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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Can someone meet steve on the way for a quick knife and gun search? Lets not make a bad situation worse
  2. A Misc forum for fully fledged members would be good. Maybe a few hundred before your allowed in though!
  3. Thats one cracking looking rig, want vintage trace?
  4. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30336"]This[/url] shiney ashdown on top of it would look the dogs danglies.
  5. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=30719"]Gwaan[/url], you know you want too!
  6. General Consensus seems to be that as long as you keep an ear out for any noises emanating from the cab that shouldn't be, youll be okay!
  7. Ignore me. Note to self, Read posts properly before posting
  8. Definately! And i just realised i suggested a cab, not a combo, sorry! Hmm...
  9. Yes, your are making sense. And meh. Lifes what you make it?
  10. Even though i had a bongo and was so so about it. A Stealth Bongo 6 would be my go to should the band ever take off. I think its a thing of beauty!
  11. MythSte

    eden nemesis?

    I used to have the monstrous 810 nemesis combo. It sounded ace. I really regret letting it go atm!
  12. [quote name='jamesf' post='324965' date='Nov 8 2008, 08:11 PM'] These also make excellent PA speakers, and I used this very cab as part of my home theatre for a while as well - stunning stereophony and tight low end. I'm using this one's sister with an LMII and couldn't be happier.[/quote] Ahh, You got a LM2! I knew you'd crack Sorry for the thread hijack! This used to be mine, and the bottom end is really, very tight.
  13. Shoot Dave_l_Perry a PM. I know hes in preston and has one. Mind you, if i had a bass like that i probably wouldnt let anyone from Barnsley at it Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  14. +1 for the If it aint broke thing! The only thing this place could do with is a business title to become the sort of crack converters... but for basses! Although, It would need someone whos got a LOT of money, a LOT of time, a LOT of know how, and a LOT going wrong in their noggin... Doctorofthebass?
  15. If it was me, I'd use the Markbass LittleMark 2 head with Genz cabs!! The heads are down to personal preference, I prefere the "edginess" of the LM2, You may prefere the tube in the pre section of the shuttle. Cabs wise, Markbass cabs seem to get very mixed reviews. Personally i dont think they do the LM2 Justice, Ive tried the 410. The Genz Cabs are pretty unanimously awsome Good luck!
  16. Its in blackpool so if anyone wants a punt and wants me to go over with a check list then let me know!
  17. Tbh, to buy it and defret it would still be better value than any other bass on the market. And the side markers are already in the "right" place for a fretless
  18. As far as im aware, you could quite easily bias the tubes a little colder (forgive the poor terminology, i dont [i]really[/i] know what im on about) as the Trace V heads have that lovely bias trim on the back.
  19. Hold out and get one cheaper than that. I rekon you can pull one for sub 100 if your careful!
  20. I work in Bargain Booze, and ive managed to talk to three people about my bass gear so far. i should well work in a bass shop! Seriously though, Basschat should open a bass shop. One in manchester and one in london. We'd own the world.
  21. Oh, and josh is a stand up chappy. And there is NO REASON ON THIS PLANET not to buy it. Sorry kev
  22. Is this just a posh way of telling us we all need to play [i]jazz[/i]
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