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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. It means that out front it sounds tighter and better defined (assuimng the room acoustics dont shoot that down in flames too).
  2. I was referring to the blockwork Clearly once thats done there are still a couple of bits and pieces to do, but nothing much really Stop whinging , some of us are jealous....
  3. A decent sound to tape is not too hard. Getting that sound to sit right in the final mix, with everything else going on in the arrangement, such that it still sounds like the same sound, and doesnt step on the rest of the arrangements toes unduly..... ...thats the magic bit
  4. So 2 out of 3 are nearly done? wowzer....
  5. Play him Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon and Garfunkel - because I bet thats where you'd like to be in the mix.....
  6. Get a DI to go into the mic input on the interface?
  7. This one is just superb:- [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rej9RD6rPp4&feature=autoplay&list=UUgCIM3TsDAA5K48X-q7t-pg&lf=plcp&playnext=1[/media] Dig the choice of footwear whiolst drumming - it may well catch on
  8. Love Bernard, totally killer basslines. Stu's book is excellent, as much for the history lesson as the detail on the tracks themselves, highly recommended!
  9. Definitely try some good quality new strings first. Could save you a tonne of cash.
  10. [quote name='CraigyJ' timestamp='1332084955' post='1582932'] Many thanks for all the advice guys... All makes sense. Think I will go the way of fitting a decent pup and ditching amplitube for the bass track and see how that goes. I think I'm doing most other things pretty much ok...I run high pass filters on all other tracks, guitars, synth etc to make sure there is nothing fighting the bass for space. The biggest problem I've had is that anything played on the low e is really muddy...the other strings sit in the mix fairly well but that low e is just so boomy...by the time I've taken all the boomy frequncies out there is nothing left. Hopefully a decent pup and a new set of stings will help...!! CraigyJ... [/quote] Dodgy string? Dodgy setup (pickup height) ?
  11. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1332066971' post='1582639'] Am I right in thinking that provided that for recording that its important that the bass gives a good clear sound but it isn't as important to have wide tone variations. My thinking being that if you have a good "raw" sound track you can mess around with it afterwards? [/quote] You cant polish a turd.....
  12. Thats a lot of blocks! What does that lot weigh?
  13. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1331939518' post='1581355'] Optimum gain settings (your method) mean driving the rest of the circuits to the best of their design ability and in my opinion will always sound better than altering your whole gain structure simply because you want to alter the volume. [/quote] +1 Absolutely bang on. Sometimes its worth backing off the inout gain a tad more than necessary and bringing up the power amp volume to compensate, some circuits do sound a tad sweeter like this IME when recording the amp but its marginal at best. The general rule of thumb for gain staging an amp is master down very low or off, set the input gain to the clip light (the exact detail of which varies between manufacturer, DO check the manual), then bring up the master up to required volume. Everything is running with the best signal to noise ratio possible for a start, the power amp is being delivered an optimum signal and so you can reach the maximum amp volume, and any inbuilt compressor (ugh!) will be fed the right amount of gain and therefore do something (probably horrible, but I digress)...
  14. One other thing, and this may sound daft, but it really needs to be played well too. The groove has to be there or it will fight the mix.... Be extra vigilent about note lengths, and strings ringing and not being damped properly, too many bass takes to mention have been ruined by poor playing technique and sympathetic string ringing. As soon as you try and compress the part the crud ruins it for a start!
  15. New strings - just ,just played in, say three hours old, is great. A real understanding of frequency mixing - fitting the bass in is one of the hardest parts of mixing. A thorough understanding of compression and ducking Sacrilege fo rthis site I know but a decently set up £110 bass will go a very long way with the right strings and a good DI, if its the right bass for the song you are golden. Personally I'd aim at a jazz bass, the neck pup alone is along way toward the P sound, the two pups blended scoops the mids and gives a classic funk tone, bridge pup solo'ed with a healthy bass boost at mixdown gives a magnificent tight but burpy tone that will cut through really nicely.
  16. 51m0n

    Rack Effects

    I use a rack compressor. Nothing on the floor works for me for that. I would love some way of switching channel 1&2 of the rack comp in and out so I could go to a super compressed sound sometimes at the click of a switch. Rack kit is often better quality, has higher headroom (where that is good thing) etc etc than kit running off a pedal board. Is it enough beter to be worth the hastle/cost? Only you can answer that!
  17. Definitely! MB SA450 into Berg ae410, just awesome tone!
  18. Nice one, like there stuff, very groovy indeed. Didnt take long to get back on that horse did it!
  19. Herb is the man. Cant go though, no funds
  20. Hey, I think they missed a bit mate! Looking good, not hanging about are they, bet you can not wait to hear that stone room when its done
  21. Nice effort so far! Treating the room is where the fun really starts. I wouldnt put too much store in wee acoustic tiles though, you need decent absorbers and basstraps instead, otherwise you tend to just take a little bit of flutter echo off the top and leave a great big whallowing blowwwwwwwwhhh of bass and lower mid range to make it very hard to hear what is going on. Which leads people to turn up REAL LOUD to make themselves heard (which just tires everyones ears out even more). And I for one would love to see it when its done!
  22. Turns out I am busy on the 24th, Plux is playing the Olympic Torch ceremony (as it passes through Brighton) with the big band, I will be watching, and providing transportation....
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7y9yChV478&feature=related
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