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Posts posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='Phantomnin' post='1161046' date='Mar 13 2011, 09:09 PM']I may have misheard. And I was sitting behind the guy from TC (Ulf?) but I'm sure Mark King said he was using a new RH750.
    It was definately a Reble Head and he had two 4x cabs.

    The question begs for me though...isn't the RH450 load enough for most situations?[/quote]

    Enough? ENOUGH?!

    I should ban you for that... :)

  2. I had a wonderful time yesterday with Al and Matt (homer and machines!)

    TM Stevens was fantastic, A real highlight for me. I also got a chance to play the Sterling Ray34CA, Its safe to say I'll have one of those shortly!

    I didnt find the volume too bad but I really did appreciate going out for a breather every now and then just do re-pressurize my insides! Great to meet everyone I did meet and to those of you that didnt, I'm really sorry I missed you!

    Oh, and thanks Machines for this photo;


    Please note, I was entering my 36th hour of being awake so was feeling a little past my best come this point! :)

  3. [quote name='Marvin' post='1158720' date='Mar 11 2011, 09:55 PM']I'm down to 230k :). However, there are now about 40+ posts that will make absolutely no sense at all.

    What was that? No change there? You cheeky lot :)[/quote]

    I think you'd be surprised how many people host pictures on photobucket etc!

    That or I'll be surprised at how many people don't...

  4. [quote name='Muzz' post='1158507' date='Mar 11 2011, 07:31 PM']Oh, now you're just telling me what I want to hear. :)[/quote]

    I've just re-read what I put, I didnt mean to say the MM pickup was in the neck position, it was indeed in the usual MM position and it STILL sounded precision-y. Sorry bud! :)

  5. From my experience I can imagine wenge to enhance the natural P growl. I had a custom bass built for me with a wenge neck that had a seymour duncan MM style pickup in the neck (ripped from a modulous) and even that had that great upper mid woody growl that I would expect from a P. Genuinely reckon that was down to the neck wood.

  6. [quote name='Wil' post='1157120' date='Mar 10 2011, 08:10 PM']That's a really clear mix! The bass comes through very nicely - is that your Vigier? Sounds clear as a bell. I particularly like the parts where it drops out and back in, it's nice to hear a bit of space in a recording. All in all, very funky, nice job :)

    Here's a track I'm working on at the moment. No bass on it currently - to be honest I dont think it would sound right without a fretless or an upright, neither of which I have currently. It's the first outing for my recently aquired violin (£20 off ebay - bargain!).


    I really enjoyed that! The violin is really tasteful - I wish I had the patience to try and learn something similar. Kinda reminds me of the slower sections in some Brand New Tracks. I'd love to hear a really fragile female vocal over it.

    This is my lots latest demo, a few vocals are missing as are a few cues, but I like it so far :)


    p.s, great Idea Wil :lol:

  7. Do we have a setting somewhere that means you'll only get notified of a reply if your offline? Its ringing a bell... if your pc is on all day logged onto basschat that might be why. Otherwise im at a loss too im afraid! :)

  8. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1156079' date='Mar 9 2011, 11:42 PM']I think their catalogue of products is great and varied, but what I'd want next is the F500 but more power, better control layout if possible, maybe a little larger, and a proper mute!

    Oh, and headphone in/aux![/quote]

    Haha, then maybe I take it back and you should get a momark :)

  9. [quote name='tomb' post='1156130' date='Mar 10 2011, 01:46 AM']i need a bass to play and i dont want to take this to rehearsal and get a scratch on it and then the guy saying he wont take it back, so it must go so that i can fund another bass... maybe a GSR200 or a RBX 374[/quote]

    Gotta be honest buddy, Ric or not that bass will eat both those other basses you've mentioned for breakfast.

  10. [quote name='JPS' post='1154132' date='Mar 8 2011, 05:29 PM']I'm going on Saturday - looking forward to trying out lots of gear I will never be able to afford, as well as watching people half my age play ten times better than I ever will. Should be good.[/quote]

    As a 20 year old youtube tells me even I could be in that very same baot, dont worry!

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