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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. If this is a stop gap then get something as cheap as you can second hand. If it isnt going to be very loud then it doesnt matter about the output of the amp - just turn it down if it sounds ugly (but you wont need to cos its only quiet acoustic gigs). Alternatively borrow something from a mate....
  2. A little checking and its definitely a 4ohm minimum amp with an 8 ohm extension cab, so no more extension speakers from here on, unless you want to go through the rigmarole of series parallel wiring, specially made up leads for ever diminishing returns as you ask too much of the amp....
  3. IN all likelihood the minimum impedance of that combo is 4ohms. It could conceivably be 2 Ohms, but that is highly unlikely. Check your manual or the back panel of the amp. It doesnt matter how many cabs you plug into it, as long as you DONT go under that ohmage. Typically (again almost certainly in this case) any extension cab you plug in will be wired in parallel to the internal speaker. Also typically (almost certainly in this case) if you daisy chain off the extension cab that will also be a parallel link. The formual for working out parallel wired resistance is 1/TOTAL = 1/cabA + 1/cabB + 1/cabC + 1/cabD...... So if your internal speaker is 8 ohm, and your extension cab is 8 ohm you have:- 1/TOTAL = 1/8 + 1/8 1/TOTAL = 2/8 = 1/4 TOTAL = 4 ohms if you add another extension you get 1/TOTAL = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 1/TOTAL = 3/8 TOTAL = 2.6667 If your amp is rated to 4 ohms then, it will release the magic smoke at this point.... If it is rated at 2 Ohms it will be fine.
  4. Oh, infamous bassist, tremendous mullet too IIRC
  5. One of the very best bands of the eighties... and still going strong!
  6. Yeah hes around Brighton alot, since he lives about 10 minutes away! Lovely fella, Plux may have some piccies, having played it extensively for a week earlier this year....
  7. Oh Chris, you may just be beginning to over analyse the hell out of this thing - just go out there and play it!!!
  8. [quote name='billphreets' post='963313' date='Sep 21 2010, 01:58 PM']nothing wrong with it , was actually a pretty good film in its day [/quote]
  9. Siouxsie and the Banshees (they may have started in the 70's, but the albums they released in the 80's are all superb) Fields Of The Nephilim (dodgy goth in the extreme, but the album The Nephilim has some of the best use of two guitars in a single band I've ever heard, and Celebrate is virtually a bass guitar/vox duet, whats not to like??) BowWowWow Bauhaus RHCP (yup, their 80's stuff is some of their best) Pop Will Eat Itself (Box Frenzy is a classic album) Fuzzbox The Cramps (A Date With ELvis is sublimey excellent) The Meteors (Paul Fennig, you're disgusting!)
  10. [quote name='billphreets' post='963206' date='Sep 21 2010, 12:29 PM']its not an argument , just my opinion.. give me knobs to tweak instead of sh*tty presets to trawl through any day of the week..[/quote] Hahahaa, so what happens when you have a digital device with an analogue interface? This has a bunch of analogue knobs on for you to play with, as well as presets to set up far more complex parameters than could realistically fit on a pedal.... Or what about an analogue device with digital control and an analogue interface to that control (FMR RNC springs to mind)? Whats wrong with perfect recall anyway?
  11. [quote name='lojo' post='962386' date='Sep 20 2010, 04:47 PM']I think if the OP posted the details of his next gig, half of the BC community would travel across the country to be there for a listen, would be great to all meet up[/quote] Well he's never going to do that for fear that we might not agree with him
  12. A semi parametric is a powerful eq, but far from idiot proof.... A tone stack is idiot proof
  13. [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/electric-guitar-fx/pid11449/cid579/carl-martin-3band-parametric-preamp-pedal.asp?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping"]This [/url]should be pretty good though:-
  14. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='962296' date='Sep 20 2010, 03:35 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BOSS-PQ-3B-BASS-PARAMETRIC-EQ-BOXED-MANUAL-/230523010857?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35ac3dff29"]Bit pricey though[/url].[/quote] Why is this a bass specific pedal exactly? Its just a semi parametric eq, so why the bass reference.... Just wondering, I'm sure its a great solution, I just dont understand the name.
