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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='paul, the' post='189161' date='Apr 30 2008, 07:43 PM']But the boundaries between making children and making music are ever so cloudy.[/quote] Thats one for the parents!!
  2. [quote name='Higgie' post='188977' date='Apr 30 2008, 04:45 PM']I hate EMA. A guy at my college used to get it, because his parents had split up, but his Dad owns a bank in Ireland and has money coming out of his ears! I applied to get EMA for the second year of sixth form as my parents split up, but was told I wasn't elligible for it because it was based on "last year's earnings". That's all well and good, when half the rich kids are sitting around with £30 extra in their pockets, because their parents split up before mine did!![/quote] Maybe we should make an official "Compensation due to emotional childhood" chart. We can base EMA on that
  3. Its a flawed system needless to say, but when your trying to implement something over such a grand scale you obviously cant please everyone! I mean, My Stepbrother lives 40% here with his dad, and 60% with his mum. (there or there abouts) His mums a hairdresser single mum etc, fair enough, EMA. What they fail to pick up on is that his dad (my stepdad) Is an MD at BAE, and a percentage of his pay goes into her account every month anyway. Like i said, a flawed system. But at least they're trying.
  4. Do you know how hard im trying NOT to post some actual porn?!
  5. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='188430' date='Apr 29 2008, 09:18 PM']Quit YOUR whinging and be glad you're not in China, where basschat is probably censored and you couldn't have logged on to tell me not to whinge [/quote] No, QUIT your whinging, you could be in bristol which i heard is just full of people telling other people to quit whinging!
  6. [quote name='jono b' post='188428' date='Apr 29 2008, 09:17 PM']Having been a student who used his loan for bills/rent/food rather than pissing it away like the stereotypical student on cider and fags, it annoys me how many students get into even more debt with overdrafts etc. when they've been given money to help pay for necessities so they can focus on their education rather than have to find time to both study and work. For too long I've lived with people who get their loans in then spend the next two weeks in the pub, but when bills come in or rent is due complain that they can't pay it because they don't have enough free money. Too many people get carried away with having big lump sums and not taking into account that it should be used for important stuff, not wasted in Topshop. One former flatmate asked that the rest of us just sit in bed and put on extra clothes rather than put on the heating because she couldn't pay the gas bill, but spent every night after work (that's right, she worked too, on top of her huge loans and bursary) in the pub. Her reasoning? 'We're students, people expect us to do stuff like that'. No, not when you get given sh*t-loads of money from the government to pay for your bills. It annoys me that there's no way to govern how student loans are spent.[/quote] Couldnt agree more. If you want to go out and get plastered, get a job. End of.
  7. Quite yer whinging and be greatful your not in poverty.
  8. Peds always the problem. We can start by getting him an iron. OOOOayeeee. (your doing a great job really matey )
  9. [quote name='Machines' post='187769' date='Apr 29 2008, 07:24 AM']Looks like carbon blue pearl to me.[/quote] Certainly is!
  10. Met this fellow and played this bass at the northwest bash, both are lovely!!
  11. I bought it off here for £725, If not a trade i'd like that back! I believe RRP is around £1300 but dont quote me on that! For some reason i think its 2003, but i have no evidence, Just one of those things i think i know! maybe Alan can shed some light on this if he pops by. Also comes with an Abalone PG, i just prefere the white. Edit;- and dont play me at my own game!
  12. Well this is the thing, its like the property ladder, once your on your allright! Its getting on that's the problem! If you need any advice drop me a pm!
  13. [quote name='paul, the' post='186920' date='Apr 28 2008, 12:19 AM']A fairly sly way of going about things. You'll know what you'll like after a while too.[/quote] I don't know if id call it sly! I plan to make a loss on everything I purchase, but like to try out new gear. transition basses are a great way to keep your money free whilst forming some valuble opinions. For example, I sold my mule bass for £400, and at the same time traded my ibanez for a yamaha. A nice lakland came up for 450, so I put £50 in my bass pot and bought that. Then the bongo came up, I sold both basses for £600, put £150 in and voilà! One bongo! Without ever spending more than £200 in one go!
  14. this forum is a cracking tool for building up nice gear. I think the important thing to note is i, like many others, have not just gone and dumped £1000 on a bass, I might have had a £300 bass which i sold for £250, worked a few weeks put another £200 in the pot then i can get a nice £450 bass. This process has got me from a cort to a bongo with no significant jumps! and also means i dont get guilt trips about blowing money!! Same goes for amps and cabs too. Sometimes you have to go back one step to go forward two! Like when i traded my eden nemesis 810 for a hartke 212 and a DHA valve pre, i pretty much knew it wasnt for me, but someone on the forum would snap it up for cash, then i could use that! Fairly nifty really.
  15. in the 2 week break we just had i worked 115 hours. thats where.
  16. Well, im sorry to dissapoint! I suppose ive nearly been 17 for a year?
  17. 17, been playing 2 and a half years, and most recently im playing...! Bongo 5 HS behringer tuner Ashdown compressor GK1001RB Schroeder 1212r
  18. [quote name='BassManKev' post='186065' date='Apr 26 2008, 06:11 PM']for some reason the mods dont seem to have problems with members joining just to sell stuff[/quote] There are good arguments for both sides. And its not just the mods.
  19. Badabump, worst i can do is say no
  20. MythSte

    Hi All

    I always found ActiveBass.com to be very helpful in finding tips for certain types of music!
  21. This used to be mine! Truth be told i still have a wee soft spot for it. Anyway, deal in confidence! sound chappy.
  22. MythSte


    BassBod i know exactly what you mean, Ive wanted a bongo sinse i started playing bass all those years ago, and i got a cracking deal on it here, almost half the RRP, But ive recently discovered its not the bass i thought it would be! No worries, Ill move it on here, not lose any cash, maybe make a trade yaknow! If id have bought it new, then moved it on either on here or on ebay man, would i be sore!
  23. I think it was a google search when i was looking to sell something (shame shame!) This bought up bassworld and i've been here ever sinse! I kid you not, everything i know about bass i've learnt from these forums, and i'd consider myself to be at the higher end of the bass knowladge scale! (im no BFM or Claber like, but yaknow.)
  24. MythSte


    My only suggestion would be that if you think you can get mroe money on ebay for it, then thats exactly what you should do. Wheres the community spirit eh! we're basically beating inflation with this place!
  25. I was just thinking this myself, dont Ampeg use eminence drivers? If its built to the same dimensions and built well then im interested!!
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