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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Yeah, after listening to your sound i think some aguilar would do you good
  2. [quote name='blueprint_42' post='217363' date='Jun 12 2008, 08:48 AM']P.S. I'm a new member so I can understand that I am yet to gain peoples trust as a seller, any of you unsure of me I'm sure Ste_m3 can vouch for me.[/quote] Ooo i suppose i could! Just to re-iterate, ive seen it and really, it is as new.
  3. [quote name='jamesf' post='216412' date='Jun 10 2008, 07:27 PM']Here's some photos of my recently completed rig. The cabs are BFM design, built them myself, 1 x omni 10, 2 x omni 10.5, all loaded with Eminence Deltalite II 2510's, no expense spared in getting all top-quality parts for them. Tweeters are wired series/parallel on the O10, and parallel in the 10.5's. Dual locking neutrik jacks on the 10.5's for daisy-chaining, up to the maximum power of 1000 watts at 2 Ohms. I only intended to make an omni 10, but then I wanted to compare it to a 10.5... after which it seemed such a shame to just leave half a sheet of plywood just sitting there when it could so easily be made into a monstrous bass rig... you know how it goes.[/quote] Ahh James! Where's my commision for turning you onto bfm gear eh! And I believe I showed you this place! Good too see ya
  4. [quote name='xgsjx' post='217252' date='Jun 11 2008, 10:36 PM']I don't know why digital distortion, just what I read somewhere else. I could be wrong on what it's called tho. I also didn't mean to imply that you don't know how to set gain etc, just trying to offer to anyone reading anything I learn (which I dare say there's more people on here know more than me as opposed to knowing less ), that way if I put something forward & it's incorrect then someone will correct me (hopefully) & we all gain that knowledge.[/quote] Yeah i realised i might have sounded a bit narky with my reply, sorry! Im sure someone will find it very helpful, and thanks for chiming in! ^_^ And as for the digital distortion... im really not sure what the correct term is! Im sure if we ask nicely BFM or AC will pop their heads round!
  5. yeah i use audacity for on the fly stuff, dead easy to use.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='217215' date='Jun 11 2008, 09:14 PM']Awww.. why did you have to go and say that? I have the matching amp and everything. [/quote] DO IT!! And ill take your schroeder
  7. Just like to add, im well aware about how to set gain etc. I just wondered if the extra voltage would change the EQ paremeters or anything. It was a back of the head niggle as i have nothing better to think about! ^_^
  8. where abouts are you based? We're re investing in a new van soon which means monster rig again!
  9. Good idea, but im afraid i dont want to embarress myself!
  10. im pretty sure that was a mesa boogie
  11. I dont think you'll struggle too much with the MarkBass cabs - as far as im aware theyre quite flat cabs and the LM2 is just a very flat head. I think my issue was that the GK i had before was low mid scooped, against the hump in the schroeder so i had a nice flat sound. The LM2 just delivers so much power to the lows i really had to cut back on the EQ, but then felt like i lost a substantial amount of growl. With further tweaking i found that by boosting the high mids a little and cutting back on the volume it really started to take shape! Im still thinking about adding a good compressor to it to tame those lows or maybe an MXR DI+ as ive found the eq on that very musically helpful before.
  12. Do i remember rightly that your using yours as a car sub atm?!
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' post='217103' date='Jun 11 2008, 06:42 PM']The shoulders tense and the eyebrows twitch of all 4x10" and 3x10" owners on Basschat. [/quote] You and your silly active cab dont count!
  14. Thankyou! I must say, the picture does take 10lbs off the schroeder, its not quite as small as it looks! A good balance of size and volume for sure. Id like to see a 4x10 that can match it.
  15. Yes sorry, it was a matter of balancing the EQ on the Markbass to suit the schroeder - which was actually a lot more difficult than the 6 knobs on the front might suggest! It felt like the markbass was really exagerating the natural low mid hump of the schroeder, to the point where even at medium bedroom volumes a certain few notes would be horribly boomy.
  16. Im gutted your in london tbh, id have loved to A/B my 1212R against your Light. and in fact against the 1210 too... mmm!
  17. Either or really! It dosnt affect me very much, i used to notice it a bit with my GK but not so much with the markbass.
  18. Does turning up the gain in a fully solid state head give a change in tone? Answers on a postcard?
  19. Well! Naturally, ive got some new stuff. Ive had to spend a bit of time matching the Markbass and the Schroeder but i think we're just about there now. The bacchus is just an all round brilliant bass. made even better by the J retro. so, here we are! My super loud, super easy, one trip gig rig!
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='216741' date='Jun 11 2008, 11:51 AM']Yeah, the Schroeder's sound a lot better out front in a mix than they do close up IME. And i would say the GK is scooping the mids (that was my findings anyway). I got a SA450 over a LMII to try and tame the mid bump of my 1210R but after a while i realised i liked it and although it can be a bit over powering on small stages out front the sound seems to even out quite a bit. I actually experienced the double octave thing with my GK higher up on the E and A strings.[/quote] Aye, its all becoming clearer now! i must say, since adding the markbass its becoming a lot more even right across the fretboard minus the boom area i was talking about, but i think ive got rid of that now. Im hoping this rig is going to be able to cope with Dance Stage East at Glastonbury - That will be the ultimate test!
  21. After having sat down for the last half an hour i think i might have done enough knob twiddling to get it all sorted! It seems to me that the markbass is really exagerating the mid hump alraedy in the schroeder (or maybe the GK was scooping it and ive just got used to it!) Come to think about it maybe this is what everyone means when they say that the Schroeders really arnt very nice solo'd. at first with everything flat it almost sounded like there was an Octave effect around the 5th to 7th frets on the B and E strings, but ive knocked off some of the lows and its cleaned up now. I could do all this with the J retro on my jazz but id rather use that for tone shaping than balls out EQ'ing. I might get chance too stretch it out on friday where i wont be going throug the PA for a gig (Scares the beejesus out of me that!) if i can find room in a car for it!
  22. Well ive been running a GK 1001RB untill i got the markbass and tonally it was perfect for me but we're running a bit tight on space untill we get a new van so i didnt have much of an option. I think im going to invest in an MXR bass DI as i found the EQ on it to be really usefull in the short space of time i had one. The markbass seems to be just missing the frequency thats bugging me! i mean, it sounds HUGE and i havnt had chance to use it in a band setting yet but i just have a feeling it might muddy up a touch. Failing that, it might be time to go lightweight cab shopping then just buy another GK when transport is less of an issue ^_^
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='216629' date='Jun 11 2008, 09:20 AM']Random thought aimed at no-one in particular... I'm vaguely considering letting my 21012L go and replacing it with a 410L or maybe even a 1210 / 1212. It's a fab cab, but I'm using P's with flatwounds and since I've moved to the MESA MPulse 600 the bottom-end has become MASSIVE.. great for roundwounds and a SS head, but a little overpowering for the bass and amp I'm using. I think I need something with a slightly tighter bottom end. We'll see. It's probably just a random GAS-for-the-sake-of-it attack.[/quote] I cant suggest the 1212R, although im not sure how different it is from the L version. Ive just got a Little Mark 2 and im [i]Really[/i] having to watch the low end dosnt get boomy. Im thinking i'm going to need to invest in a decent compressor in fact. Tonally its just creeeeaaaaammyyy though.
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