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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. I had a number of endorsements on the table before the band went south - I just e-mailed away trying to target a bit of a weak spot in most companies. For example Trace Elliot, still seen a bit as your dads company. Tell them you can change that. For basses its easy in the UK, no one apart from Fender believes they have enough coverage so they'll jump on anything with a glint of promise. The one thing they all want is facts and figures though. Shows a year and media coverage is pretty much expected in e-mail one. Hope this helps Stephen
  2. [quote name=':amaze:' post='362387' date='Dec 23 2008, 10:06 PM']right now i've got a 1x15 and a 4x10 stacked. i'll be upgrading both of them soon, probably to a 2x12 and 4x10 stack, as i don't need the super low end of the 15.[/quote] Facepalm. Bass Ferrets right on the money. Some good reading there!
  3. [quote name='grimbeaver' post='361857' date='Dec 23 2008, 12:09 PM']my garage and my rigs for all occasions[/quote] *sigh* This thread kills me
  4. [quote name='steve' post='361600' date='Dec 23 2008, 12:29 AM']what kind of things are you lookng to px for ste?[/quote] You know, im not sure. something interesting! maybe something i can mod a bit. might even work on my fretless playing a bit! Try me
  5. [quote name='steve-norris' post='361458' date='Dec 22 2008, 09:50 PM']You guys, your just killing me I need a V4 but what with my first born son due feb 5th no chance.......either of you like kids? [/quote] Medium rare. PM me with an offer. you might be surprised.
  6. Bump, Will P/x against a bass of lower value!
  7. [quote name='Merton' post='360764' date='Dec 22 2008, 10:36 AM']I'm gonna bump this as well, just coz I feel bad since I've decided to sell my little brother to this and don't want to take the limelight. If you want the Trace valve experience, go for Stephen's one first [/quote] Dont be daft! I'm sure anyone looking will know a [i]Real[/i] V-type when they see one (thanks mate!!)
  8. Pre Christmas bump. Go on, Treat yourself.
  9. Bump, offers have been coming in thick and fast. I'm going to be making a decision soon!
  10. [quote name='GStar' post='355993' date='Dec 16 2008, 02:17 PM']Does that mean the Canteeen on the 28th is cancelled? [/quote] Theyre still begging us to play it, but I dont know if i want to after how twatish some of the guys have been. Sorry!
  11. Now I've had some time to reflect it's definately not such a bad thing. I'd spend 3 nights a week rehearsing then gig twice each week. College full time and work Saturday/Sunday! Definately refreshing to have some me time. Lots of enquiries, keep em coming!
  12. [quote name='steve-soar' post='356355' date='Dec 16 2008, 08:36 PM']How much did Ped sell it to you for?[/quote] Too much
  13. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='355860' date='Dec 16 2008, 12:28 PM']That didn't last long Sorry to here the reasons though. That Tribute I got off you has become my main gigging base! Good luck with the sale.[/quote] I know! Its a ballbreaker. I really enojoy the challange that 6 strings brought to me, but now im only going to be playing bass whilst kickin' it at home, i want something cool and comfortable.
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='355688' date='Dec 16 2008, 10:13 AM']£15 and a [b]Cadburys Snack bar.[/b][/quote] Do i look like im on a diet?! As for price - We all know the one at denmark street at 1799 has been there pretty much since amps where invented. A v4 went recently for 600, a v8 for 1000 and something, so somewhere between the two would be reasonable. It is currently out of action due to a fuse being stuck. I have a quote of 50 quid to fix it. If you want it before i fix it i'll be more open to negotiation. I must also note, im open to part ex's on small combos. Cheers!
  15. whatever anyones willing to pay for it really! So far Benwhites the highest bidder at 3.67 and a sherbert dip.
  16. Please see [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34376&pid=355660&st=0&#entry355660"]This[/url] thread for reason for sale! Used Yamaha TRB1006, Id say 8-10 condition wise. has a few nicks here and there. But overall a great gigging bass. 3 band active EQ vol/blend trans black top over flamed maple I only have live pics and stock pics atm, but ill get more up asap. looking for 400 + p&p Thanks, Stephen
  17. This is difficult for me to do. Those of you that have been following the band etc will be sad to hear that its now officially over. Its been 2 years of hard graft, and ive had lots of enjoyable times but lack of money, too much stress, and a horrible mix of anxiety and anger (from other members!) we decided enough is enough. With all this going on, ive been a bit, well, a lot of an idiot and still not got round to paying off the rest of what i owe on this amp to our very own Ped. So i will be asking that not only will some of the final cost go to him, but i'll also make a 10% donation to BC. Heres specs and pics. -200 watt all tube, with a Half power switch (great for lower volume tube saturation) -1x15 custom trace elliot driver (sounds very much like the mesa boogie diesel range) -custom TE horn unit -Footswitchable overdrive channel -footswitchable Tube compressor -External Biasing (you can bias your own tubes and not get fried!) -Speaker out for 4 and 8 ohms -effects loop -LED gain meter - This isnt your usual gain light... Its an LED strip on the last pre-amp tube, lighting from the top and the bottom, and when the lights meet your saturating the power tubes and theres your lovely thick tube overdrive. And heres the best picture i have to hand... Any questions the please do fire away. Im not giving up bass. I'll sort out something next year im sure. Cheers guys.
