in my oppinion, japanese are the best fenders. ive played mine for years now. briliiant build, deffiently on par with amaerican built basses. also doent break the bank! just my opinion though. tom.
exactly! they're perfect entry level heads! dont break the bank, and offer lots of sound variations. its based on the ashdown mag heads, and i actually prefered the behringer (ive played with both heads)
ive used a behringer 3000T head for 2 1/2 years. been nothing but reliable. anyone that says otherwise is simply a gear snob! (ive now had a little bit of an upgarde to an ampeg )
Beautiful bass, dream to play. Really happy with it, except i am a poor student and hence need money! I bought it for £250. Its in great condition, except for a small chip in the head. £180 ono.