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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Machines' post='215926' date='Jun 10 2008, 09:23 AM']For me it's pickups, EQ and then strings.[/quote] I'd have those in reverse presonally! Strings, EQ then pickups
  2. I remeber a wise man once telling me "your hi-fi is only as good as your worst component" Although its not 100% applicable if your going to be making them completely from hand people will want the best!
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='215049' date='Jun 8 2008, 07:22 PM']Why must I be tempted with so many new cabs, when there's nowt wrong with what I have? Damn GAS. Anyway... the Zoots.... the 2x15 is 20 quid cheaper than the 2x12. Is that not a bit odd?[/quote] No horn on the 215, no crossover either i would presume - probably explains it!
  4. I wonder if he could knock me up one of those 2x15's with a horn...! hmm
  5. This board is becoming really rather internationally spiced isnt it! Wonderful! Whats that pleasureboard all about AREA? I think i've heard of them?
  6. [quote name='dood' post='213589' date='Jun 5 2008, 11:52 PM']Interestingly, on a related note, sweaty fingers can exacerbate the likelyhood of blisters. Keep ya mits dry and.. again, don't dig in too hard.[/quote] I didnt know that actually! Although it does make sense when i think about it. Best part of being a bassist? Being able to lift beans out of the microwave. ohhhh yeahhh
  7. Well thats the head sorted, just a cab then! I think youll need more than a single cab if your going to want that much low - maybe 2 aguilar 112s? theres a ported markbass 210 on here that might put out more than youd think too
  8. You might find markbass and their vintage loudspeaker emulator knob could do it for you, drops all the highs giving a really nice dub reggea tone.
  9. MythSte


    Ive just been hunting for that, thanks paul!
  10. MythSte


    I know the one, it was dubbed the orangular i believe and +1 for sexiest rig on bc
  11. Ive heard the beetles re-mastered to 5.1 on sa-cd through a high(ish) end denon system and my god it was something. But it still left a little to be desired after hearing the same track through a decent 2 way hi fi.
  12. Bummer, it might! And thanks for the endorsement mike! I wont be sad if this one dosnt go
  13. Im just on a bit of a quest to find something more suited to my new bacchus jazz - This is a wonderful amp, and sounded brilliant with my bongo, but i had to move that on for a tone more suited to my band. This amp has bark in abundance, anyone whos a fan of the chillis will recognise this tone in an instant. However if you roll back the boost and use the eq a bit its not difficult to take it back a little. In near mint condition. Anyway, im looking to try pretty much anything! Nothing sub 350 watts mind. maybe a markbass? something tubey? really, anything! [i]Wireless not included[/i] Hit me up with what you got
  14. Aha, i do apologise finbar! I was only suggesting! ^_^ Anyway, id advise you checking out using only a tube pre before you dive in as it is a very different sound to an all tube head. as for suggestions... ee eck! id personally shove the 4x12 and get a whole new rig. I think some modern 15's would suit you, maybe the markbass 2x15? that coupled with a mesa Mpulse... phwoar!
  15. [quote name='Viajero' post='209448' date='May 30 2008, 10:23 AM']There was a thread on this about a year ago, if I remember correctly. I always say Eye-ban-ez, but there's a case for pronouncing it the Spanish way (as it presumably originated), either Ee-ban-eth or Ee-ban-yeth (though there's no ñ so the chance of the latter is slim).[/quote] I believe i started that one! Although it was on amps and cabs methinks. bergantino? berjantino? epifarrniee? epiphany? batch-us? Bacchus? bay-ring-er? Be-rinj-er? POS? ( ) Sad-ow-ski? Sad-ow-Sky?
  16. Well, as its a well known vintage guitar dealer, surely they must know whats going on?! Have you e-mailed them telling them? i dont wish to insult your intelligence but this has really got to me for some reason, possibly as i have so much respect for jamerson!
  17. name and shame man. No two ways about it.
  18. [quote name='bassmanady' post='209211' date='May 29 2008, 09:58 PM']When my mrs wonderfull visits my studio she only says"how long before that ones on Ebay, your never happy with your sound"... ouch!! she's so right[/quote] Im only 17 and i get that off my lady!
  19. Id like to echo all the above, if you hit a bum note, bahh, it happens! I hit at least 3 wrong notes per gig, and apparently we're playing that glastonbury thing! (que "i got kicked out of my band" thread ) Just take it all in, it'll go faster than you can imagine!
  20. I find my EHX micro synth to be quite useful when used sparingly!! for example ill only whack it on when theres a drum fill and i want a nice bbwwwwaaaaaarrrrrrrp-ching! over it Id like to try the prunes and custard though as the ehx dosnt do fuzzy synth very well. the filters are immense but uts a shame!
  21. I play drum and bass metal fusion, does that count?
  22. Half and Half! I've just recieved a Bacchus jazz and with fingerstyle and pick its a definate grin! But is beat by the bongo for slap tone
  23. [quote name='hughcanbefound' post='207408' date='May 27 2008, 05:47 PM']I've heard lots of horrible things about Squier from my guitarist friends. Are their basses better? -H[/quote] In a word, yes! The VM series (vintage modified) are absaloutly cracking basses. id stay away from the affinity series, but thats only with the experiance of one bass and it could have been a lemon. There probably are better basses for your budget, but you couldnt get a brilliant vintage modified jazz and have change - with a good setup im sure it'll play better than anything else that end of the market.
  24. Eesh mike, im really sorry to hear this! I do hope whatever your planning works out! Unfortunately im [i]actually[/i] happy with my rig at the moment so i cant help you out
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