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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1229263' date='May 12 2011, 08:14 PM']I`ve also been waiting on hearing how these amps perform. Don`t suppose a review is in order yet Denny?[/quote] +1. they seem to be very keenly priced.
  2. As above, I wouldnt worry about cranking the gain a bit more. Ive had a little mark 2 in the past and unlike amps of old (Trace Elliot are prime culprits) the knobs are all pretty linear. It used to be the case that you'd get clipping around 12 o'clock on a passive bass when in reality the gain was about 80%. Also remember that by setting the gain higher and master lower you'll be getting a higher signal to noise ratio - I think!
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1225374' date='May 9 2011, 06:18 PM']That's got to be one of the stupidest & most pointless cabs I've ever seen! [/quote] but my Lord you could have my first born son if you got me one of those and a roadie or two.
  4. I honestly think you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between basswood and alder as well. I'd use the bongo as an example but as someone pointed out, there's so much electriky gubbins going on in one of those it's probably not a fair representation!
  5. Have any of you whining about the bridge actually seen it?! It's thicker than the BBoT and has brass saddles. Quite nice if you ask me.
  6. [quote name='risingson' post='1220466' date='May 5 2011, 12:09 AM']Nice, saw you had your old electric upright for sale and was tempted but alas, zero cash. I missed tonight but I'll get down next Wednesday, sounds promising.[/quote] I might meet you lot down there for a pint if you'll have me! Get to know your local mod or something!
  7. Hi from paddys wigwam! (there or there abouts!)
  8. Is this a US Standard or Special series?
  9. Aye, great basses Corts but they really don't tend to hold their value. Id expect to see it sell for £400-£500
  10. [quote name='cocco' post='1208889' date='Apr 23 2011, 08:20 AM']That 6x12 looks mean![/quote] I wouldn't trust any cab that claims "guaranteed results with guitar and bass".
  11. Aye, there are a lot better basses out there than the OLPs. The build quility on them - in my experience - leaves a lot to be desired. Especially considering you could get a Yamaha or a good old quality Westone as suggested!
  12. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1208222' date='Apr 22 2011, 12:57 PM']I'm sorry we couldn't do a deal mate but I'm sure you'll be happy with what your new BB424. The passive ones sound better IMHO. Enjoy fella.[/quote] Not to worry Al! I actually got this one as a bit of a steal and I wouldnt have spotted it if I didnt go hunting for one after yours! £250 for a 5 piece neck and string through body with Yamaha reliability. Really can't complain at all. I've spent all morning learning songs I couldnt play before on my Jazz as my hands would cramp up, really appreciating the slightly wider neck!
  13. [quote name='JTUK' post='1208138' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:39 AM']No..I would have said the same thing. Also, being seeing the attraction of a PJ config these days.[/quote] Aye. PJ seems the way forward. In a band situation I think I'd be hard pushed to tell the difference tonally between full on PJ vs full on JJ, however the difference between the neck P and neck J solo'd is huge. Sorry, completely missed the P body thing!
  14. I'm trying to fathom a way you could have a bridge that has 2 "preset" action settings that can be changed at the flick of a switch. I have some songs which require a high action and deep bassy tone and others that sound better with a bit of fretboard clang and that sort of thing. Intonation would be an issue I guess. Hmm.
  15. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='1207913' date='Apr 22 2011, 09:01 AM']Quality stuff - I've become a big Yammy fan of late - here's my contribution, a TRB6 JPII[/quote] It was you that made me think twice about Yamahas Al! I've got to admit, I've fallen quite in love with my BB424 now! Really meaty, especially compared to my jazz. That TRB is possibly the nicest I've ever seen!
  16. I don't think the necks are quite as chunky but they're definitely thicker than a jazz - Yamaha BB?
  17. I can't stand youtubing and Spotify is actually my main source of music. Even if I own a track its easier to put it into a playlist with tracks I don't on spotify and listen that way. I'm annoyed ive found out there's no BB app!
  18. [quote name='goblin' post='1207570' date='Apr 21 2011, 09:42 PM']Yup I've got a Storm2 and have been waiting for ages. I can run it on my dad's HTC Legend, or an Iphone. But they've then gone and made it compatible with Palms and stuff. Surely the BlackBerry is more popular than a Palm?![/quote] You'd think so! The annoying thing is Grooveshark DOES have a BB app, although I hate the layout and general feel of it so I wouldnt want to pay for it.
  19. [quote name='goblin' post='1207560' date='Apr 21 2011, 09:36 PM']There isn't an app for BlackBerry yet though I dunno what I'm going to do, I tried out the 7 day trial and then afterwards the cheeky b*****ds took a month fee out of my bank account. Cancelled it now, but at least an email saying my trial was coming to an end would be nice! I can't see the point in keeping premium though, but I don't like having a cap put on what I listen too. Especially when I'm doing a show or something like that, I want to familiarise myself with what I'm playing. Shouldn't have to pay for that![/quote] Oh Crap. Well thats that idea out the window then! heh.
  20. Well, Ive gone and done it! Best cheap(ish) bass I've ever had.
  21. I think I'm going to upgrade to be honest. It'd be nice to be able to use my blackberry as a dedicated music device rather than carrying my ipod around as well. On top of which with premium you can stream at 320kbps which is something ive wanted for a while. Its a shame, for sure. But its a great service that I'm willing to pay for.
  22. Played Dance Stage East in '08. I cant wait to hopefully get there again!
  23. After working at a music shop I'm almost certain they're losing money on that.
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' post='1207314' date='Apr 21 2011, 05:48 PM']I've just restrung my Steinberger with a set of Trace Elliott Stainless Steel strings bought from FunkyMonk for a rediculous £9.00. I had quite a low opinion of this bass - well, the p/ups really - however after having a 30 minute bash I'm having a change of heart. Can it be as simple as a new set of strings to breathe new life into an instrument??[/quote] In a word, Yes! I'm pretty sure I've sold basses that I thought I'd slowly fallen out of love with when really all they needed was a fresh set of wires. Ugh.
  25. [quote name='JayPH' post='1203496' date='Apr 18 2011, 12:31 PM']Thanks Pete. The saddle for that string is quite high now and I'm concerned it's applying too much pressure in that area. Could be prone to snap. Mind you, I don't know how high is too high. I don't know what the fretboard curve is?[/quote] Chris May (of overwater) describes it perfectly, a bass neck is not straight, but should be "ski" shaped. That is to say that around the 7th fret it starts ever so slightly bending inwards, towards the strings. A good way of measuring this bend is to hold down the string at the first and last fret and then seeing how big a gap there is under the string at the 12th fret. Ideally it should be around a mm (ish!). How far away the strings are from the neck normally is totally down to personal preference, and is subject to change when you tweak the neck, so experiment with the bridge saddles and see what is comfortable. You can't really do any damage here but do watch your intonation - If you want an explaination of what that is then just ask!
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