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  1. ED Romman is a trip. He hates every other company but his own, untill he buys that company ..He currently owns like 20 brand names rangeing from BC rich to Steinberger. He owns companies that dont know he owns them, and makes more brand names here in vegas than you would belive. Half the crap guitars in the world he owns the design too and when a korean makes a guitar 9 times out of 10 they pay ed roman 12 dollars or some such for the use of design. he has in his collection many guitars and bass's that he would bad mouth.. He hates Surine, Talked hella sh*t About Scott, said they were out of Buiz, yet i still bought the Surine.. He is I gues the Guitar Nazi of America. By the way Scott is alive and well, and still makeing basss in colorado..They rule. Real pure tone and unique voiceing..Im not racist but my buddy said it was a bass for colored people. I just laughed..He said thats why they use brass and gold plateing......I guess????I never thought about it much.. On the same tip, Ed has ritter bass's and he bad mouthed them real big time, and I belive ritter is one of the best bass makers ever..I played a few of his Guitars(at Ed's) and he sold his selection, and when I asked him about it he said all sorts of crap about them and the buiz and I just thought to myself what a dick brain, ritter is the ultimate..So remember if Ed dont own it , it has a problem in his mind..Real crazy
  2. I am getting it from Ed Roman in vegas, He bought it from spalt..He has the hugest selection of rare bass's at his pad..It is like walking into a dream to go thru his rooms filled with priceless guitars and basss..He has let me play several of them..Rangeing from 10 to 50 g's..Out of this world..I buy like one bass from him a year..My last purchase was the Surine Esprit x..Might be my most expensive bass, and the ding wall was custom made for ed. Sheldon makes a series just for ED, different woods and tops and such..When I pick up th espalt ill add a pic..Spalts are hard to play sorta..Mine is almost imposible to slap on, but will be more of my rocking bass for shure hard rocking finger play..The surine is a Jazz solo bass from hell,the dingwall is a slap master and the NS is a tap master..The modulus is like a delux all around bass for all styles..Well im out
  3. It could be a torent, or phoenix.It is made of rotted maple....This Bass predates all modles and is the first bass they evermade. Their factory then burned down then they started the traben we all know now.. My spalt is on layaway..It is all stainleless steel and wood made for Ed Roman years ago..I convinced him to sell it. The t in my bass stands foe Traben<>My Dingwall rips it up seriously..I am real found of my genesis too. shoot I love them all. They all serve different techniques..
  4. Here are some shots. I also own a spalt and few other bass's not pictured. not the best pics ...I love collecting I currently have Dingawall afterburner elite 5 Traben phoenix(1st trabben ever) 4 Modulu Genesis 5 Surine esprit x 6 NS stick 8 PV midi base 4 Lakland 52-02 custom 5 Warwick corvete buck custom 5 rogue fretless 4
  5. I have a problem....I have a new 6 string bass that on the d string the higher I play up the neck the sharper it goes out of tune.. This does not happen on any other string. Does this sound like an intonation problem? Anyone out there ever experience this??? Thanks
  6. That is an 8 string ns stick custom built for me by Mr Chapman and his fine Daughter..It is a hybrid Steinberger / chapman stik...It is so cool to play..Also stereo out..It has 4 bass strings and kinda 4 guitar strings. The bass has its own output and the guitars has their own tooo.It ruless..I play it thru 3 stages--Highs Mids and a 1000 watt sub low for the b string
  7. Tomorow I am getting a surine x series esprit..Ill post shots..i also have a custom lakland, that trabe is the first ever made and american built with barts neck thru and it is made from rotted mapple..My ns is a 8 string wizard and i also have a custom afterburner1 elite.I also have a few fun things like my 12 string galv
  8. and more
  9. Here are some of mine I have since riped off the crap adjust a nut that came with my warwick and replaced it with corian, and put new tuneing pegs.It now rules..
  10. mindpop


    Here is another shot..This baby is worth 3 times what I paid
  11. mindpop


    Lokkie Here Traben Number one..Rotted mapple, Bart's, neck thru..Custom made First ever
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