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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. Dont 'hit' the strings! Your fingers should brush across them. The string should vibrate in parallel with the neck more than it does perpendicular to it. The difference between loud and hard is how tense your last knuckle on your fingertip is, nothing more is really necessary, and is wasting energy.
  2. bumpity-bump for the 'other' compressor pedal I'd buy.... Tip top bit of kit, and a real tube comp (not just a tube preamp in front of an optical or VCA comp)....
  3. That won't last 5 seconds against a determined thief. It may slow down someone who is only intereted in picking up a guitar thats entirely unattended, but I'd be as worried about damage to the neck from the device itself if some drunken tw*t picked it up to 'just have a go' while I toddled off to 'sign autographs'
  4. Yeah thats the video I listened to. I had no idea that was Herbie before the gig, really surprised to find that out (which is why it stuck in my mind). Definitely played with a pick. Before anyone thinks Herbie's '59 has some unbelievable something, he was using a Squire on the day (red one IIRC) although it had stock Fender pups in (again IIRC, had a fair old chat to him about it), and the magic tapewound strings, and Herbie reckoned he couldnt tell the difference in sound between it and the '59. Enlightening day, watching Herb play Space Oddity, It Must Be Love, a bit of War of The Worlds etc all live 10 ft away from you with the Little Band is as amazing as it sounds!
  5. Now I might well be wrong, but I think Herbie FLowers may have played on this. IIRC his Little Band played it at the Brighton Bass Bash last year, and he said it was one of his sessions. I which case it was his '59 J bass, with the tapewound strings on. May have used a pick for it though, he certainly isnt averse to using one....
  6. Any and all amp mounted compressors (or any other fx - didnt SWR go mad for this on one of theirs?) Graphic eqs - they're plop, deal with it! Tone stacks - utterly befuddling illogical eq. SOunds nice, pants to use! More than one input! 1/4" speaker outputs Noisey fans Pointless graphics - just keep it simple and clear, I include dumb fonts in this too!
  7. I run my rig like this:- into amp (preamp) out of fx send to compressor out of compressor to korg tuner (so I can use its mute button, and the comp isnt compressing any noise from it) out of tuner to fx return (power amp for you) I have no issues with the signal quality as a result of putting the korg tuner in the path that I can hear...
  8. Once upon a time it would be 6 hours a day. That was a very long time ago. Now its lucky if I get 10 minutes a day....
  9. I have a Zoom H4n, and its the canine undercarriage IMO.
  10. [quote name='Adrenochrome' post='996934' date='Oct 22 2010, 12:22 PM']Ha ha, I saw you 2 going into the kebab shop just before I caught my bus home, thanks for letting me share a table with you guys (forgot to introduce myself!). Cheers to Phil for organising a refreshingly different bass experience! [b]I loved some of the middle-eastern sounding stuff played over drones - excellent use of eBow[/b]. Jon[/quote] Ooooh did he do Adhan then? Love that, totally mind boggling!!
  11. [quote name='obbm' post='996846' date='Oct 22 2010, 11:13 AM']They are both fine causes. Could I propose we donate 50% to each.[/quote] +1 Seems like the best way forward to me....
  12. Guess I may as well be the first to mention a possible Barefaced Compact solution. Team it up with a Hartke LH500 (or LH1000), and a sansamp VT and you'll be there....
  13. Wow! What a gig, Hiromi is just astonishing, and I saw SC at The Barbican last year, and he spent all night on the DB then as well (and was staggering!) More than slightly green with envy here (and I dont really dig jazz - but SC is [b]so[/b] funky....)
  14. PM coming your way re Vincent's email addy.
  15. [quote name='cetera' post='996063' date='Oct 21 2010, 03:37 PM']Lol! Can't I have a day off?!? [/quote] But why would you want to???
  16. [quote name='cetera' post='995675' date='Oct 21 2010, 10:48 AM']Just out of interest will we each get a badge with our username/real name on it? Just for ease of identifying each other etc. Sorry if this has been covered in the past but this is the first one I can actually make! [/quote] I just assumed you'd be in the full GS Kiss regalia, mate, don't disappoint us!
  17. Have a bump on me! This is the same compressor as found in the Joe Meek twinQ, sixQ and oneQ, I've used the twinQ extensively as a pre in the studio, and the compressor in it is superb. If I had the money this is one of only two pedal compressors I would even consider buying.....
  18. You cant put back what a limiting/extreme compression device has taken out really. Your best bet maybe a parallel unfuzzed path? Or if you want to be devious you could possibly side chain an expander from the clean signal before the fuzz, but put it after the fuzz. It may just be possible with extreme tweakage to get that to help some, maybe, but I'm not willing to guarantee it at all.... On second thoughts that wont work. Ignore me
  19. [quote name='phil.i.stein' post='994133' date='Oct 19 2010, 09:39 PM']cheers for the clip will, [b]any chance of a pro-version (pre-sets, clean/mix,e.q. etc..)???.. now that would be ultimate.[/b]. [/quote] + lots!
  20. Along these lines, but more so, I've always wanted a rack thingy to be able to plug both channels of my compressor in and then select the signal path (through one, none, both, parallel and series), with a footswich to control it (but not sending the signal down to the footswitch, cos that would be daft. I am full of great ideas, but have the electronics design abilities of the average natterjack toad....
  21. +1 Dood Low(ish) action and a really properly set up action (ie neck relief) are a must IMO If your action is a tad higher then bear in mind its not the force you squish the neck with, its the speed of your finger striking down and then holding the string fretted (with normal tension) that gets the note to riing. Hard to explain but the energy for the string vibration is derived more from swishy fingers of lythe speediness then great big ogery muscle bound meat claws IME. Oh, and if it sounds all clacky clacky then set a compressor with an extremely fast action (or indeed a limiter) to nip the attack of the notes.
  22. Simple thought, can you pluck less hard? Also spend some practice time working on relaxing your right hand as you play, decent warm up routine too maybe?
  23. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='993311' date='Oct 19 2010, 11:15 AM']ahem.[/quote] True, plenty of love for Barefaced here too!
  24. [quote name='Ukelele Salad' post='993307' date='Oct 19 2010, 11:12 AM']sorry, i've already had some i see - Bergantino, Aguillar, Berg, any others? We have no shops in Bristol so I can't actually try any of them out![/quote] Take the time to go to Bassdirect in Warwick - do not forget your credit card - yes it really IS worth it....
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