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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. fantastically light they where...! I mean ive lifted neo cabs before and theyve still had some weight to them. but this is [i]"Oh my god be careful, theres a strong wind!"[/i] light! I'm genuinly really glad you got the Carvin too BB. Sounds like it was meant to be
  2. Ahhh so [i]your[/i] russ! Id be really interested to have a tinkle on your Levin Sig when its out from the shop. This calls for another bash!
  3. And my offer on your ACG still stands too! That P bass of yours has made me think about making a 5 string warmoth though... Ugh. no no no. I left today without any huge GAS but its growing!!
  4. Haha, i saw a few people snapping away, but i dont even think most people will be home yet! Some brilliant bassists on here aswell, i was nothing short of embarressed everytime i decided to plonk away!
  5. Well what a lovely day! Personal happy things -That Sadowsky... I couldnt play it for very long because it was hurting. i mean, really hurting! One of, if not the nicest bass ive played. (Mikeh, make him an offer!!) -The new Zoot Cabs. you think you've felt light...? -The Omni 10, Real nice to actually hear what all the hype is about! cracking cab. But yeah, lots of gorgeous basses and a real nice day! Thanks to JWbassman for getting us all sorted out, and of course chris and chris. cool stuff!
  6. And hes been back five minutes! Good luck with your search, Ive only played one 70's P and i was left somewhat uninspired, Got a feeling it was a bit of a lemon though. I really need to get my hands on some nice ones to see what all this fuss is about!
  7. You'll be bringing this to the NW bash tomorrow, fantastic! Two preamps that i really want to try!
  8. Oooo, a full on Graph off! heh. Tbh, Ive had much more success finding a rig with a really musical midrange as this is what helps me on stage. Its nice to have a real nice boom occasionally but it just dont cut it in a band. try it?
  9. Ive just today recieved a 1212R and the thought of two of them quite frankly scares me! Good luck
  10. I do always feel satisfied when i pick up a P bass. Its not for me like, Not enough strings and wont cut through a synthtastic mix. but there is definatly a satisfaction i dont get from anything else!
  11. Fair play, i think ill give it a miss. Only a fool goes against Mr. Clabers Suggestions!
  12. [quote name='Merton' post='157457' date='Mar 14 2008, 02:48 PM']Jens Lehmans terms? [/quote] I had a really bad feeling i'd done that after i'd typed it! Ive never actually seen Layman written down before my little google search then! Every days a school day!
  13. Yeah well the schroeder has an access hatch on the back so it shouldnt be too hard. And i wouldnt need to worry about a crossover at all would i? The GK does that all on its own as far as i know. So should it just be a matter of getting a 4 pole speakon in there and then wiring the woofers off one set and the tweeter off the other? (You know, lehmens terms and that!) And also, i think it would be nice to be able to control the tweetwe via the front of my amp rather than moving the cab etc, and the woofer and tweeter channels both have a seperate high cut so it would be a nice experiment!
  14. [quote name='Stewart' post='157398' date='Mar 14 2008, 01:45 PM']OBBM makes up suitable cables, so I'd imagine he could also supply an internal loom to your drivers...[/quote] Is that all it would take? Thinking about it, of course thats all it would take Hmm...
  15. Hey there guys, Ive just recieved my Schroeder (Hoorah!) and its bloody brilliant. I mainly noticed how musical the horn is, which i havnt often found. However i think id like to get even more out of it by making the cab bi-ampable with my GK 1001RBII Does anyone know anybody that would be able to do this for me? Thanks, Stephen
  16. My [i]Equipment[/i] was made in England Waayyyyyy! Yeah, coat, gone.
  17. [quote name='Beedster' post='155998' date='Mar 12 2008, 02:22 PM']As you may remeber mate, it's pretty heavy. I know Parcelforce won't touch it.... (which is probably a good thing )[/quote] I think interparcel will take oversized items, I've used them to send and recieve multiple cabs succesfully, seem to be very competativly priced too
  18. I dont think you can go wrong with markbass 15's, they sound really "right" To my ears. I cant say im keen on the tens tonally.
  19. Awh man... how much do i need a *gulp* practice cab?
  20. Aye theirs no two ways about it, Thats a bitchin' cab at a bitchin' price!
  21. Any Quilified Electrician should do it for about a quid per item or something. Tbh, if youve got an old uncle who used to be an electrician but still has the meter give him a call kinda thing
  22. Oh! I didnt know this was here how rude of me! Dealt with jim ageeees ago and he met me and was very pleasant and an all round nice guy! Good job
  23. Yeah, something with a valve pre and a 15" should do the trick! I Really Loved my warwick Neo 15, Although found it quite middy... paired with the right amp i think it could work wonders!
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