  15. Good suggestions above LH500 (or 1000) or MBII or III with a sansamp VT pedal will get you very close indeed. As for cabs, you would do a lot worse than a Barefaced Vintage, or Compact, they move plenty of air and play nice with grindy rock tones....
  16. [url="http://www.roundmidnightbar.com/michael-manring-steve-lawson/"]London Event at the 'Round Midnight Bar[/url] Its over 18s only this time...
  17. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='962107' date='Sep 20 2010, 01:02 PM']I tend to find that, given a range of modelled effects, I will only end up using one or two of them, because I think they are the best-sounding ones. Whenever I come into contact with Line 6 gear, for example, this is my experience. You could bundle a hundred or a thousand filter models into the same box but nobody would actually use them. The only benefit is that the chances of you liking [i]some sound[/i] that the thing makes increases. But once you find that sound you won't use the others. Which is why I would rather find a good filter that I think sounds good that also has a ton of functional versatility - not just envelope control. As opposed to a giant box full of envelope-following filters, most of which I don't like, that don't do anything else.[/quote] But this doesnt have only envelope control. It has hothand as well, and a high likelihood of a soon to be release hothand to expression pedal adapter too. I think it is equally true with almost every envelope filter I've ever tried that there are only 1 or 2 go to settings on it. Everything else just 'not working' right. Heck, I've tried some and got nothing worthwhile out of them at all (bassballs - IMO the worst offender here). These settings are generally forced by the sensitivity, after that you get up or down and blend (being rather crude about it, but you get my drift). So you get an up and a down, with differing blends (if you have that feature) and slightly different sensitivity settings. Thats usually about it really. A lot of the timbre is a feature of the detection circuitry (VCA, Opto, FET, Tube who knows) after all, and you cant change that whatever you do. Now, given that I havent played with this yet I would say that with the same settings for sensitivity you will end up with a lot more timbres to choose from, given the number of different models, and some ofd those models will work better than others with different sensitivities, so you end up with more possible timbres to play with (surely????). Each to their own, I just cant accept that there are more useable sounds in a more traditional envelope filter (even given an fx loop) than there are potentially in this box. Certainly not an envelope filter at this price point. I could be wrong though!
  18. 51m0n

    Sans Amp BDDI

    Well its an overdrivy distortion effect isnt it. So it will effectively be compressing too, that is the nature of these effects....
  19. [quote name='The Burpster' post='953319' date='Sep 12 2010, 07:54 AM']The snare seems a little too intrusive in the mix for me, otherwise I like it - I do like antistar great track!.[/quote] +1 - its a bit 'tubby' too Other than that, nice one mate!
  20. Actually the cost of double basses seems to be the same as the cost of electric bases, just with the decimal point on every aspect moved one place to the right I mean, who'd pay £150 for a set of Rotosound Swing Bass 66, eh! Oh well, had another go this evening, it seems I'm not too bad at arco after all, for a complete novice...
  21. Wow, back again, was fantastic last time!
  22. Someone buy this - its as good a passive DI as you can get!
  23. Too far for me I'm afraid Is he playing any other dates in the UK though????
  24. [quote name='fatback' post='959191' date='Sep 17 2010, 10:22 AM']Nice! Mind if I ask the total cost in the end?[/quote] Archer DB £750 (on a long lasting sale from gear4music, rrp is quoted at £1000) French bow £50 (it comes with a German bow, typically Plux is used to a French bow) Shipping £35 (ish) Dominant strings £150 (ish) Setup £150 So £1135 give or take.... (cripes!)
  25. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='959199' date='Sep 17 2010, 10:31 AM']Mind if you become my dad?[/quote] Yeah sure, go and clean your room, do the washing up, do all your college work, get your own damn bass to college, I'm working, make me a cup of tea, dont argue!!! Get back home when we say you are to, get off the phone to your girlfriend, babysit your brother tonight, sort your own washing out, do more college work, practice your bass, dont do this, do do that........... Now let me play your big bass, and whats more teach me too! Still reckon its a good deal
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