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Everything posted by RichBowman

  1. Oh wow - that's just..... Wow. Rich
  2. If I remember correctly, Owen of this forum had one. I think his words were along the lines of: "It spoke with the voice of thunder" He might well chime in if he's about. All the best, Rich
  3. As is yours, sir! It's just having a re-shoot of the fretboard - Very useful especially as everything seems to have settled down now! Hope all is well with you! Rich
  4. Excellent! Can I play? Here's my Single-Cut Bolt on 5: It's back at Jon's at the moment, having a bit of a service. I'm missing it quite a lot! Cheers, Rich
  5. It's a beauty alright -I saw it on Friday when I dropped mine off with Jon - He seemed very proud of it! The neck binding and the inlay are stunning; very, very classy in my opinion! Hope you enjoy it for many years to come (I'm sure you will!) All the best, Rich
  6. PMs returned, and pictures as promised (a wee bit ropey though...): From my last gig (with the Genz!) And: Cheers! Rich P.S> Sorry about the sizes - I'll make them smaller in a mo! ******************************************** Provisionally sold! Cheers for all the interest, Rich
  7. Hi all, This is a very tentative post - But I'm wondering if there'd be any interest in my Schroeder 1212L cab. Most of you know the deal with these - 2 x 12 Speakers, neodynium, one forward facing, one diagonal. The cab is in tip top condition - about 18 month old and had genuinely only been used on a dozen or so occasions, and of those only three or four times with a drummer. In fact - I reckon it's only about now that the speakers have properly broken in. the rest of the time when it\s been used has been with my acoustic group (when I've not been going through the PA, which I was most of the time). The reason I'm selling is that I'm moving awASIay from where I currently live, and thus leaving my band. I fully intend to join a new one (I am moving down to Lahhhhndaaan, after all), but with new job, move and settling in etc, I don't see me being in a position to be in a band for a little while. It was frustrating having it sat in my lounge for the last few months whilst waiting for my GB Shuttle to arrive, and I don't want it to be in the same situation while I'm settling on my new place. I'll throw some pics up of it from my last gig tomorrow, and try and get some better ones in the mean time. As I said, it's in perfect condition, and is currently "de-badged" as I frequently run it with the angled speaker facing upwards, and didn't like the writing going the wrong way. How vain? I'd be looking for £475, plus postage (though driving isn't out of the question, depends on where and how busy I am [which at the moment is stupidly]), and likewise, collection will be entertained! Drop me a PM if you're interested. Cheers and all the best, Rich :Edit: Details are here: [url="http://www.schroedercabinets.com/1212.htm"]http://www.schroedercabinets.com/1212.htm[/url]
  8. Hey mate, I'm good thanks - how about you? How's the lovely Norwich? Not been there for ages! I thought it would be best if those concerned dropped Jon a line and let him know - And he's certainly a better photographer than I am! Plus if I were him, I'd be wary of letting anyone take pics willy nilly as it were - Think he enjoys the reaction he gets when he sends out the progress photos (I was always mailing back a stream of awestruck incomprehensible superlatives and expressions of joy when he sent me some). ^_^ Anyway - the offer's there - I'm popping up to drop mine off for a fingerboard re-shoot. Take care and chat soon, Rich
  9. I'm planning on going up there next week (after Jon and I have had a few previous abortive attempts!) If you want me to get some pics for you, drop me a line (and probably best let Jon know as well so the basses are there) and I'll see what I can do. Hopefully I can help ease the pain a bit! Cheers, Rich
  10. Go on - put me down for a ticket. PM me the details and I'll get it to you! Cheers, Rich
  11. [quote name='paul, the' post='211677' date='Jun 3 2008, 11:53 AM']I don't normally like the look of MB gear, but that [b]does[/b] look cool. It's like, if you're going to be yellow and black, you might as well be f*** off fifteens [/quote] I like your thinking! Nice looking rig. And I increasingly have the GB horn.... Congrats, I hope this brings you many hours of fun (as if it wouldn't)! All the best, Rich
  12. True. Jorg is a exceptionally helpful chap. (as were the guys at SHX music...) Cheers, Rich
  13. I'd say there really is very little difference between the two, maybe a touch more smoother sounding with the 12's. But marginal at best. The weight is a bit of a difference though! :-) Rich
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='195440' date='May 9 2008, 02:16 PM']Closer to the 1210R than the 1210L but not as thick sounding as the 1212R.[/quote] Yup - I'd definitely go with that!
  15. Hmmm - Not mid-scooped at all. I'd say there was a pretty significant low mid bump, which helps you get heard on stage and amongst all the other instruments. Though they don't sound that nice when just playing by yourself (by virtue of that low-mid hump. As for the difference between the 1210L and 1212L -I couldn't honestly say - I've owned a 1210R and a 1212L. They sounded pretty similar to me, and at gigging levels I reckon you'd be very had pressed to notice the difference. HTH, Cheers, rich
  16. Hi there, sorry - It went ages ago! I thought I'd marked it as gone, but it appears not - sorry. Good luck in finding one. Cheers, Rich
  17. I thought the 'B' sounded a little bit odd. Not necessarily weak but certainly had an altogether different tone to it than the other strings. Rich
  18. Yay! I love it when it's a nice and simple (relatively speaking, of course!) solution! Good work with the solder. I used to have a very old Peavey TNT combo that would only work if I took out the amp section and turned it upside down (until I worked out where the offending dry joint on one of the capacitors was...). Used to get some really strange looks doing gigs like that.... Congrats! Rich
  19. I had an iAMP 350 in combo format a while ago. I took it into be service by Panic Music just north of Cambridge and they mentioned that a fair amount of the tracks and components had dry solder joints. None were damaged and it didn't cost a great deal to fix, but i noticed a graet improvement in the sound quality after. Apparently, according to the chap who worked on it, this is fairly common in amps that are in small chassis as the heat builds up and this is bad for the solder. Also it's compounded by switching to lead free solder a few years ago. Either way, I reckon it's not that serious a problem - as long as you get it to some one (or are handy with the old soldering iron yourself!) Hope that helps, Cheers, Rich
  20. Ahh-ha.... I suspected.... I've a 3-door, so I'm watching this with great interest.... ;-) Keep it up! Cheers, Rich
  21. Fascinating thread here Alex, Out of interest - What car are you fitting it all in? Cheers and all the best, Rich
  22. Sweet! Honestly, I'd love to do this. Plus Jon is a great bloke! I'm looking forward to seeing your reports and your final product! All the best, Rich
  23. Heh heh! Speaking as a Shuker SC owner.... Live and let live, there's something to behold in [u]every[/u] bass..... This one is particularly stunning though.... :-) Rich
  24. Thanks guys! As for the construction, I think it's down to personal preference, and cost :-) I've personally not noticed any real difference between through-neck and bolt ons (other than aesthetics - Some through-necks really are a work of art), and the neck is [u]very[/u] securely fixed to the body. Apparently the extended (or lack of) horn helps keep the neck fixed further up and helps achieve a lower action - not something I've really noticed as I'm not a massive fan of super low actions (a bit heavy handed on the technique front and I like to dig in a bit). Cheers, Rich
  25. Yum yum yum yum yum..... Sounds excellent too. Congratulations on a beauty! Rich
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