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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. If you want to sell the Tokai outright let me know? Im not helping... sorry! :ph34r:
  2. I know Lemmywinks has my old 1212R. I've heard they sound pretty similar?
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='602797' date='Sep 19 2009, 11:23 AM']Yep... Two-month old La Bellas! See you later, Owain![/quote] I was going to change my strings tonight as theyre sounding a bit wet for me at the moment, but im going to hold out till monday now then!
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='602786' date='Sep 19 2009, 11:07 AM']No problem! If you play with rounds, expect the growl to multiply by a factor of approximately 1,000...![/quote] Where they flats on your jazz?! Wow...
  5. [quote name='nig' post='602708' date='Sep 19 2009, 08:39 AM']LOL, im going to google 'off axis response' cheers m8. btw, when I worked in a music shop we took in 2nd hand 4 x 12's and when opening them up saw some real mis-matches and real horrors that sounded great ![/quote] Similar story - The studio we're using at the moment in liverpool has one of Deep Purples Marshall 4x12's, Inside are four completly different speakers but it just sounds so godly! Apparently its because they all break up at slightly different times so they do loads of different tones depending on how hard you push them. That may well be BS but its a nice idea!
  6. Im so glad you posted that WoT, Its subdued my wonderment somewhat! The tone you get with your jazz is pretty much what im aiming for - deep and rich, with just a hint of a snarly overtone. Lovely. 2 daysss!
  7. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='602600' date='Sep 18 2009, 10:46 PM'][/quote] Monday cant come any sooner...
  8. I love what i do. I just do. Lovely.
  9. [quote name='nig' post='602538' date='Sep 18 2009, 08:53 PM']Well, no reply to an e mail to parts at gallien krueger, thomann got back to me asking for s/n on speaker and a bit of waffle etc, but its an oem factory unit with no info on it. I needed to order a speaker on monday to get it away on tuesday to come by wednesday for a thursday gig. I plumped for a celestion bn12 300x 300w 8 ohm neo, it has a frequency from 40 hz to 3000 hz. they do an S but there arnt any until a pallet load is required then made and shipped from china, the company was lean in ipswich and did a first rate job. Put it in, gigged it last night and well, no probs, sounded perfectly acceptable too. [/quote] Im glad! The general consensus is that mixing drivers, weather its mixing sizes or mixing brands can lead to unpredictable results, Its very possible you'll lose some off axis response (No, im not entirely sure what that means either!) but at the end of the day, if it sounds good to you, nice one!
  10. [url="http://www.thescubasite.com/"][/url]
  11. [quote name='witterth' post='601484' date='Sep 17 2009, 05:31 PM']Witterth: ( very anxiously) AAHH ...aahh!! but ..yeah ...yeah ...see ..er.. they explained!!you see.. yeah ..err with that..er ..with that..erm.. "some people may find our music challenging" comment so.. you see!?.. its all ok now..you understand, dont you see?.. you do dont you?? dont you ?( )[/quote] I suppose as long as they know what they're doing its okay, but i still wont listen too it again! I think these "technical exersises" (as Trent900 so perfectly put) should be left for impromptue sessions and not made a full time thing. IMO YMMV etc etc. this is where Pino is at as far as im concerned!
  12. I love some of Pinos playing but this whole PSP thing seems a little soul-less to me
  13. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='600344' date='Sep 16 2009, 03:35 PM']had 2 lessons last year, he said my technique was spot (1 finger per fret and clasical grip, movable anchor on plucking hand) its just my theory that sucked. he just ran me thru what I had learnt for free on studybass.com and some scales n stuff. [b]But he wasnt teaching me anything I really wanted, I went there to learn how to go about improv. Bought 3 books on improv which are terrible too.[/b][/quote] I'm afraid thats very much a run before walk scenario. You do need the basics of theory to be able to improvise effectivly. At the end of the day, whatever decision you make now isnt set in stone for the rest of your life. You've got some nice gear that you'll get some nice money for if you wanted. Would you get more enjoyment out of the money?
  14. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='600265' date='Sep 16 2009, 02:47 PM']Conversely, I'm planning on never having to post in this thread again (unless you guys are interested in seeing what [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=10285&view=findpost&p=489560"]my rig[/url] looks like now that the LH500 is in a rack bag). S.P.[/quote] I said that very same thing about 6 months ago
  15. I cant wait to post in this thread again soon....
  16. [quote name='Higgie' post='597590' date='Sep 13 2009, 07:14 PM']Thanks mate! I agree about the AG500 width, but as you say it's not exactly a deal breaker. The Precision is a Fender Squier JV Precision. I believe it is a '57 re-issue model due to the 2 tone sunburst. It's a 1982 model, and it's serial number dates it to within the first 6 months of production. At some point the original pickup was replaced with a DiMarzio Model P. I don't have the original, and even if I did I wouldn't put it back in, this bass sounds absolutely gorgeous as it is! The best part about it was the price as it's not all original so I got it for a bargain![/quote] Well if you ever find yourself wanting to part with the JV Squier can i have dibs? ^_^
  17. Gutted to see you having to do this Matt! I should have my shuttle/Barefaced rig finished soon so your welcome to come and have a play with that before you make any decisions! Also got a Stagg EDB which is GREAT fun! Still got my number? Do i feel a little blackpool meet and greet coming along?
  18. Beautiful stuff you've got there! I only wish that Aguilar had made the width of the AG500 the same as the DB112's. But im really splitting hairs there! Whats the story behind the precision?
  19. [quote name='chris_b' post='596423' date='Sep 12 2009, 11:09 AM']There is no rule that says you should play a 4 string bass before moving to a 5 string![/quote] Absoloutly. Start as you mean to go on squire! I'd go as big and as loud as you can afford, that way it'll be longer before you grow out of it. I also find that no matter how good the headphone pre, bigger speakers react very differently to your playing.
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='596083' date='Sep 11 2009, 10:07 PM']It's a P bridge cover and one (now) Jazz pup cover - that's the one over the neck pup so no ... [/quote] I promise to read the thread properly in future!
  21. Is the Jazz bridge cover branded with the "f" logo? I'm presuming not but thought i'd ask!
  22. I'll have a bash with my 75 RI Jazz DI'd from my shuttle for you Alex
  23. I'm to cool for notes and keys. i play in soul. :ph34r:
  24. [quote name='pete.young' post='591747' date='Sep 6 2009, 10:20 PM']Take it to someone reputable. There are limits on what you can usefully conclude from an internet forum.[/quote] And when you take it to someone reputable, Tell them its for insurance purposes, I'd hate to think someone would try and rip you off but its a possibility!
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