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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. After a bit of a setup my OLP now plays and sounds just fine. In fact if your interested drop me a PM! Also Had a few nice experiences with rockbass instruments too! I dont think you can go wrong really, so long as you know (someone that knows) how to adjust action and tweak the truss rod accordingly there not bad instruments at all.
  2. Oh man... this is the first bass thats made me think twice about my Bongo!
  3. [quote name='mikeh' post='170479' date='Apr 5 2008, 11:02 PM']If this hasnt sold for this STUDPIDLY low price theres something wrong i sold my 'asnew' one for £350 and that was lower than I wanted!!! Another Free bump, and I wish I had the cash myself[/quote] Im sure i paid 450!
  4. I dont think you can go wrong with the GK, in fact theres a GREAT deal on a 1001RBII over at the for sale on this very forum, that would still leave you with a fair £500 for a cab, and you can get a cracking cab for £500!! Schroeder anyone? Cough, yeah, thats my setup ^_^
  5. £250?! You must be mad!! this wont last a minute!
  6. Well, i thought id see if my little brother was going to show any interest in my bass, and low and behold, he loved it! and was very interested in trying to fret, which surprised me lot as my 5 year old sister was just adiment she was going to make the biggest loudest boom she could! I found an upright position worked better for him, i wasnt going to insult his intelligence, this cat knows how it is!
  7. Might be interested in the 15... Whats the dealio with regards to getting it to blackpool?
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='169762' date='Apr 4 2008, 01:18 PM']Just use a much smaller and less sensitive cab. Alex[/quote] I'll be you didnt wake up this morning thinking "hmm yes, today i shall advise someone to use less efficient speakers!" heh.
  9. Shush shush shush! Apart from this none of my gear is going! Ever! ...
  10. I'd pay £70 just so i could link people to the site. class! heh.
  11. Man, it looks nice, but not £1889 nice! It better be bloody solid gold under there!
  12. I do like this is a bit of kit, but its a lot of money to have tied up in something im not 100% on. And im not keen on having anything between my amp and my bass! Its silly i know, but one of those things!! Im really open to trade on anything interesting, a nice pre-amp would be nice. Rack tuner plus cash my way, any 5 string basses, maybe a small cab. Yeah! Hit me! Im sure you all know what these are capable of, i have some nice soundclips if anyone would like some of those, otherwise yeah, thanks!
  13. I still get a bit warm when i see that oranguilar rig! Let me know if you fancy anything in my sig eh
  14. ooo wednesdays are usually free! when and where?
  15. Are the Zoots Really performing well then? Im really pleased for you!! Good luck with this!
  16. Tone hole! Actual LOL! Yeah i believe its to do with the CNC process.
  17. [quote name='Toasted' post='164875' date='Mar 27 2008, 10:34 PM']I'd play an all white firebird. Hot.[/quote] Ooooooooo.... tastey!
  18. Gassing for a cheeky twanger is okay, but you sir shall be cast out!
  19. Theres a short scale gretsch AND roland combo amp on the forums going for a silly low price. Id happily raise my nearest and dearest on one of those!
  20. Just one of those thoughts that popped into my head today, I saw a USA off white strat with a maple neck and thought to myself... man, if i was a guitarist!! I really like traditional Fender guitars, yet i really cant get on with traditional basses, i mean, i play a bongo! So if you where (or are, though i wouldnt admit to it myself!) a guitarist what stick would you have and is it to a similar vein as any basses you own or would like to own? Answers on a postcard!
  21. Trust me, after the sadowsky i tried the other week i would LOVE to make you an offer. But like many others on here, im broke!!
  22. Bongo HS5. Does everything i need a bass to do. And i like new BMW's
  23. Problem solved!! Thanks terry, Was indeed a grounding issue with the laptop. Works fine when the power supply is not plugged into the laptop. So a small isolator will fix the problem, but untill then i can just record in short bursts! Again, Basschat saves the day
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