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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. VERY interested. I'll pm you when im home tomorrow!
  2. I go through em like nobodies business! But so far my bacchus is keeping me happy and she's all I need!
  3. [quote name='Merton' post='254911' date='Aug 4 2008, 10:50 PM']Might be easier to ask Trace Elliot themselves, there was a dude who used to know the TE serial number system but he's disappeared off the forum a long time ago. Sorry I can't be more use![/quote] Your gas will be pleased to hear that peds V4 now resides with me
  4. Cracking deal on a cracking amp with a cracking guy. Even offered me a beer, then realised he didnt have any. but its the thought that counts?
  5. I think you need to replace that bartolini with a DarkStar [i]then [/i]We're talkin'!
  6. Im really sorry to hear this after all the effort you've been putting in sarah!! But if you have to cancel the gig to make way for it do it sooner rather than later. With three weeks notice and a valid reason most venues wont mind. the day before because someones cats died wont cut it!
  7. WoT; We played a Drum and Bass/Dubstep Festival in just north of the dumfries in the middle of no-where a week or so ago, im still finding midge bites!!!
  8. Agree about the mods, but they sound reversable. If you happen to sell it on ebay in a few years time whack the original electronics and pickups back in and no one has to know!
  9. Trade for a bacchus Jazz with a J retro...?
  10. looks to me like a 4 to 5 string mod at the bridge, you can make out the twist tuner on the bridge itself
  11. [quote name='Josh' post='258903' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:27 PM']And it's not necessarily the first letter.[/quote] EBS? PS, mine was much more creative ^_^
  12. [quote name='Josh' post='258893' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:18 PM']B.......................................[/quote] Hmm.
  13. [quote name='Josh' post='258885' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:05 PM']Come on man, who else on here is more in love with a certain piece Trace Elliot engineering, maybe RussJm but my guess was on Ped as soon as you said "And i dont think most of you will believe he's parting with it!", and the combo happens to be loaded with valves and tubes Tell you what man, I've just secured a deal myself on a new head, and I bet I could make mine alot harder to guess [/quote] Game on!
  14. And i thought it was already pretty damn hard!
  15. Ped dosnt have a head! He has a combo, But you wouldnt be wrong if you guessed that!!
  16. Im rather proud of that one! Anyway, anyone care to guess which model I'm getting an off whom?
  17. [quote name='Josh' post='258873' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:48 PM']I'm guessing a Trace Elliot maybe.[/quote] Would you like to inform everyone how you got there! Good job
  18. [quote name='cd_david' post='258864' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:37 PM']Something black and white with a bad ass?[/quote] That would have been good if it was a bass, but im getting a new amp!!
  19. If i was still working this would be a perfect backup bass. urgh. Damn employers think they know everything
  20. Okay clue of the day! Haha, Man, im good.
  21. I heard a guy playing a status finger style at a recent festival and the sound was HUGE. Not what id expected from a status at all.
  22. I think a 5 string vigier would be just about the only thing to temp me away from my beloved Bacchus!
  23. Ive always thought Marcus Miller looks really in the groove, and thats cool to me! Same with Stanly Clarke actually.
  24. Lol!! Should have seen that one coming! Ive been trying to think up some dead mystic clues.... not come up with much yet though
  25. We have a Yamaha Pacifica at our studio, really cracking guitars for the dough!
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