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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. in fairness, its not as bad as i thought! but thats not saying much...
  2. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='107726' date='Dec 21 2007, 04:28 PM']Female body parts are perfectly acceptable forms of currency ste_m3 [/quote] I'll have a word with the lady, she says she loves me and stuff!
  3. Homer do you accept bodily parts? i REALLY want that bongo! Ugh, musicman gas much!
  4. [quote name='paul, the' post='107629' date='Dec 21 2007, 01:39 PM']That sounds like a pellet gun or cheap laser. I think you're after *vwuamm* *vwuamm* *tschchhh*[/quote] A agree with the suffix 'M' however, i stand by my original sound otherwise heh. its a sort of silent P. that dictates how you say the rest?
  5. [quote name='Machines' post='107448' date='Dec 21 2007, 07:38 AM']What if I were to delete some old threads to get it back to 666 !? [/quote] I will do all i can to fight the darkside [i]*pneewww pnewewww*[/i] (light saber innit)
  6. Mmm this is gorgeous! I doubt my RP bass would be of any interest but if you want to chat let me know!
  7. There where 666 threads. i didnt want anyone to have bad luck for a sale
  8. Congratulations sir! I most genuinly hope theres not a hint of dissapointment
  9. posh side!? please, its all about lytham st annes! Its just next to the airfield, blackpool overflowed! heh.
  10. Ahh yes i think i know where you are. And that area is inconspicuous indeed! would never have guessed. Its a good idea not to shout about it, the estate on the other side of the airfield is a bit on the hairy side!
  11. Obviously, i havnt been round every shop, and played it through every rig. But ive had a lot of time to break it in and try various strings (a big factor!) And she just sings with Flatwounds. Needless to say, thats no good for me as things stand. I wont throw her away, thats for sure.
  12. Thanks cai! Yeah, i love the yamaha to pieces, thats half the reason the mules going!
  13. [quote name='BassManKev' post='106222' date='Dec 18 2007, 10:24 PM']how much are one of those? i may well ivest[/quote] I believe there around £60 new.
  14. Yeah its all a bit of a change round at the moment! I dont think i'll have any regrets, im still finding my feet in this whole bass business! If its still around in the new year matt your welcome to pop down to the studio and have a tickle!
  15. i LIVE in st annes?! how did i not know of this place!
  16. Tbh, i had the behringer rack tuner in mind when i posted!
  17. I've had some time to sit and think about this. And although its a wonderful, wonderful bass. Its just not for me. It dosnt sit with what i do, and unfortunatly at the moment i cant afford to have an un-justified bass sitting around. I need a big fat rock tone, and unfortunately this does an intricate funk tone so well. I would recommend Bobs work to anyone, and its a crying shame that i'm moving her on, but she needs to be loved! Also sits under life warrenty with Bob himself. I'd like to trade for an Active 5 string of sorts. let me know whatcha got. Its never ending this bass business! Specs and stuff, -Sapelle Front and back with contrast veneer in the middle creating pinstripe effect on the sides. -SD MM pickup, straight from a modulous Flea bass. -J pickup at the neck. -Wenge neck -Ebony fretboard, 24 fret. -Straplocks inluded. -very light! (not sure how light, i'll weigh it if anyone really wants me too.) Ideally dont want to post, can meet anywhere within £20's worth of trainage from preston really. thanksyou.
  18. With the imminent arrival of a rackmount setup i thought id see if i could get a trade deal here first! I'm not really to bothered about make or model so long as its in good condition. The TU-2 is boxed, and i'll have a look for the manual, but i'll say its not included just incase i cant find it. Thanks!
  19. Which studio was that? if you dont mind me asking!
  20. i played an unlined rockbass corvette about a year ago and remember it being very good! although i cant coment on what the construction was.
  21. Wont be gone untill january, but i'm beggining to say my long goodbyes! I'll show you what i've got when it arrives
  22. Does the 210 or 115 mean your re-sizing? I hate the world of bass, i'm constantly changing what i want. i suppose it keeps things interesting!
  23. Homer, is the MIM P the one that nick used to teach on? If so your not wrong, it is a wonderful bass! i love the off-white pg too. I'm down to two at the moment, one 5 and one 4. however i really need another 5 to gig with, meaning i may have to say buh bye to my custom for now. silly old world.
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