  18. I used a schroder and markbass LM2 with BRILLIANT results. I used the pair at glastonbury
  19. I have owned an omni 10.5 and a Schroder 1212R - And listened to my schroder 1212R A/B'd against an omni 10, so i think im in a position to be of some use! (for once...? ) anyway, i actually think you'll be really disappointed if you switch from the schroeder. While the BFMs cut really well they really lack punch and depth (IMO) If you've got a wicked ace PA and your backline really is simply for hearing yourself, one omni 10.5 will cope. But i like being able to come home after a long day and get some really nice deep tone, which i just couldnt get with the BFM cab, but came with the schroeder in oodles! Weigh up what you need. If at all possible keep the schroeder until the build has finished so you can really decide weather its worth the trade offs! Good luck! Stephen
  20. okay, about 3 years worth of basses... [b]Encore P Bass[/b] Sounded just like a P bass. Played like our washing line! [b] Cort Artisan C4LTD[/b] Lovely wenge neck. Really playable, had my first forray into flatwound strings with this. Just got a bit bored (worst reason EVER) [b]Squier VMJ[/b] The nicest Fender ive ever played! Sounded just like a jazz should, played fantastically. Awful pickups though, they howled when not both where on full! [b]Ibanez EDA905[/b] My first venture into 5 strings. I think the neck was a bit dodgy though, played awfully! really thick tone though. lovely to listen too. [b]Custom "Mule" workhorse[/b] Made my Rob Parnham in nottingham. Played and looked like something else, but just sounded a bit lifeless. Shame as it was the perfect bass for me. [b]Yamaha BB605[/b] Really useful semi parametric EQ and it just oozed full bodied tone. but the electronics where really noisy. Shame that. [b]Lakland 55-01 DLX[/b] This probably would have lasted a lot longer if it didnt weigh the same as me! One of those fantastically balanced tones, zing and thickness. I want another 55-01 now in fact! [b]Musicman Bongo 5 HS[/b] Dream bass. Unitll i got it in the band I just couldnt get the balance in tone i wanted between nazal MM tone and hollow Jazzneck Pup tone. Real shame, played so nicely. [b]Bacchus Jazz 5 w/J retro[/b] Best bass i ever had. Full stop. Tone, playability, looks! Sold due to lack of money. Really regret that one. [b] G&L L2500 Tribute.[/b] F'kin horrible. One usable tone out of the plethora of knobs and switches, really didnt get on with the playability. and now? [b]Yamaha TRB1006[/b] My first 6 string, Very solid instrument and a great introduction to sixers. I think ill be moving it on for a five string soon but thats no reflection on the bass at all. I love playing it on my own but it gets a bit hard work on long gigs when im using the 6th string maybe once a set. So yeah, What do i win? (dont get me started on amps...!)
  21. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='349495' date='Dec 9 2008, 11:04 AM']I've added the link to my Feedback to my signature. What's more is I fell damned proud of myself for managing to do it. Hooray for me![/quote] As a solutions kinda guy, this seems like a cracking idea.
  22. [quote name='AM1' post='347680' date='Dec 7 2008, 03:22 AM']Tell me more!!!!! Also, I have been looking at FleaBay - might be a bit dubious though, buying a 2nd hand bass...what should I be looking for??[/quote] It definately is a bigger risk, but you will have more chance of selling it on with no loss if its not what your after. Its time and effort but you'll have more experience of what you like and dont like. (this is my excuse for going through FAR too many basses in the last year or so anyway!) As for what you should be looking for as far as the auction is concerned. play before you buy, or at least meet in person. Its a lot of money and its not worth being ripped off. Alternativly there are a shed load of basses for sale on here. Maybe some that you hadnt thought of checking out too! Generally speaking, there are better deals to be had here too, and you get the support of the forum if something goes wrong, which has proven invaluable recently!
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