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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Looks really sweet but i just cant get myself excited about a fender amp
  2. I think i've got a good one! Well, Sort of. And i feel guilty that its so close to home! I've felt let down by every piece of DHA gear ive used so far. Thats three pedals (2 overdrive/fuzz's and a preamp thing) and a studio pre. While they where all very good i think they where just so hyped that i expected them all to morph into Jamerson and play for me! As it was i found it very hard to coax a tone i liked out of any of them. Having said that, Its not stopped me hankering after the compressor thats on ebay atm!
  3. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='578756' date='Aug 24 2009, 08:05 AM']but in hindsight[b] I've been using passive basses for a while, which have a much hotter output[/b]. At the settings I had the amp at last week and with my Lakland going through it, you would have heard me in the next county. The Bongo was so quiet. That was it. P[/quote] Um, They shouldnt do! You might want to see if theres a trim pot to be found anywhere in the control cavity to boost the output a little bit, The owner before you might have lowered it to match his other basses. IIRC the bongos an 18V active pre, should be much hotter than your passive basses!
  4. Epifunky! Hehe! I'm such a sucker for marketing hype :wub:
  5. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='578857' date='Aug 24 2009, 10:51 AM']I don't know has I prefer cabs without tweeters but I presume it would sound mega. [/quote] From my experience, It didnt sound anymore "tweetery" but apparently just adds to the dispersion. or something
  6. [quote name='fede162162' post='578825' date='Aug 24 2009, 10:20 AM']4 tweeters?!?! wow! I've always had 1 tweeter cabs...how's the sound with 4!?[/quote] Its worth doing a proper dig around for information on these Fede, They're a very different breed of cab to what you might be used too I had a 10.5 Made by (I think) the same guy that made this one. Hugely articulate and cut through every mix with so little power. Great for when you need to be heard not felt/have a mahoosive PA in front of you.
  7. Yeah, you'll get more responces if you post it openly buddy! Alas i used to have one and might be able to help.
  8. I think my all round lovely "usable" tone has to be Benny Rietveld, Santanas bassist. Such a fat sound right the way across the board. he starts walking beautifully at 2:30 with such a nice tone!
  9. MythSte

    Valve bass!

    Cracking idea buddy, but the only issue i see is that if you have to have a floorbox, Would people not be more inclined to just use a valve pedal? Unless you do indeed make it somehow visible, in which case it would be cool as funk...
  10. I wanted to learn guitar, got to the shop and the bass just felt so much more normal in my hands. Never looked back!
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='575518' date='Aug 20 2009, 01:41 PM']That's Numberwang.[/quote] Class.
  12. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='574229' date='Aug 19 2009, 02:34 PM']Shame about that band, I thought there was a lot of potential there. Was there an unbearable dickhead in it, was that the issue? There's always one of those. [/quote] Alas! One of those people that did things and you just though, Are you [i]serious[/i]?! I thought there was a good chance there too, the new stuff theyve got going on is well worth checking out, the recordings are brilliant but the live show doesnt have that "oomph" anymore. And as for death, i could be posting this from beyond the grave...
  13. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='574221' date='Aug 19 2009, 02:30 PM']No further questions. Just sounded like a ploy to get you out of the band?[/quote] Heh! Your probably right, There was seven of us, I'd never thought of it as a sort of musical nazi cleansing! Ah the conspiracy unfolds...
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='574205' date='Aug 19 2009, 02:20 PM']Was that the band on Orange Unsigned? I thought they were still going?[/quote] Look at you go today! No, the band folded, then three of the original members asked the rest of us if we minded them using the same name to carry on. Anything else your honour?
  15. Well Inspector! Theres one or two things im not jinxing just yet Last time i raved on about it my band folded!
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='574160' date='Aug 19 2009, 01:54 PM']So that's a "no" then?[/quote] If you like! I believe its enough for me to offer some useful insight
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='573780' date='Aug 19 2009, 08:42 AM']Have you got any endorsements...?[/quote] I've been offered endorsements yes, one fell through with my old band (Trace Elliot) and the other more recent one just didnt seem worth it (TC Electronics) - I was offered 30% off the RRP, Which ended up being about a tenner less than the thomann price! heh.
  18. [quote name='YouMa' post='573734' date='Aug 19 2009, 01:57 AM']Get very famous. Who really gives a sh*t mate ive never heard of you. This sort of thing which actually counts,ie free decent stuff is only given to you if you are making these guys or a record company serious money.No offence to you and i guess thats my access all areas down the tube when you make it. Sorry guys who are with bill smith guitars etc but if you are not making a lot of money nobody gives a sh*t,and why should they?[/quote] Not making money and not having exposure are VERY different things these days! You can most definately have one and not the other (although money rarely comes wihtout exposure). Manufacturers are looking for both. There are a lot of bands with "core" followings that im sure joe public wont have heard of, but their fans are really ravenous when it comes to showing support and lots of brands are jumping on these - I know at least three "hardcore" drummers that are endorsed through various levels and theyre still playing the same old venues 2 years down the line. secondly, from what ive found speaking to a few PR guys at amp companies specifically, is that they like people who have some character and charisma. If your not the kind of music or not quite branded enough to be what they're looking for, you can always win them over with a bit of cheek and a good sense of humour! And of course, theirs the age old saying, if you dont ask, you dont get!
  19. [quote name='benzies123' post='571826' date='Aug 17 2009, 05:36 PM']In a shop in Plymouth I found a very curious Spector bass guitar a while back, at the time I didn't think much of it, but looking back it may have been a brilliant deal. So the point of this post is; Does any one know what this Spector is and how valuable it is? It's a 4 string with the normal Euro shape (I think) in a scarey sparkly gold finish, It most notably only had one Humbucker and nothing else. Can you name it?[/quote] What are the Chances! I live in blackpool but i remember visiting my grandad and seeing that bass! In the pawn shop opposite the road from a mcdonalds? (Well, more perpendicular too it, but yeah) It was up at £300 iirc, I think it wa sa performer, and i wanted it!
  20. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='570704' date='Aug 16 2009, 03:27 PM']Forgot to mention, the Omni 10 has been discontinued so you won't be seeing many of these for sale! [/quote]
  21. [quote name='grimbeaver' post='570122' date='Aug 15 2009, 06:40 PM']I got a jaydee, warwick$$, and a gibson Tbird if anyone near Blackburn wants to have a swap for a week or 2[/quote] I'd love to give that T'bird a whirl. Although ive only got a 75RI Jazz! Hmm...
  22. post up the URL link instead of the spotify link man
  23. Ooft, This could be fun... I'd probably do it in sets, Set 1, 60's Sunburst P -> Aguilar DB750 -> DB410 Set 2, Sadowsky NYC Jazz -> Mesa 400+ -> Bergantino 610 Set 3, Ritter -> Thunderfunk 550 -> 2x EA whizzy 12's Set 4, MM Bongo -> GK1001RBII -> 2x Schroeder 1212 Wow, this could go on forever...
  24. This looks a lot like the 10.5 jamesF built for me. and if it is, you wont be dissapointed!
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