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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. yeah nick thats exactly the response i wanted to hear! i too have all the tools handy in the form of my stepdad! I think im going to use the new neo eminence drivers to keep the weight down some more. Also, how did you go about getting the wood for the actual box? Was it expensive? many thanks, Stephen
  2. yeah, not the best fretless playing ive ever seen nevermind eh
  3. Basically, Although i have my Nemesis 810 i want a more portable rig for home practice and smaller gigs too, Ive just pulled the trigger on an ashdown superfly head and i thought what shall i do about a cab?! then it slapped me in the face, why not go BFM design?! How much work has had to be done? How much will it cost all together? With neo speakers perhaps? Thanks for any input and apologies if this has already been done! Im pretty much sold on it as i know everyones raved about it, i just want to know whats involved really! Edit; probably going to be either an omni 10 or omni 12
  4. and also whats this attraction with lying ampeg 810s on there side?! Im sure Mr Fitzmourice would have a fit! (I dont mean that offensivly!!)
  5. just had this on in the background kinda thing, and i saw the intros, and one of the bands has a row of hartke cabs in front of the drummer, no joke, like 5 in a row... could be interesting?
  6. ooo im going to be giving you all an update soon! Ive managed to find a way in which i can keep my 810 but get a lightweight rig ASWELL. oooeeer!
  7. nice yes! useful? Well... hehe, you'll love it here
  8. Hey kev, just to let you know, if you have the original box for the GT6B and a post office near you, i just posted mine via first class special delivery and it came to £19.95 - Pickup really limits things and you might get a faster sale offering that.
  9. not desperate to sell, Just gassing for a spector! You all know what these are like, bought this off here about a month ago and its in perfect nick aside from a slightly dark stain on the back of the neck (in no way effects playability) and yeah... 180?
  10. MythSte

    Leeds tonight?

    [quote name='john_the_bass' post='82792' date='Nov 2 2007, 02:47 PM']free pint for basschatters? I think we should [b]all[/b] just turn up[/quote] well thats a bit gay, youd get about a 300th of a pint...
  11. MythSte

    Leeds tonight?

    Bass chatters get a free pint off me! come!
  12. good lord, my first few basslines where all blink 182 i think! >.< What made me want to stat bass? Hmm, I think gomez had a fair grip on me bass wise
  13. thanks steve, Not so thanks Grosa Anyway, this looks like its going to lovedubs shortly
  14. ihave the EDA905 - sounds the dogs, but just too much of a handful for me to play
  15. i had the bass overdrive, Gain, bass, treble, clean/dry mix and level, did exactly what it said on the tin!
  16. [quote name='rhughes44' post='81020' date='Oct 29 2007, 09:07 PM']Can you give some more details on condition - type of use - box/manual/psu etc?[/quote] I most certainly can! I'm the second owner, But is in perfect condition, The only remotely damaged part is that one of the pieces of plastic that your supposed to wrap the Power Supply cable round has snapped, (about a centimeter) I do have the box, but i believe its a bit tatty (previous owner had no bag for it, and thus carted it round in its box, lots of protection though) Not an original PSU, But a 2 Pin one made for UK supply with a fixed 3 pin adapter from maplins. User Manual is included.
  17. it does sound fair good, but its just too much of a handful for me. Would be great if you paid to get a full setup on it by a pro, But its just not worth doing for me atm.
  18. gotta go. last bump purely for fear of upsetting people! £200 plus post, or meet in Northwest. any trades? Lemme know yeah
  19. Just needs a home now. i never play her. I'm happy to ship make me an offer. make me a trade, make my day. yaknorr. Please?
  20. yeah i know what you mean steve, its an outside chance but always worth a try! I know there are people out there looking at this and thinking "Well, i guess i could get it in the back of my car!"
  21. Well, yes. My point being that i dont want to be out of hand thats all. the only reason money was bought into the equation was because someone asked if i was looking to sell, My reaction being purposly outrageous to prove i didnt want to let it go as a sale and be without an amp. Then i gave an honest opinion of what it would be worth, regardless of what i paid for it. i dont want this thread to turn nasty so i hope that clears anything up!
  22. yes, yes it did. But like i said, Selling for anywhere around that, quite frankly would be rediculous. realistically id entertain offers around £800. But even that would leave me with no amp and a tight budged to get a good lightweight rig. Please note, i didnt mean to insult with the price! it was deliberatly outrageous!
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