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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='478069' date='May 3 2009, 08:41 AM']Get a jazz of some shape/description/pricerange that feels good & treat yourself to a Sadowsky outboard preamp. Job done.[/quote] I think you may well be right. I think im fighting a losing battle against going corporate! I played a 75RI the other day that i reallly liked. /i even think those are mexican these days arnt they? Hmm! On a lighter note, my first gig with these guys tonight, im excited!
  2. Its completly bass specific for me! I do like having the option to have a passive switch on an active bass though. I dont think id be happy with my slap tone on a passive bass and thats about my only commited answer!
  3. Well! Sorry ive been away a bit, we got a last minute deal to go to spain and boy, did i enjoy myself. Although ive come back liking mountains and pece and quiet... Anyway, After the departure of my old band i swiftly sold all my gear expecting not to play for the next ten years... how wrong i was! I've just signed a two and a half year contract with The Locals, a cracking blackpool based band. Thus, i need a new bass. But my outlook to custom gear and the likes has changed somewhat. With all thses contracts and business decisions i really do think i want a Tool that fits a purpose. Have a listen to the music, www.myspace.com/thelocalsblackpool - The old bassist used a jazz and i think it sounds quite nice myself, but live i really need a bit more drive which is why im thinking a jaguar might do the trick. Answers on a postcard! And if anyone does have a Jag they can post soundclips of i'd be mighty pleased.
  4. Used to be! I dont even own my own bass anymore... Mind you, that should change very shortly. I have big things on the horizon
  5. What exactly are you asking recomendations for matey? Programs? What bass to use? What lines to play? In that order; - For one bass sample audacity should be ample. Its freeware. quick google should do the trick. - The bass your wanting to exhibit...! - A line that shows the strengths of the basses tone. Simple example being i'd find a dusty end run would sound better to my ears on a jazz than a P.
  6. I really dont think its worth spending more than about £20 for ipod headphones. I'd go the extra mile for studio/hi-fi but the age old phrase "your rigs only as good as your worst component" - If the components a 70p heapdphone pre i'm happy to pay for comfort and a bit of extra bass and thats about it! FWIW i use JVC in ears, [url="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&sku=536085&Q=&is=REG&A=details"]These in fact[/url], and theyre very comfy and i dont have to think about what im listeninng too. they just do a job when im out and about
  7. Common sense tells me that if you found the 610 not bassy enough then you definately wont like they smaller lighter model any better. Unfortunately i dont have any experiance with either!
  8. MythSte


    [quote name='josh3184' post='435714' date='Mar 16 2009, 12:52 AM']lol, fair enough. Nice to have a moderator that owes me love. [/quote] talk sense boy.
  9. MythSte


    [quote name='josh3184' post='435711' date='Mar 16 2009, 12:44 AM']oh ste, you did not just become a moderator...![/quote] Its okay, I dont have a girlfriend anymore!
  10. MythSte


    Ladies and Gentlemen! If we can kindly refrain from chasing new members away it would be much appreciated! the subject has been discussed to death and if anyone has any qualms with pricing then a polite PM to the seller is all that is advised. If not you can be happy in the knowladge it wont sell! Thankyou and Goodnight
  11. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='433745' date='Mar 13 2009, 02:56 PM']You would be better off with Firewire than USB because of the way the processing is handled. I would go for the Edirol/Sonar audio interfaces - (Sonar Cakewalk use them, which is what I have) - they are VERY good. Seperate drivers, no mucking about, the works. If you use USB and your PC and/or soundcard is even slightly off it's game you will just sign up for a world of latency pain.[/quote] Im going to agree and disagree on the firewire/USB debate. Yes, If your recording over 4-6 tracks youll need firewire to handle the data, but i've found anything under that even USB 1 seems to be quite happy.
  12. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='433458' date='Mar 13 2009, 11:56 AM']I think one of the Fender Stu Hamm or Urge or something basses had a JPJ configuration[/quote] Yes indeedy, but i too would be interested to see a P at the back and j in the "normal" position. Humm...!
  13. one of the reviews in my old band started "OHMYGODTHERESTOOMUCHAHPPENINGTHEREGOESMYBRAIN" //meh!
  14. [quote name='silddx' post='432329' date='Mar 12 2009, 12:32 PM']I bought a box of 5000 staples in September last year. After I had carefully checked the contents, I found there were three missing! I complained bitterly to the shop, who then contacted the manufacturer. I received an envelope in the post few days later containing an apology and not three, but TEN staples! I was made up [/quote] Im going to formally remove a "life" point for that...
  15. [quote name='Toasted' post='429394' date='Mar 9 2009, 02:18 PM']I'm happy to take offers on these headphones.[/quote] Dont say that, i really cant...! Bump up the price!
  16. [quote name='deksawyer' post='429359' date='Mar 9 2009, 01:47 PM']FYI - the 60's are identical to the 80's apart from the 80's having bigger, more comfortable foam pads. Very good cans. D.[/quote] I'm not entirely sure this is true, I was under the impression there where different chambers behind the drivers? Im going from memory here though!
  17. I really like Peds Style. Great Groove. Get him a haircut and a nice set of threads and he could really be something
  18. Have you been in what used to be sound control in preston recently Al? Theyve got some cracking basses in there, a load od sandbergs and a beautifull 70's RI Jazz that i very almost put money down for. I had to run out the shop! Lovely Lot youve got there!
  19. A quick google tells me that indie do a union jack bass that comes in at around £300 (which is still about £250 to much imo....) But this company is taking the piss... [url="http://www.importedinstruments.com/acatalog/info_26.html"]http://www.importedinstruments.com/acatalog/info_26.html[/url] £900?!!?!
  20. [quote name='josh3184' post='427786' date='Mar 7 2009, 12:59 AM']dooo it ste![/quote] Hey if you wanna lend me the money untill my bank gets of it's arse then be my guest! My stepdad has a pair he won't let me use and they are something else.
  21. [quote name='The Funk' post='426123' date='Mar 5 2009, 01:15 PM']Ooh, controversial [/quote] Sorry, i meant to litter it with smilies!
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