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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. An 810? In a Combo? Yeah, it works! aha. First impressions; This thing is LOUD! Like, Cant go past 2 with the gain set generously low due to things falling off shelves loud! At 390 watts its not short of power, And boy, does it show. The semi parametric EQ and Enhance Pots are very easy to use, and with great results. The Enhance just removes some low mids, great for slap or softer funk. And with the semi parametric i can dial in some really ballsy punchy tones too. But what i notice most about this compared to my ol (and cheap) warwick rig is the clarity at volume, yes the room is shaking, but i can still hear every note as clearly as it should be, and ive yet to hear the slightest bit of mud come from it, its just punch punch punch. Im also Glad that it came with An Eden Nemesis Logo (Silver version of the Eden Logo, with nemesis Written where "David" Is written on the Goldface Cabs) Instead of that ghastly Nemesis Blue thing. And this may come to a surprise for many of you, but it isnt actually to hard to move about! its not that heavy, and quite an easy two man lift, even when standing. Otherwise you can just tilt it back and roll it very freely. To compare, A Gallien Krueger SBX810 2 is 143 lbs, and a Hartke 810XL is 145 Lbs, Both also capable of handeling 800watts, like this, Whereas the nemesis weighs only 120 lbs. Still, a heafty beast, but not as hard as one might think! I shall get pictures asap, And a quick write up of how she holds up in a live situation will follow shortly Chuffed!
  2. MythSte

    Single or Multi

    I think the boss me-50B would be a good place to start, its Layout and programming is pretty analogue style, as you said you wouldnt be happy tweaking your sound loads, but presets can be saved etc. Then if you find your after something more specific, you could always put a pedal in the chain as its not huge. food for thought!
  3. This is true, Come the actual slot the monitor mix never seems to be the same. So we've purchased an Art headphone Pre-Amp and our guitarist, Drummer and sample triggerer all have Drums and samples going through headphones. Its not easy, but it works.
  4. We have one or two guys that follow us to every gig ang go through soundcheck with the sound engineer. They arnt experts, but they know what our sound is, and how to achieve it. sometimes its fine and they dont need to do a thing, other times just a quick word with the soundguy and a few knobs a'twiddled and we're at worst better than we were to start with! Id be interested to hear what is going wrong, purely in the interest of making a point of it not happening in future
  5. [quote name='Toffeexbassist' post='35263' date='Jul 21 2007, 02:25 PM']Are Gibson bass's as bad as people make out?[/quote] Yes. Well, i think peoples beef is more with the price than anything. 1000 odd for a bass thats just, averagely average. Anyway, there have been a few old warwick streamers fitting your budget recently. theyd keep you going
  6. i guess it makes sense to have a fenderish bosy though, well, from Mr. X's point of view "So johnny, youve done your research? We're making a bass that does everything, whats everyone playing these days? that must be what "fits" " aha. see other thread
  7. It would deffinatly cope. plenty loud enough. But i think there was a thread back on BW, And the general consensus seemed to be that they all just sounded very hollow. Not even compared to the amps they are trying to mimic, just in general! However, as per usual, yer best bets to go try one and make your own mind up. however, Fact - the synth is gash.
  8. [quote name='chris_b' post='33655' date='Jul 18 2007, 01:40 PM']I went into Andertons at the weekend and the "cheap Eden gear" looks like the same demo stuff they had on the floor a couple of months ago, just reduced some more![/quote] your not wrong, i am getting the one that was on the floor, its the last one. But to be honest, at 500 quid its still a deal and a half. anyway, they called back and told me it will be dispatched tomorrow morning, so ill get it before friday i should imagine!
  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='33734' date='Jul 18 2007, 04:04 PM']Bloody hell. That's great. See if the seller can throw in some punctuation for you too. (kidding!)[/quote] you nasty pasty! But what a deal! S'been a good week for steals round here! Well, for me. Then again, i am the life and soul of this party /insert witty comeback as to why im gay or the like.
  10. Grr, apparently there waiting untill they can find a suitable box to put it in because theyve lost the one that came with it :-| This is my second bad experiance at andertons. First time i tried buying one of those yamaha BBT 210 cabs, and after three weeks of having already paid they told me they were out of stock! at least this time ive paid for it and i know theyve got it!
  11. Im 16, so no, however The amp will stay at our studios and we always use a van to and from Gigs. Im counting my lucky stars this came up though, i never thought id have the kind of money to own any Eden gear before i hit a mid-life crisis! even if it is "only" nemesis. Canny wait! Was down at a local music shop flogging my warwick this morning, 200 quid for a 410 pro and 3.2S. nevermind eh, it made up what i neeed for this and that'll do me fine!
  12. MythSte


    Shameless you two! anyway, your best bet is to go to a local music shop and have a dabble in everything, even if it looks a bit odd. It wont feel perfect, it never will first time but make sure you try it with a strap. and just get a feel for where things are. Then start looking at names! edit-i see he did ask if you were selling, mybad
  13. Yeahhhh! The 810 is on its way! I shall have lots of pictures and a write up when it gets here, hopefully tomorrow!
  14. Im sorry, Ive been robbed blind by a local music shop. i really needed to shift it! Although i have ordered myself something new...
  15. I really dont mean this in an offensive way, but i can see a hint of eddie izzard in you!
  16. [quote name='The Funk' post='31981' date='Jul 15 2007, 03:44 AM']They're holding the power amp for me for the next two weeks. If I live off toast and walk to and from work for the next six weeks, it should be alright. Someone buy my QSC Power Amp. EDIT: Decided against it. Panic buying Eden bass gear. Damn it.[/quote] You'll kick yourself. you knows it. on my end, talks have ceased for the day, i have the stamina of an ethiopian. Round two tomorrow.
  17. This is just a feeler for a made in Germany Hohner chromonica in the key of G. Ive seen similar ones in specialist music shops pushing well past the 130 mark, But i really have no idea what this is worth. It was handed down to me by my Grandad but he's actually pushing me to sell it to fund my bass stuff claiming that it would be worth more to me in the long run! If anyone has any idea on what its worth or how to date it that would be fantastic. Pics on request! Many thanks! Stephen
  18. afraid not. Just to heavy, plus ive my eye on something else. If your up for meeting halfway for 300 then id happily entertain that.
  19. i know, but you know how it is im sure! Anyway, you could probably have a road trip to blackpool, get the amp, go on a bender, and STILL have it as a steal!
  20. Right, needs must. Ill let this whole rig go for 250. Gas is physically a pain in my left side. Also known as muscle strain, but it hurts
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