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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Love my Century Std too
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx1RccwlF5g&feature=BFa&list=AVGxdCwVVULXdXi3Bmm7CJcOj4XxEwyCTB&lf=list_related
  3. Seen Michael up close at a gig in London (literally a few feet away, had a chat with him afterwards. He is a total musician, and a staggering composer. He happens to make music with an adapted bass. I think he would probably be outstanding whatever instrument he played. To those who say in ine breath he is pushing the bounds of the instrumetn and in the other its not bass playing, well thats a given. It is not traditional bass playing by virtue of the fact that he is extending the perceived possiblilities of the instrument ergo it isnt traditional bass playing. The real question is doe this music move people emotionally, and for me it does incredibly, seeing Selene and Enormous Room played up close in a packed (I mean rammed) albeit small venue was incredible, and the entire place was utterly captivated by the musicality of the pieces on offer. He is a musical genius, IMO. He also plays a mean bit of more normal bass playing too....
  4. Cool stuff! (opens second box of popocorn)
  5. I couldnt agree more, cabs are a personal thing, but to suggest that Bergs lack any oomph and are in some way the worst cabs ever played is complete and utter nonsense. They are fantastic cabs, beautifully made that deliver seriously great tone. They are by no means the only cabs that sound great in the world, no one said they are, but they are (or at least have been ) a high point in bass cab design for a while, and something of a luxury item to boot. The lack of any possiblity of a paying endorsement prevents them being advertised with an assortment of bass puppets in front of them, that is all. ANd yeS I dO tHinK that MaYbe viCTor WootEN chOSE his CAbs basED oN FinaNcials fIRst aND ToUr suPPort ConSIDeraTIons moRE thAn TOne. I dont think he's wrong to, I just think its a load of rubbish to make any assumption based upon what anyone says they're playingg in a magazine advert.
  6. About time too mate! Another lovely high ceiling to give you plenty of space, this is going to be a treat (sits back with the popcorn)... Well come on then!
  7. [quote name='Leighton Allen' timestamp='1328810143' post='1533078'] Hi Mark. First of all i love your shop its Bass heaven!!! You have an awesome range of gear so this is in no way dissing you. I just WANTED TO see if there were people out there who experience what i did. @musicman20 and 51m0n I'm certainly not worried about my BASS playing. Having studied with some of the worlds best players who I'm still good friends with, I'm in no way in need of covering up my playing!! does your 4x10 blow the walls down because you turn your amp up to 11 or does it really blow your walls down that is the question???? No in all seriousness I'm not dissing the people who use them! i just can't really think of ANY SERIOUS PLAYERS that use them!!! [/quote] Err it really really blows walls down, it is very efficient for a 410 of any make. Massively punchy in fact, and a truly beautiful tone. Have you ever used an ae410 in anger? I could not care less who uses what kit, 'SERIOUS PLAYERS' - by which you mean the guys who are looking to get income through endorsements dont interest me in their gear choices at all, they almost all w**** themselves out to the highest bidder - gear be damned. If you fall fo rthat nonsense then thats your look out. I dont know any 'SERIOUS PLAYERS' (admiring your caps lock fixation btw ) who use Barefaced, doesnt mean that in my opinion the BF S12T isnt one of the best cabs I've heard on a gig anywhere. The Troll-o-meter is going to blow if you keep this up!
  8. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1328794967' post='1532735'] This is my only issue with Bergantino descriptions. To be honest, if you aren't that great a player, you will know from any amp/cabinet. Yes, tube distortion and compression can cover it up, but to be honest, and fairly clean solid state amp and a cab with a tweeter will show the player they need to brush up. I think that MIGHT be what puts some people off from the start. They see a somewhat 'over muso' type description that comes across quite patronising and assumes the good ol' rock n roll pick players playing through Ampeg rigs shouldn't try Berg for fear of showing bad technique. Not so. As with most equipment/vehicles/etc, brands can also bring across 'brand snobbery', which really doesn't feel comfortable with me. This isn't aimed at any posters here by the way, its just something I've noticed with brands and this failry new 'trend' of ultra clean/almost hi-fi like tone. [/quote] I think you misinterpret what I meant then. The first few times I played with the ae410 in a band setting it cut/punched through so much better than the kit it replaced that it became clear that in that setting I was rustier than I thought. I am not making this up, the drummer was the person who noticed the most, great cab, your playing isnt as good as I remember (b***er!). This was in a very old school blues orientated band, no muso or brand snobbery allowed through that door at all! This is not a bad thing at all, in fact its absolutely the opposite, its very similar to laying down tracks in the studio the first time, all of a sudden you can really hear what you've played, and to your horror all the crud and string noise, and every timing glitch that was buried in the sheer volume of the live performance is no totally apparent. And you need to fix it without losing the energy. After a couple of months of regular playing with a great cab you will play tighter since you can hear the mistakes as well as the good bits more clearly. However there is no doubt in my mind that there are a lot of cabs out there that are very hard to hear in a mix (old Hartke ones are a standout for sheer pantsness IME), leading you to belieev you are nailing it when in reality flailing around it is a more accurate description. As you say any really good clean cab will give you some of that, but the Berg really showed up issues more than anything else I've used. I like and rate the BF S12T because it gives this kind of clarity and sense of what you are really doing as well. Anyone deciding they dont want this can go and get something else, but they will be found out eventually
