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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='195069' date='May 8 2008, 10:27 PM']You'll have to lend me a snake for the weekend while I'm away. I could put it in the bed for the missus - she hates to sleep alone ...muhaha muhaha [/quote] Do they come that small?
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='195029' date='May 8 2008, 09:50 PM']I'd prefer to keep it and suffer the wrath of Mrs, Wife.[/quote] Did you ever tell her you left a 17 year old boys room 700 odd quid up?
  3. I suppose ive kinda had reverse integrity!! I joined the band im in now because the guys where really proffessional and a laugh, and i just wanted to play! But the more ive played with the music the more ive come to enjoy it as music. and now my first choice CDs are in a similar vein to what im playing! weird eh.
  4. Id like to add this is a really buttery bass to play. I did some lessons back with Nick on it. Also for anyone that dosnt know (not that theres many!) Alans a cracking chappy.
  5. This is reluctantly back up, i thought i had a deal but alas, it was not too be! Your perfectly right to ask what i dont like about it! With my amp and cab setup i just cant seem to find a middle ground between bark and boom. If i was in a three piece rock band id be more than happy to keep it! But as said before, i really do need a delicately placed tone. Trades for another 5 or maybe even a six are welcomed with open arms!
  6. Id suggest you put something on the headstock aswell sir, it deserves to be shown as yours!
  7. I really would love to take these off you, but i just canny see the money appearing!! Best of luck.
  8. What a killer!! GREAT price aswell!
  9. Gotta agree, If i needed a 4, this would be it!
  10. Thats a gorgeous looking Bass there!! I must admit, warwicks have never really done much for me, but this just might inspire me to go out and find one to try!
  11. I always have two fivers at least, as i need five strings for gigging/backup. Although more often than not i have an interesting bass for noodling about on at home, fretless or a four or something!
  12. I voted J - I find that the neck pickup on a jazz sounds near enough like a P bass for me anyway, so why turn down versatility eh!!
  13. [quote name='Exile252' post='192543' date='May 5 2008, 11:05 PM']After thinking long and hard, I've decided I'd rather play it safe and go for another Fender Jazz bass instead of a Musicman. But I'm at odds between the Marcus Miller sig Jazz or the Geddy Lee sig bass. What do you guys think?[/quote] how many boring fender guys get the girls eh! Its all about the out there basses! I play a bongo and have an entourage of skantily clad ladies!* They are very different tonally though, what music will you be playing? [size=1]*I just dont though really.[/size]
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' post='191372' date='May 3 2008, 10:23 PM']And I'd recommend a Vox Venue 30 Bass with a 12" pioneer car sub popped in it. Doesn't go very loud & weighs only slightly heavier than the car it came out of.[/quote] Or not as the case may be! Lots of people have found the Aguilar GS112's to be a great combination of value/weight/size/volume - which is definatly a hard combination to find!! whack a markbass on top of two of those and you have a rig that will be capable of any non stadium environment! Personally, i use Gallien Krueger and Schroeder, a little heavier than id like but nice and compact and INCREDIBLY loud and sharp.
  15. [quote name='paul, the' post='189999' date='May 1 2008, 08:50 PM']I think they should use the money to subsidise: book vouchers, bus passes, school meals.... That way it isn't seen as a reward, which in itself is insulting. It should also be on a gradient, not just cut off points. I use to not eat lunch and save the money for bass books/gear/lessons. I don't recommend it.[/quote] But to be fair, have you [i]seen[/i] your physique? You did something right! [/homosexual]
  16. [quote name='Beedster' post='190167' date='May 1 2008, 11:47 PM']Agreed, but there are certain people..........[/quote] ...That I've come to ignore! I do hope you manage to get good prices on the bay though, And i hope your faith in BC isnt completly crushed! I for one would miss that grin!
  17. I dont know if i can agree with naming and shaming personally. Im sure it would work - but you just know youd get one occasion where your all fired up and pissed off and suchlike and you find out a person pulled out because of a parents funeral costs or something similarly upsetting! Who wants a battered bass anyway?
  18. Its a bit of a catch 22 really at the moment, More Members, More Gear to GAS over and a better chance of cutting a sweet deal! But with more members you'll always get more timewasters too Each new Member should take an IQ test and be vetted accordingly ^_^
  19. if anyone does buy an ep let me know and ill make sure your the first to know about any Ste deals (trust me, theres lots!)
  20. Love you ped! As you where gentlemen!
  21. We finally have something hard to show for all our work! ( ) Anyway, the EP is available to buy on our myspace:- [url="http://www.myspace.com/mouuk"]MOU Myspace[/url] Or Via our Official Website [url="http://www.mythofunity.com"]MOU.com[/url] All feedback appreciated
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