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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Yeah, mad isnt it! Its almost as if they may at some point actually turn into decent hardworking members of society. No hold on that can't be right.... I have no idea if these arrangements are written by band leader or not to be honest Bilbo, they are pretty up for changing things around. They do a version of Birdland with both bassists, which I've yet to hear (can't wait!), that is definitely their own.
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333034327' post='1596543'] [sigh] Can someone please reboot 51m0n... [/quote] [i][b][size=6]SLAP[/size][/b][/i] Err, thanks
  3. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1333030342' post='1596448'] Ampeg SVT 7 Pro. Only had it a few months. But having thought about it, I did raise the pickup height on my new Precision, and was digging in on the Jazz having dropped the tuning. So I think I'm to blame... [/quote] Sounds likely, both of those activities are likely to get the signal a bit hotter.
  4. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1333030150' post='1596438'] Well assuming you weren't getting carried away like 51m0n obviously does ( ) then the amp is starting to look like the prime suspect - what is it? [/quote] FNARRRR - OOOWWPPHHH GWOP... <snigger>
  5. Well, you could have been digging in harder due to excess enjoyment, stop it at once
  6. Plus the extra driver area compensates for the drop in output from the amp. Great amps, great cab, have a bump from me too
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1333007669' post='1595982'] It sounds great mate! And so does Plux! I only heard a couple of them, there's only so much Jazz one can manage in a single sitting Which do you think think is his standout track? [/quote] Bwahahaha! Yeah, can't argue with that Track 7 is pretty nice on DB, he was playing with real confidence I think (so he's pretty clear in the recording), hit all the stabs and swung like a donkey's appendage, to my albeit very untrained ear. Track 8 is pretty bonkers on electric, remember he was reading the dots for this on stage, it's latin, which he finds pretty tricky (having listened to too much funk and rock stuff, as is the law in our household), with feel changes into a pretty fast walking line, and he doesnt get to rehearse this at all with the band. Really aquitted himself well I think. I certainly couldnt do it! I also think the very last track is quite cool, lots of seat of the pants improv by the horns (with varying success), held together with a vice like grip from the rhythm serction, very unexpected guitar solo, and at the end they are joined by the Concert Band (who played first on the night) for a really big New Orleans-esque sound. Great way to end the gig! [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1333009677' post='1596010'] Very good. [/quote] Cheers ET!
  8. Saw some dodgy band with some dude in gloves a couple of times They were rather excellent as it goes. I'd like to see (in ni particular order at all) Nearly Dan, Our Helical Mind, CreepJoint and Dick Venom. But they dont let me out much any more
  9. In case any of you chaps in DB land never get into the General Bass area, there is a topic in there about Plux's first proper headlining gig with the Brighton Youth Big Band on db and electric bass. Huge thanks to all those of you on this forum who have helped us with advice and more about db's, pickups etc etc. Its been completely invaluable. The topic is [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171847-pluxs-first-proper-gig-with-the-big-band/"]Plux's first proper gig with the big band[/url]:- You can hear the gig here:- [url="http://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/sets/brighton-and-hove-youth-big-1"]http://soundcloud.co...ove-youth-big-1[/url] Cheers!
  10. Link Added to OP and here:- http://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/sets/brighton-and-hove-youth-big-1 Enjoy
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1263917902' post='718006'] Years ago I got one in the front of an Escort with the body on the front seat (end pin to ceiling) and the neck in the foot well. If the body isn't too wide, its actually a perfectly credible way of transporting the thing. (Seatbelt recommended!!) [/quote] +1 Thats how I transport ours in the '96 BMW 3 series. Damnably tough getting gear in or out of that car, to the point of complete frothing at the mouth on occasion
  12. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1332765967' post='1592713'] Ha ha, on one of the gigs I [i]am[/i] within 2.5 ft of the back of the stage and 8ft puts me in the audience!!! Real life beats theory every time! [/quote] Not so, real life includes other variables that, when properly added to the theoretical model we are building of the situation go on to eventually explain exactly what is happening If you are within 2.5 ft of the rear wall, then you are projecting bass into the room that isnt being negatively affected by filtering with the reflection off that wall. So we can cross that possibility off. Doesnt mean that some other reflection isnt causing you woe though.... Acoustics, its a hell of a drug What about the other venue though?
  13. Ever thought about the distance from the back wall of the stage? You can get great or bad additive effects as a result of the reflection off the back wall interacting with the direct radiation from the front of your rig. Best bet is to get the front of the rig less than about 2.5ft from the back wall (gives a nice positive additive boost down in bassist land. If the rig is between 3 and 8ft from the back wall you are going to be causing grief somewhere in the bass through low mid areas, which may also result in an overly boomy sound (since they arent being cancelled out) in the room. Over 8ft from the back wall and you [i]should[/i] be fine (from this phenomena).
  14. Drummer doesnt know dick about sound then. Tell him I said so
  15. July 16th IIRC as it goes through Brighton, they get a ten minute slot, in front of an expected 10000 people (so I am led to believe), which will be totally cool!
  16. Totally agree, just went beserk on the audio engineer GAS for a second. Back to normal now, feeling much better, had a quiet 5 minutes with a nice Single Malt, all better now, honestly
  17. Well filling a room up with bodies does significantly change the amount of absorbative material in it* Effectively it turns the playing ares in to a huge full range absorber, which really truly does clean the sound up significantly. Its not going to mean jack to you on stage, but you'll be pleased to knwo that the first three rows will get great sound, which will get progressively worse through the audience toward the back, unless the PA is properly flown (up high, above the great unwashed - thats the band) so as to ensure some top end gets to the back of the auditorium..... * Best to use fresh ones though - they do whiff when they go off....
  18. Yeah I was thinking if you went the route of something like a vintage Neve pre, into an Fairchild 670 compressor you'd be getting well into silly money, then into some ungodly power amp suitable for mastering engineers and billionaires only on to some custom made uber cab by the likes of PMC, you could easily be topping 50 or 60 grand.... Cant imagine it would be worth the cash to be honest.
  19. Saw Plux play with the Brighton Music Service Big Band for the first time properly on Saturday. He's only been with them 6 months and its the first time I've seen them 'heading the bill' as it were. He normally plays only the tracks that require double bass, since they have an electric bassist too, but the other fella couldn't make it, so Plux stood in on electric duties too and played the whole set, even though he doesnt normally play those parts at rehearsal. Busy night, he certainly worked hard! They had great sound on the night and played a fantastic set, which I recorded from way back in the audience, once I've sorted the recording out (its hours long, got the whole night including the Concert Band's 15 minute segue through The Jungle Book, awesome stuff!) I'll stick a link up to it. He played brilliantly, and totally owned it - fantastic rhythm section with him, the drummer and guitarists who provided an absolutely solid swinging foundation for the horns to let rip over the top of. Amazing night seeing so many of his contempories playing fantastic music, many of whom came up through the Brighton Music Service with him from something like 12 years ago, and have gone on to become really excellent musicians. Well ddone Plux! You can hear the tracks here:- [url="http://soundcloud.com/51m0n-1/sets/brighton-and-hove-youth-big-1"]http://soundcloud.co...ove-youth-big-1[/url]
  20. Top work Clarky! Well done mate, 7 songs for the audition? Crikey!
  21. Dont forget the camera for that!
  22. Nice stuff Mike! I used to have a couple of those Laney cabs way way back too
  23. Commiserations, and congratulations, in that order
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