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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. I think i agree. When im playing lots and doing a load of studio work im fine, but when we have a break i start finding faults and excuses! Gas is half the fun! heh.
  2. thats what i was laughing at! I got two random big blokes to move my V4 at a festival last week! heh. Im sure this sounds cracking! Would make a great first rig infact!
  3. [quote name='ped' post='272593' date='Aug 29 2008, 02:43 PM']Oh crikey, I want this!! What a superb rig, brilliant condition too. £400 is an outstanding price![/quote] lol
  4. Yeah, be a bit more purcussive with your bass. Tap the strings while the guitarist does verses etc. I wouldnt do it myself, good luck!
  5. [quote name='cheddatom' post='271058' date='Aug 27 2008, 03:06 PM']I just googled granny in image search. Do not do the same if you have "safe search" turned off!... ...unless like me you have certain disgusting fetishes.[/quote] Twat.
  6. Yeah, I'd be afraid of being told do do one by soundguys!
  7. [quote name='Merton' post='270991' date='Aug 27 2008, 01:44 PM']What do tits sound like? At the moment, mostly "Ow! Get off!" [/quote] Depends whats on them when they're played.
  8. My Lord I think thats the most beautiful bass ive seen on here!! If you want a Bacchus Jazz with a J-Retro Let me know, eesh!
  9. Yeah, i think it was a terminology mixup as he said he would be running a signal into each side of his stereo power amp and would need another Pre.
  10. I suppose its not technically Bi-amping though. Just Wet-Dry mix. So it shouldnt matter about full range cabs. Either way, i bet it'll sound ace as tits.
  11. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='270515' date='Aug 26 2008, 07:28 PM']Bit puzzled about why you have so much thread sticking up from the saddles on the 3rd and 5th stings in the top photo - cant really see on the other but it looks like those saddles are lower than the others. I would expect the saddles to follow the radius of the fingerboard (unless its flat).[/quote] I know i for one prefer to have each of my strings at an individually suited height as opposed to "following the radius", For example my G is a little higher than the rest because its lighter and requires less attack - If it followed the radius id get a horrible clack from it, however i want a bit of clank from my B, E and A so their all lower.
  12. I had a 55-01 DLX and really loved it but it was just so damned HEAVY! definately something to watch out for!
  13. Excuse me, I think your the last person on earth that should be worried about being excessive, youve come this far! lol! ^_^
  14. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='270166' date='Aug 26 2008, 12:42 PM']So I am faced with another dilema having had another idea for my rig setup. I had decided to get 2 matamp 2x15's which is pretty excessive and loud and 1 is probably enough but I like the look and power that I'll be feeling from the pair but thinking about it, it is my own monitor and while we still do some gigs without large PA support it does happen so I know I need at least one cab. The drummer and guitarist both use wired in ears but don't have individual mix which is not really ideal, but we use backing tracks so they need them for the click and backing tracks and I though hell why not join in the fun and not really have any monitoring concerns at any gig. We have a new mixer coming in to give them 2 individual mixs I'm not to fussed about my mix as long as I have control over the mix as a whole and my bass separately. The system I was looking at was this [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_iem_100_863_mhz.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_tbone_iem_100_863_mhz.htm[/url] most of the talk about IEM's seems to be about the actual headphones so I'd upgrade to some Shures or Elicin's. So I'm after any advice on setting this up and what I need. I'm currently thinking something like a 4 channel line mixer, that wireless, an X2 rackmount wireless so I can run around everywhere, but I wondered if it was worth using a multiple DI setup in my rack and mixing that myself and sending the combined signal to my IEM and to the FOH. Or should I just get 2 2x15's and rock out [/quote] Tough call! ...Both?
  15. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='269919' date='Aug 26 2008, 12:18 AM']oh blimey another one I can contribute to... I might try and get DrPepperUK back and see if he can post some of his amps. I believe he's still got a hexavalve...[/quote] One day Kiwi, one day ill have that amp!
  16. 15 with horn indeed! and there be 200 watts worth of valves! An extension cab is DEFINATELY necessary, no matter what guitarists/drummer/singer/synthists/girlfriends tell me.
  17. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='269365' date='Aug 25 2008, 11:22 AM']Don't know much about those V-types. How does it sound against a drummer?[/quote] Itd stick him to the wall if i wanted it too! Trace's voicing have always made them "loud" amps, Let alone this voicing with an all tube layout. Tastey.
  18. [u][b]Amps I've Owned[/b][/u] [list] [*]BB Blaster, 10 watts of PAAAIIIN! [*]Roland Cube 30 [*]Warwick Pro Fet 3.2/410Pro [*]Eden Nemesis NC810 [*]DHA VT-5 Valve Pre/Ashdown Mag300/Hartke 2200pro [*]Ashdown Mag300/Warwick ND12/Warwick ND15 [*]Gallien Krueger 1001RBII/Warwick ND12/Warwick ND15 [*]Gallien Krueger 1001RBII/Schroeder 1212R [*]Markbass LM2/Schroeder 1212R [*]Trace Elliot V4 1x15 combo [/list] [u][b]Awards[/b][/u] [b]Best Looking Amp[/b] Tough one! The Warwick Neos looked cracking with the black and grey, especially with the GK sat on top, however the plethora of knobs on the VT5 was quite visually impressive too! [b]Loudest Amp[/b] probably the Eden Nemesis NC810, Although i havnt had much time with the trace, and it had PLENTY of juice left even at an outdoor festival the other day. [b]Best Live Sound[/b] The V4. Although the Markbass and schroeder has to come a close second. [b]Best Studio Sound[/b] I'll be using the V4 today, so ill get back to you on that!! [b]Most Commented Upon Live Sound [/b] Lots of compliments with regards to the schroeder and markbass again, but the V4 still has time [b]Most Frustrating Set Up to get a sound out of[/b] That DHA pre. Had no end of problems with it, then even when i did get one of the channels working it sounded like e Bee stuck behind a speaker! not good. [b]Overall Winner[/b] So far the Trace Elliot, purely because the tone and features are out of this world. And we've started getting people moving our gear for us, so the weight isnt an issue! Score!! Great thread
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='269183' date='Aug 24 2008, 10:45 PM']Off topic WOT but I saw [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FENDER-JAZZ-BASS-VINTAGE-GUITAR-CANVAS-ART-PRINT_W0QQitemZ320289433963QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item320289433963&_trkparms=72%3A12|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]this[/url] and thought of you.[/quote] Do you know anything? WoT would vomit over those offset curves!
  20. [quote name='simondee' post='269193' date='Aug 24 2008, 11:08 PM']SWR blue series is amazing, but my drummer would have that lot for breakfast[/quote] seconded! mind you, anything thats not big enough to smuggle immigrants in has to be cranked to get over our drummer
  21. Im watching some kind of monster on TMF now in fact, i dont know how i feel about them! heh.
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