 2009, 01:55 PM']This I'm interested in, because I'm thinking about a Shuttle 6.0. Keep us informed... as if you wouldn't![/quote] Hehe! Yeah its the shuttle 6 i have at the moment. I've only been driving headphones with it so its a very poor time for me to say "im not 100%" but i'll let you know how i get on tomorrow! I've just realised i dont have a sodding speakon lead so im going to have to go to maplins and make one up. eugh.
  22. I feel like i have my own support group here, Thanks! ^_^ I'll be driving it with a shuttle which im not 100% on yet. But we'll see how i get on
  23. Its a sunday morning fellas! Lets have an earl grey and a thickly buttered wedge. Then agree that 4 strings are the only way. End of. Okayokay, im kidding, or am I?
  24. [quote name='Protium' post='603512' date='Sep 20 2009, 12:50 PM']ABM 300 EVO II Schroeder 1210L Pedulla Rapture[/quote] I'd have never imagined it, but that is one hella classy rig!
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