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Everything posted by MythSte

  1. Id pay money to see that drive a full bass cab! canny be done i tell you. not at any usable volume anyway.
  2. [quote name='dood' post='17302' date='Jun 13 2007, 11:32 PM']the guy in the gallery says epi-farnee.. Can't see that being right. But eppy-fanny makes me chortle in a playground smut sort of way. playsummitweknooo - is apparently a song or something round these here parts. the ole boys are always asking for it![/quote] I say Epi-farny... But ive only ever read about them!
  3. i wasnt dreaming... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=619"]Ashdown Combos[/url] Theyll eat any of the aforementioned
  4. Why hasnt someone started jumping on his head and telling him to buy ashdown? arnt there a couple of ABM combos in our for sale section which would mince the Fender? and i think they were going for about 375? maybe im dillusional
  5. Aha, ive always had a few issues with how to say some manufactures names! like... Pedulla... Pedyula or pedyoola Behringer... Bay-Ring-er or Ber-inj-er Epifani... Epi-Fanny or Epi-farn-ee Maybe i should start an off topic thread... hmm! anyway, to the question in hand, its always twoten to bassists. And two ten inchers two anyone else!
  6. FROM WHAT I HAVE READ The General Consensus seems to be that if its good quility effects Then look at the Boss GT6B, But if your into the Modelling side of things, Then the Line6 is your best bet. Same old, have a bash.
  7. [quote name='dood' post='15078' date='Jun 10 2007, 01:23 PM']I use a hair band or sweatband round the nut of my bass that I can pull up the neck to make a handy 'mute' when I am playing up the 'dusty end' sometimes. I'm amazed at how many forum posts (mainly on guitar forums) that have said this is to make up for poor technique and is cheating! guffaw guffaw!! **[/quote] I do this whenever im tapping anything, And yes it is to cover up poor technique, but like you said, why make life hard! aha.
  8. Its okay, i didnt notice it either! ^_^
  9. MythSte


    Hello ello! just found this, Think it may help those of you in need of up to date grandchildren!! [url="http://gumtownbassman.tinfoilmusic.net/"]Boss GT6B on screen editor [/url]
  10. ABM amps in general seem to be a very safe bet unless your after a really Hi-Fi sound.
  11. [b]"If you were wondering why the full price was not displayed at the top, it is because a Fodera’s value lies where most people don’t look, and not on the contrary, where they often glance"[/b] Ahem, And it says its coming from the states but he's in cardiff? Well its an original spin ill give him that!
  12. MythSte


    Ooo, i may have just got myself one of these... +1 for the help group! we should make a mock up of come kind to show our settings No, i dont know how, but i just think we should! aha. good luck!
  13. Aguilar Rig and flats. Ask Mr. Turner on JK's Runaway!
  14. Tbh, if its just the fact that your output is to hot, turn the volume on your bass down a bit and keep the EQ flat? just compensate with amp volume and/or push the level on your pedal a bit. either im way off or its a bit of a no brainer!
  15. if your orchestra manager wants a more double bass feel then get/make a mute of some sort by ramming some foam under the bridge or under a pickup cover and play right up near the neck. again, its not a double bass, but your getting closer/
  16. Mesa Walkabout scout man. The end.
  17. We rely on the venues, but i think we're going to start hiring our own sound engineer as we have the following setup... 2x guitar 1x bass 2x micro korg 1x Radius synth 1x midi keyboard running off a mac with ableton drumkit. 3x vocals... I canny wait to see the soundguys face at the dry bar on saturday! theres nothing like crashing everything at once!
  18. Starts this friday, We're on the saturday about 10 if you fancy a gander, as most ive spokn to do! [url="http://www.myspace.com/mouuk"]Myth of Unity[/url] [url="http://www.myspace.com/hideandseekfestival"]Hide And Seek Festival, Dry Bar Manchester. 25th, 26th and 27th May.[/url]
  19. anyone? no?
  20. Im thinking about Going for a pre/power amp setup. more wattage without the money innit! especially when you have to cut through as much as i do. anyway, many of these poweramps have fantastic wattage outputs at 8ohm Bridged - im not really sure what this means or what you need to do to be able to use it... basically an idiots guide to bridgin wouldnt go a miss! Thanks in advance!
  21. The studio i go to uses some rediculously expensive condensor mic, but i think one of the most under-rated and completly vital pieces of kit for recording most everything is a high quility compressor. unfortunatly i dont have the knowladge to suggest which or why, but they really are magic lil things.
  22. yeahh i believe the one with the built in autowah is the T.M Stevens funk machine edition, ive always thought that considering its called a funk machine, its quite a generic shape really! come on cort, get yer act together!
  23. that looks fantastic! i wouldnt mind a pair of those myself for rehersals in fact... is this the start of a business?
  24. Is long hair cool again? i used to have some nice floppy locks, and im thinking about letting it grow out again. I just hate the imbetween stage where you look like one of those people that are to lazy to sort there hair out. hmm.
  25. Few weeks ago at rehersal with our gorgeous lead vocalist! Getting me little sister started young last year! P bass and punk strap innit! And a general one of me at a party last year with indy big t...
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