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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. [quote name='TKenrick' post='184207' date='Apr 23 2008, 11:08 PM']PMs replied to, thanks for the offers (particularly those of limbs and sisters...), it looks like we have a winner![/quote] Oh fantastic! Which limb are you in need of? If its an arm i can throw in three free fingers of choice
  2. Haha, dont worry josh, i dont think i'll let it go. But im interested to see what else is out there!
  3. Well, Its all been and done now. I've had the bass i wanted for nearly ever and now i want more! I do really, really like the bongo, But there are a lot of little niggles about it. personal gripes yaknow? So i just thought i'd put this out their for trade offers mainly! Something a bit different. If youd want some cash your way let me know, because i can do that too! I think i might fancy a Status to be honest. But im young and hopeless so who knows! ALL OFFERS AT LEAST GIGGLED AT Oh point to make, I'll only really be after a 5 string. usual headstock ding, otherwise yeah. I'll come to my senses tomorrow...
  4. MythSte


    Ive always found Valve distortion units to be a bit too buzzy, not in an excess noise kinda way, just in general. I much prefere SS overdrive, I actually prefered the behringer SS overdrive to the DHA VT5 mentuioned earlier! IMO etc
  5. if you'll take limbs, sisters or a bongo 5 hs let me know!
  6. Get it away from me! Ive been gas free for so long now!!
  7. [quote name='molan' post='181298' date='Apr 20 2008, 08:17 PM']Not quite the same but my old band once played a very posh wedding at one of the Inns of Court in London. The whole wedding took place in a very cool venue with antiques all over the place. However the problem with the venue and arrangements meant that everything ran really late. We played a short first set of around 30 minutes to fit around some announcements and stuff and went down really well. The the Father of the Bride (who was a very high ranking judge) came over and very discretely explained that the bride's brother was a fledgeling DJ and had been booked to play after us. Because things were running so behind schedule he asked us if we could "fake" some sort of electrical problem and not come back for the second set so the brother would have enough time to DJ. He offered to pay us for the full evening (which was about £2K) as much as we could drink at the bar and a £500K bonus to explain the "electrical problem" and slide off quietly. There was even a convenient side door to escape so we had a few beers, pocketed the cash & got home at a decent hour for a change![/quote] £500k?! i hope to god you mean £500!!!
  8. Tits! Ive missed out on those elixers now havnt i... This is like the 3rd thing ive been after in a week... i need to get back on my game!!
  9. No guilt man! we all get lucky just as much as we get unlucky! give Mr G a call and let us know how it turns out!!
  10. [quote name='clagooey' post='177129' date='Apr 15 2008, 03:54 PM']Because it's a silly massive bass! When i bought it, it was kept in a padded soft case. Which, along with pretty much every other case, is too small for this bass. I'm assuming that the finish rubbed off on the tip because it was constantly in contact with the fabric of the case? I don't really know to be honest.. But i don't think i'm the only person to have this problem?[/quote] I havnt seen a bongo WITHOUT the tip of the headstock chipped or otherwise worn! i know mines certainly had more than its fair share of bashes!
  11. [quote name='Beedster' post='172625' date='Apr 8 2008, 09:39 PM']Bad time to sell Precisions, there's too many 70's around[/quote] And whos fault is that then eh!?
  12. Sorry joe, i think im too young
  13. [quote name='Rich' post='172479' date='Apr 8 2008, 06:13 PM']Buyer's gonna be gutted when he finds there's no kettle lead with it either [/quote] LOL! You well beat me to that!! Cracking
  14. [quote name='overwater#1' post='172511' date='Apr 8 2008, 07:10 PM']Heh.. yeah if you buy it Ste, il buy it from you in a few months when I get the cash [/quote] Pah! Ive calmed down a lot ill have you know. However i am selling a rather nice.... Yeah im going
  15. Yah, I can too register my interest in a cash sale!
  16. Theres quite a lot of nice understated EBS players knocking about isnt there! I must get my mits on some!
  17. [quote name='thedontcarebear' post='171345' date='Apr 7 2008, 12:42 PM']Yes, I saw that, I think you missed the point.[/quote] And why, pray tell, are we being an idiot?
  18. MythSte


    its all making sense now! You know when you here a little bit of an argument (In this case signal to noise ratio) and you just turn your nose up at it because you dont really notice, then a bit of a hero comes along (OTPJ!) And explains it in a way that clicks! So essentially, its not something that makes a good bass, but one of those things that makes a good bass an [i]excellent [/i]bass... Now i think about it this is probably one of the reasons why my bongo sounds so much nicer at low volumes than any other bass ive had!
  19. MythSte


    [quote name='budget bassist' post='171044' date='Apr 6 2008, 10:57 PM']passive basses can be irritating sometimes because of the low output when my band has bedroom recording sessions, they found themselves having to boost the bass levels on the PC because it just didn't cut through. Luckily they have a bassist with two active basses now and the higher output means they can actually hear their bassist[/quote] Well with bedroom recordings i can understand, but surely on any real recording setup youd just turn up the input gain?
  20. MythSte


    Im normally pretty clued up on bass stuff, im happy with impedence and varying tone pots and active pre-amps and all that business. But whats the deal with comparing outputs? Is telling someone that a bass has a hot output really a selling point? Surely you could just turn up the amp a little bit more to compensate for a slightly weaker signal? Youd have to be doing something awfully wrong if you had your amp completly maxxed out and only the bass with the strongest output will do! Do excuse me if im missing something, Id love to be informed!
  21. Much appreciated! And Alas, thats my old 810 above your lot *swoon*
  22. Loving the trace merton! I might have to have a gander at these v-types, just to see what all the hype is about yaknow
  23. [quote name='WithoutRisk_BassPlayer' post='170901' date='Apr 6 2008, 07:52 PM']What OLP have you got ste...?[/quote] Ive pm's you, but can also wholeheartedly recommend a yamaha BB bass as 610 suggested!
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