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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Your real name isnt Willy Wonka is it??
  2. Phwoar, look at the soffits on that!
  3. I didnt, no, I still have the same MB->Berg rig, but this was some friends of mine a while ago who were lookign for a rig. Yes they did go for the SuperTwelveT and the LH500, and I 've heard it fill several large pubs and keep up with decent PA's on a few occasions since. Fantastic rig, can't recommend it enough....
  4. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/99358-lh500-%26gt%3B-super-twelve-vs-mb-sa450-%26gt%3B-bergantino-ae410-comparison/page__hl__super%20twelve%20berg%20ae410 May give some clues? Against an ae410 I grant you, but still interesting I hope?
  5. No spare cash for this Have a superb gig Nigel, me old mucker!
  6. Ahhh, nope, cant help you there then
  7. Any interest in trades?
  8. NIce, I played there, years ago, a European Footie match involving England was playing the same night - not many people saw the band.....
  9. Sheesh mate, you'll need to tell them about that, its all wonky!
  10. Yup, one rig, one bass. There are 5 other basses in the house, one is an old backup. one is a db, one is a fretless (don't play that regualrly enough though), one is a Bronco - waiting fo rthe youngest to get big enough to start on that one), one is Plux's, oh and Plux's rig makes two rigs, and he has a ickle practice amp too.... But me, I have one bass, and one rig that actually see any action from me. Honest!
  11. Damn Bakithi is just the best fretless player, best tone, best groove I have ever heard on fretless, its just so gorgeous isnt it.... Love his playing so much!
  12. Fisheye - I think...... The walls look curved too (arrrghhh my eyes hurt now!)
  13. Dayummmm that l;ooks like its really really moving along now! You've started tearing down the old control room? No going back now! Keep it up, it looks fantastic
  14. Ha, I'm not angry at all Skank, I just dont particularly like bad research in a published article. Yes I have my own list, it runs to several hundred items (easily) and I could bore you all to death with it. I dont because I think everyone has their own list, and its all equally valid, however the minute you publish your list on the internet as [i]The List[/i] it becomes a target if it is not very adequately researched or backed up. And that is where we are at this point Having said that I havent really commented on a list article before, because none of them has seemed so utterly pointless, or bull as this one does to me before.....
  15. And yet its ok to slate every 'best bassist' and 'best bassline' list published by some tool who knows little or nothing about bass? Interesting.... I'd put Quincy Jones in the list of greatest influences on pop too thinking about it.
  16. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1340979795' post='1712387'] Lists is me all over, mate. I have lists all over the place. Latent autism. Seriously, though, they are all players I can recognise from about 2 or 3 seconds of playing. [b]Still can't tell a Precison from a Jazz, thoug[/b]h. [/quote] Note choice, phrasing, timekeeping, swing vs timbre, attack, sustain etc etc
  17. I've got two of their Bantams - they sound great....
  18. Try this lot:- http://www.templeaudio.net/
  19. Errr what a poorly written and researched article. I particularly love the "The sound of a snare drum can be fairly insubstantial and generally needs souping up with reverb to make it sound more prominent" - Errrr no, the sound of snare drum is one of the only acoustic instruments liable to make you deaf. Of course if you record it badly and mix it to sound like a mouse farting it wont have the same impact. What a tool. Oh and where was "Parliament: Flashlight - first use of synth bass" - without which there would have been no sequenced bass - and why sequenced bass, why not just sequenced stuff, surely he doesnt believe sequencers are only used for bass - and IIRC it was an arpegiated line rather than sequenced (fine distinction I know). Daft Punk seem to get a lot of props, yet nothing he mentioned there was invented by them by any means... I'd also site Peek-a-Boo by Siouxsie and the Banshees as the most over use of tape reversal on a single (a #1 single at that IIRC) -virtaully the entire backing track was flipped before the vocal went down - killer idea! I would put Multitrack recording at the top of the list, it has had a far wider ranging effect on the sound of pop/rock than every other thing in the list. And yes, it definitely has a sound, its [i]the[/i] sound of pop. Then again I'd also put forward the sound of Neuman U87, U47 (FET and tube) and U67 mics; Fairchild, La2a and 1176 compressors; Lexicon reverbs; Studer tape machines; API and Neve preamps; SSL buss compressors; reverb chambers; Joe Osborne; NS10 monitors; tape loops and digital limiting mastering techniques ahead of most of that list. Admittedly the sound of a lot of the above is more esoteric, but they have added more to pop music in general than those few musical idiosyncarcies mentioned in that list.
  20. Les Claypool is instantly recognisable...
  21. Man, I am getting properly jiggly here over this, the work just looks so cleanly done, and, well, good....
  22. Best I've played was an Alleva Coppolo. Hands down. Rather pricey though!
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