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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. I think what he meant was are there any different specs or is it purely an aesthetical issue?
  2. Thanks! Yup, everything you hear we play live, weather sampled or otherwise, but in actual fact that whole song is done on an acoustic kit. And the synth at the beggining was done on a Korg Radius I'll let you know when some of our new songs are out, Theres some really crazy micro korg sounds bashing about! Yey for BWWAAARRRRP!
  3. I dont think so, its a 55-01
  4. Right, this really is just taking up space now. If you can pick it up or meet in blackpool or surrounding areas then the pair are yours for £250.
  5. [quote name='ped' post='127186' date='Jan 24 2008, 07:00 PM']They look the biz mate - how are you getting on with the Lakland?[/quote] Really well actually! I must admit the 35" was a bit daunting at first but thats not an issue anymore. Really versatile bass. Only problem at the moment is that i havnt been able to set her up exactly as id like, but i think its just a matter of sitting down and tweaking. i really havnt had the time! Decided that after ive got a decent head thats it for bass gear for at least 6 months!
  6. Well! Another new'un. i Really, no, [b][i]Reallllly[/i][/b] Like these cabs. Really ballsy tone. Id planned to replace the ashdown straight away but unfortunatly funds didnt allow. The ashdown dosnt sound half bad though i must admit! enjoy!
  7. What a deal! Im not in much position to be making offers at the moment im afraid, Am i right in assuming its about 300w at 4 ohms?
  8. My yammie BB605 might be on the cards to go too, active NE-1 Pre and nathen east body shape. Fantastic bass for the money! £250 Otherwise id have to suggest the other yamaha, fantastic bass.
  9. if i where to sell and post the cab id keep the head, so im afraid it is to good to be true!
  10. Aha, well matt, i can add the price of postage if the buyer wants to pay. but i believe itll be arounb £20 for the head and £45 for the cab. I'd also be willing to sell the cab on its own at £245 inc. postage.
  11. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='124662' date='Jan 21 2008, 03:09 PM']That day's clear for me and no gig on the saturday either so I'll be less bog-eyed and knackered than usual. Room for a few more in my motor if anyone needs a lift. Will bring any of the following if anyone's interested but otherwise I won't bother. Lakland Darryl Jones 4 Bongo 5 HS Precision with Wizard Thumper EBS Classic V1 Pre = QSC PLX2 3102 Epifani 212 NYC[/quote] Think i could hitch a ride homer? If i can/theres room/theres anyone interested im now in possesion of two warwick neo cabs! punchalicious!
  12. [i]Finally[/i] found an amp im happy with, so these are now being unused. Anyway, its an ashdown mag300 [url="http://www.soundcontrol.co.uk/mod_1/pages/mod_1.12/pages/mod_1.12.1/pages/mod_1.12.1.1/pages/index.php?sku="]Sound Control Ashdown Linky[/url] And a Hartke 2200Pro (not the not so great transporter series, the beefy 2x12) [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/2200/69246"]Gak Hartke Linky[/url] Both in 9/10 condition wise, little bit of rack rash on the ashdown but nothing major. I'm only looking to get a bit of cash for a head im after, so these are yours for £280, which i think is pretty fair! Really collection only from northwest, Could travel a bit for petrol money. Cheers!
  13. [quote name='richy316' post='122427' date='Jan 17 2008, 08:51 PM']Probably pick up some used Hartke stuff for £300, keep em peeled you won't be disappointed![/quote] Where are you based? I have a hartke 2200pro (4ohm 2x12) and an ashdown mag300 you can have for £300
  14. Still not moved this steve?! I wish i had an excuse to take it off you but i just dont! Best of luck.
  15. In a word, no! Theres an Ohms sticky at the top of the amps sub forum i think. But in short, If your amp can run at 4ohms minimum (Which is the way most work) You can have 2 8 ohm cabs, or one 4 ohm cab. If an amp is 300watts, It will use all three hundred watts into a 4ohm cab, or two 8 ohm cabs. But will only run at about three quarters of that with one 8 ohm cab. Its a lot to take in at first! But its easy to get your head round after a while edit - Wiki here [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage"]impedence/ohms[/url]
  16. A pre amp is the section the bass signal passes through before it gets amplified. So In most bass heads you have your EQ section in the pre-amp (Bass, mid, Treble etc) then you have your output. I think this wouldnt be a bad place to start [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_3500a_bass_top.htm"]Hartke 3500a[/url] ir the more powerful [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_5500_basshead.htm"]Hartke 5500a[/url] That would leave you with the best part of £400 for cabs (speakers) in which case... [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/hartke_45xl.htm"]Hartke 4.5 XL[/url] I know Dood among others on this forum swear by these cabs if it wernt for there weight! But your a strong young thing im sure, so yeah!
  17. Well! Firstly welcome to basschat, i think you'll like it here! Secondly, £700 should put you in good stead for a very nice amp! Especially if you look at some of the second hand deals on the forum. I dont know the bassist you mentioned, but i know Fightstar ish, and if i remember correctly they have quite a grindy tone. So something with a tube in the pre-amp might be a good place to start (you can overdrive tubes to get a bit of mild distortion) I think my immediate suggestion would be some Hartke gear. Frequently come up second hand for great prices (Make sure its the XL series cabs, not the TP/Transporter) Heavy, but full of tone. And most of the heads have tube pre's. If your unsure about anything we'll be more than happy to help!
  18. How much do i [i]really[/i] need a wireless...? On average how long dyou rekon a battery would last? And i presume its AAA? (that gigbag was full of em! heh)
  19. You could put 1000watts through the mag 210's, or any speakers for that matter, Just have a bit of a fiddle. Work out where your speakers start to struggle and never go above that volume.
  20. Ah, I was going to get the C.A Cd player, but i ended up with a samsung HD-950 for its sa-cd and hi def capabilities. If you ever get a chance to listen to the beatles remixed into sa-cd it really is something else!
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