Anyone know any where i can get a pedal modded?
I want to get my EHX bass micro synth modded so that its true bypass because it's sucking the life out of my unaffected tone!!
Please help
Line 6 MM4 for sale
Great condition, line 6 psu included too no box but still have the instruction manual. Selling as i don't really use it and deserves a good home!!
looking for £100 + Psu, interested in trades as well as cash
Anything by the mars volta!!!
Having flea and Juan alderete as your bass players can't hurt!!
Nice intricate challenging rhythmic parts as well leadish bass playing! fretted and fretless action too!!
Cheers for the info guys,
I've got a ray and really like the look of the lakkie dj but i wasn't sure if they'd be to similar to each to warrant getting one!!!
I played at the water rats on Saturday,
We got a pretty good turn up and it was nice to play on an actual stage and have some room but other than that I wouldn't play there again after the way the night was run!
1. Backline was terrible (we had to use the backline provided) 2 30watt line 6 spider amps with out channel changers!!!
2. Sound guy was very arsey and gave our drummer a hard time because he wanted to tune the toms and wasn't a particularly good sound man!!
3. 4 bands were advertised and 8 bands played!!
4. Had to buy 60 tickets!! (reduced rate but still £180)
Was really dissappointed!!
I recently brought a Gibson RD Artist off shaggy,
The bass doesn't have the original pups in but had gibson eb3 pups instead i thiking of changing them anyone got suggestions what i could put in instead?
Was thinking maybe darkstars?