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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. I do apologize. My insinuation that you where someone that you are, indeed not was not meant to be taken in such a way. There's only so much tone you can impart across the internetz - as we are all becoming well aware of! Do enjoy your stay ^_^
  3. Will you be my wife? haha. letting us know what music you play, what sound you like and and what amp you'll be playing through will give us a better idea fo what to suugest! Enjoy yoursellfff
  4. Turns out me and my band are playing a rather large christmas ball at Blackpool Wintergardens on the 27th December - but im away in spain at the time! Ive got a couple of last resort people but id rather someone who had the following -5 (or more) string bass, some of our stuff is in B and C and really needs a fat fifth string -Finger player, unfortunately a pick just doesnt sit in our mix -Someone who is happy to play off stage, maybe even to just a click track through headphones. I know this is asking a lot, and payment will be in the form of food and drink and a great night out! Music can be heard by clicking the picture in my Sig. Cheers guys!
  5. [quote name='dood' post='346467' date='Dec 5 2008, 02:43 PM']Hey.. like... wow maaaaaaaaan, my ride is....oh wow! a tree maaaaaan! Lets go hug it![/quote] Your really not helping the long haired slightly dosy looking stereotype now are you?
  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='345574' date='Dec 4 2008, 03:48 PM']To get a US P-bass.[/quote] Your going the wrong way! we need to STOP buying basses! letting us see you buying basses isnt very supportive now is it?
  7. I will take the time to make myself as competent slapping on a 6 as i am on 5's and 4's. I'll never use it in a band context but its good fun and atm i just keep giving up!
  8. Kudos to you Beedster. Come on allen, play the game - No one on here deserves to be treated like this - let alone our long serving Beedster! He was just trying to kick start spending to sort this recession business out!
  9. Its no 1400 quid warwick but jesus!
  10. If you'd have said SB jazz with cream pickups i'd have turned my noes up at you, but that actually looks [i]really[/i] nice!
  11. [quote name='misrule' post='345122' date='Dec 4 2008, 09:35 AM']Is this your man? [url="http://www.faceparty.com/allen1uk"]http://www.faceparty.com/allen1uk[/url] Cheers Mark[/quote] Did this have pictures and information on it last night? Because its been wiped clean now... Not another Jake, please!!
  12. Just a Vote for Steve's business - He even waited for me while i picked up kids from school when we did our deal, not bad eh! This was my ultimate want at one point. alas - money? pah.
  13. If he done a deal with Rasta rasta will probably have his address? Failing that, i think a public phone number will teach him a lesson. I am sorry Beedster, you must be regretting coming back! Ever gigging up here feel free to burrow anything you need!
  14. Crikey... that looks fantastic! Ive never seen one of these before?
  15. Sorry, i didnt mean to bring it up in such a way! Merely trying to have a giggle... I hope i have not caused any offence and didnt mean to ressurect a dead subject etc etc. Jeeze.
  16. Greg, I think i can speak on everyones behalf saying its nice to have the warwick guys on the BC friendlist! We need to make a pact with finnbass and take down TB. We will fight them on the fretboards!
  17. Good job man! are you allowed to talk to us about contracts etc? Id be interested to hear the juice.
  18. I think ive just watched that about 6 times in a row. I think the bit i love the most is that the guy walking away raises his hands as if to say "why did no one tell me he wouldnt just bow down and take it?" Sad thing is i bet this guy gets his bike torn apart
  19. I wouldnt mind popping a fiver a year in to have access to another for sale section.
  20. 12 hour recording session. Followed by some beers. Lead singer whos been there about half an hour pipes up "Plan guys, got a photographer coming!" Bah! heres my best pose considering
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='338056' date='Nov 27 2008, 08:27 AM']There are many musicians whose only wish is to make the world a better plaice ...[/quote] No one else noticed this? Genious! haha. We get paid a few hundred every gig now. Keeps our studio going. Investment innit. Id be scared to have to make a living off it without label backing though.
  22. [quote name='steve-norris' post='338880' date='Nov 27 2008, 08:08 PM']With Kev on this one there are already plenty of outlets to flog assorted c**p a[/quote] My argument is if we limit it to members that have made a good contribution to the site then we know we have the great basschat community behind us. surely with that added safety more features cant be a bad thing?
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