  9. [quote name='Leighton Allen' timestamp='1328741055' post='1532122'] Just met up with another pro bass playing friend who has a few berg cabs AE112,HS210 HT112ER!! i took over my ebs pro line 4x10, aguilar 1x12 gs x2 and aguilar th500 amp ebs td650. We compared most of the possibilities as came to this conclusion!!!! Dave said '' Leight after tonight i will be selling two of my 3 berg cabs, i now totally see where your coming from. i think i just fell into a trap that most bass players fall into. After playing all the gear tonight i can CLEARLY SAY I THINK BERG CABS ARE THE WORST SOUNDING CABS I HAVE EVER PLAYED!!!!!!! NO FREAKIN BALLS AT ALL. WE ARE BASS PLAYERS RIGHT WELL LETS HAVE SOME FREEKIN BASS PLEASE!!!! [/quote]
  10. No balls? Really? My ae410 knocks down walls with my MB sa450 driving it. Gorgeous tone, lovely, complex, and punchy as hell. Very much a product of the bass you plug in to it (it is a rig that doesnt stamp a massive signature eq all over the sound of your bass). If your bass and or playing isnt up to scratch it will become obvious fairly rapidly IME, even in a mix. In a gig up against a very loud guiatrist and two drummers I had no problem owning my area of the mix, punchy as hell. So I cant say I have shared the detractors experience at all. Oh and I freely admit to loving the Barefaced S12T too, if portability is a major concern that is the best sounding easiest to lift cab I have ever experienced, if it were around when I got my ae410 I dont think I'd have the Berg right now. Funny old world init!
  11. No way! That is a real shame, some of their kit was a great entry into the world of tube stuff, and their tube consoles looked awesome Weird, their website is still up, and gives no indication that this is the case?
  12. I'd add to the firewire vs usb point as follows. Very very few boards out there (lappie of any kind inc Mac) these days use decent firewire interface boards. They are now very very hard to find (particularly on lappies). USB is most definitely capable of transfering all the data required for 16 tracks of audio at a time. It comes down to driver quality at that point, and RME make what are generally regarded as the best drivers in the industry. Thats not knocking the Focusrite stuff at all by the way, just a bit of info to store away in the back of your head). Personally I'd go USB every time these days.
  13. Gaw blimey guv, couldnt do that, more than my jobs worth that is..... T**T!
  14. The benefit is purely in being able to target search results more toward your studio, and specific search requests that you want to have the perfect answer for on your website (not just the front page, the target page is usually tuned to the ad anchor text, ie analogue mastering tagline goes straight to a page where you state that you provide this service, and why your service is such great quality and awesome value for money). If you look at google based web pages they pretty much all have ads on them, and a lot of other pages use google ads too, the result from a search on the search engine is never going to be in those lists, an ad is. So your ad gets on more web pages without being a direct answer to a search request. The downside of course is it isnt free, whereas chucking up a website tuned to score well on a search bot will always (theoretically) get you near the top of the list of straight results. The difficulty for you is trying to figure out if the extra coverage will be worth the cost in terms of more business. You would be doing very very very well to achieve a click of less than 1% of the times that your ad turned up on a page, and how many of those clicks will turn into actual business? Definitely seems to work for a lot of businesses though - its how google make their (massively vast piles of lovely) money after all.....
  15. Shame the drums in the sketchup floorplan aren't in the same place as in the groovy photo..... Damn thats pedantic, sorry! Nice use of space to keep things clean and well placed. Not too crammed with unnecessary clutter. Do you have a google ads type campaign planned? If so whats the landing page like? How is the page optimised to grab search engines (ask your tech dude to explain this, if he cant he needs to to ensure you come out on top). Coded in xhtml (good stuff!) using jquery (for the image transitions I'd guess) and javascript precached images. Ticks an awful lot of boxes, and your gear list gives me hot flushes. Nice job!
  16. Oh man, hope you get better soon Shep! I've had a crook back for 20 years now (GAWWWWD only just realised its been that long!), it is no fun, I feel for you. I cant believe you are selling the 6, that was the best fretless I've ever played by a country mile, it is the only fretless I have played that felt like it wanted you to be in tune. amazing instrument. I hope the next one works as well for you (well a lot better actually, but you know what I mean)
  17. Saw the build is back on over at GS, can't wait to see what you have planned!
  18. Guilty as charged The elbow patches must be lostin the post mate
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327329857' post='1509374'] It was great fun mate! Nice little venue too. A Basschatter called Dave Holden was in one of the support bands, I can almost smell a BC member at gigs Thanks for asking Si. N [/quote] Yeah, the corduroy trousers and faux leather elbow patches give it away almost as well as the pale complexion and hands fixed in a permanent claw from attempting 200bpm 16th notes with "The Garrision" technique for ten minute intervals
  20. [quote name='Rimskidog' timestamp='1327251032' post='1508338'] More news on phase 2 next week, in the meantime... in more interesting news, I had Henry Rollins (Black Flag, Rollins Band) in this week cutting vocals: [/quote] Excellent!
  21. I'd avoid any holes int he plasterboard you can., it wint help the target goal of a properly quiet exterior with the band going full tilt....
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