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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Would you be so kind as to PM me a price and we'll go from there kind sir!
  2. Ive played this beast... what a beast. If i could be throwing round that much money i would!
  3. Actually, now i think about it. I cant think of anything good that cheap. Well done ampeg
  4. Its a shame, Because it looks absaloutly cracking, and would do great for small gigs, but there are much better small combos out there for upwards of £500
  5. He's caught "Neverkeepabassforanyseriouslengthoftimesyndrom" Off me
  6. [quote name='ped' post='151728' date='Mar 5 2008, 02:01 PM']Using that google map link, the arrow should actually be slightly further east along the road - turn right at the T junction and the studio is one of the last units on the left of the Snowdon road. Me and Chris will make some posters or something. Actually we probably won't bother when it comes down to it, so maybe Ste can get here early and we can enslave the young chap.[/quote] Chris you look like you weigh about six stone... and T'other chris is too much of a teddy bear, there shall be no enslaving i tell thee!
  7. Hah, Aye, and if i buy this then ill be one life down! Umm... Im gonna go an try to make ends meet somewhere...
  8. I dont need a six string, i dont need a six string. Euurrgghhh! and breath in, and outt....
  9. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='152037' date='Mar 5 2008, 09:16 PM']We've got the normal Maplin traffic lights but they flash like mad and there's no switch or control to stop them. Anyone know how to set them to be constantly on please?[/quote] And you want your drummer to keep playing [i]All[/i] set? He's been tought his whole life that red means stop!
  10. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='151262' date='Mar 4 2008, 07:25 PM'] I had to do a double take on that one... I kept looking and thinking 'that bridge isn't right'; never gave the scale of a 12" speaker next to a 'W' Thumb a thought [/quote] ME too! Im so confused!!
  11. Me? Id buy a £1200 bass second hand for £700 off these here forums AND get to try it out first! ^_^
  12. haha, this really is thread well and truly hijacked! I speak on behalf of basschat when i say i apologise for the level of immaturity in this thread. Someone please buy this guys bass.
  13. Okay, £200 plus P&P I have a trade deal on the cards which i wouldnt mind, but id rather cash really. Got a few ideas! Cheers guys!
  14. [quote name='thud110' post='151373' date='Mar 4 2008, 10:04 PM']Guilty!!! I am from the US, I did join to show you guys possibly a cheap deal because our American dollar is soooo weak! I wish it was the other way around but your pound is always so strong... I do play bass, have a Fender Jazz Bass and I have been to the UK, back in 2000(can I qualify now... ) Sorry for disturbing your board & God Save the Queen!!!!! PS, Prince Harry is a hero...or was that all staged for publicity? If not, pretty heroic to put his life on the line...[/quote] Prince who? Gordons not a Queen.
  15. Ahh! Well heres me being all clever! I though GS was the series in general and there was the NT and other version... That explains why i couldnt remember the "other" Version!!
  16. Not in the market myself, but for those interested are these the NT versions or the ones with tweeters?
  17. I REALLY love those vampyres! Not the colour i would have chosen, but yaknow! love it!
  18. I can vouch for the roland being truly fantastic. Brilliant deal!
  19. I didnt imagine it being as big as that either. Canny wait to try it out!
  20. Recently Got a Bongo 5HS! and i love it! I for one think it looks ace as tits. And everyone whos said it cuts through a mix with ease is bob on, it cuts through MY mix!!
  21. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='150000' date='Mar 2 2008, 08:25 PM']bless we've missed that cheery grin and beard! glad ur on the mend, watch where u put ur fingers in future![/quote] couldnt agree more!
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