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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='jakesbass' post='947573' date='Sep 6 2010, 07:54 PM']Funnily enough Si I have been considering retraining recently... Spuds have not really entered my thinking though. Lovely band, lovely songs and singer = 1 very lucky boy... I love it![/quote] Well you see, I 'm all about the good advice mate ;o) I loved it, really. Cant help thinking that Beedster needs to have a listen to this, he may stop fretting so much about what mics to get if he hears the quality of that vocal recording just using an SM58. Nice mic-pre I would think!
  2. Would this £200 include the DSUB output and input cables Jake?
  3. [quote name='Kev' post='654053' date='Nov 13 2009, 10:36 PM']why is this not pinned?? The power of Equality - RHCP [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2bboRR9Tjg&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2bboRR9Tjg...feature=related[/url] I will never stop drooling over that Wal tone, big factor in BSSM being my favourite album ever released.[/quote] Holy cow they tracked that with masses of compression! Thats old skool sound engineering that is, love it....
  4. "Thish ish my mate Tommushhh, he playsh gitar too, heeesh brill, can he 'ave a go on yoursh pleeesh, heesh fab, no really he ishhh..." "Sorry, I dont know him, I dont know you, you are having a very good time, and I can t risk my kit" "But why not, he'sh rea'y rea'y good [hic]" "Well he can't actually stand unsupported, and he cant give me a down payment of £5000 to cover the likely damage" "You no fun, and your bandsh-crap!" "Thank you very much, have a nice night, bye then...."
  5. First thought - damn she's got a fabulously rich voice! Second thought - who's that monkey on bass, what an imposter, no way he deserves that beautiful instrument, clearly he should be giving that to me and taking up a career as potatoe integrity technician... Third thought - they're a [b]really [/b]good band aren't they... Fourth thought - maybe I should be giving away my kit and becoming a potatoe integrity technician....
  6. [quote name='JTUK' post='944537' date='Sep 3 2010, 01:46 PM']Nope... that is such a paradox. I would deffo have the Ampeg top if I had crew but wouldn't be seen dead with the box of cornflakes under it..!!! [/quote] HAHAHA Sounds exceptional that cab (IMO)
  7. Check out www.gearslutz.com Bruce Swedian (the engineer behind those albums) posts oin there a lot of info about them. Fascinating reading, you'll be there for hours! For instance on [url="http://www.gearslutz.com/board/bruce-swedien/74322-thriller-michael-jackson-classic-bass-synth-p-y-t-2.html"]P.Y.T[/url] Enjoy!
  8. HAHAHAAAA The Cheese Farmer bought some amps and cabs last year for Blur reunion gigs, had them all custom made. Of course he went for [url="http://www.audiokitchenamps.co.uk/"]Audio Kitchen[/url] Here is a little [url="http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showthread.php?t=630883"]proof[/url] That would be because he cant afford Ampeg then?? Damn he must really have got a lot of that cheese stuck in his ears, eh Dave
  9. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' post='944395' date='Sep 3 2010, 11:45 AM']IAs for the "all-valve real thing tone" i think that Sadowsky posted some pages back would hammer the SVP to a pulp.[/quote] That'd be why I posted it
  10. The crux of your argument (or one part of it ) is that the best loudest meanest muthaf****ers all use Ampeg right? Well in that case, if that was true then they would all always use it, all of the time. Except in 2008 Trujillo was using Hiwatt with Metallica, of course when the deal came up for renewal, being the corporate whore he is he went for the deal with the biggest number at the bottom (again) so its Ampeg at the moment. Dont think it wont change next tour though. Interestingly IMO the best bass tone he has ever achieved on a CD was on Art of Rebellion (Suicidal Tendencies) in which he had some exceptionally nice analogue gear to allow seperate compression of the top and bottom frequencies of his signal. Fantastic bass tone off his Tobias collection there, far better than anything I've heard from him in Metallica. About the longest standing Ampeg endorser I can think of is Mr Billy Sheehan (he of the amazing chainsaw through mud tone) - and nobody out there sounds like he does ([url="http://www.billysheehan.com/photos/photos_equipment05.html"]enough processing on his bass to launch a thousand missiles[/url]). But even he uses a bunch of other stuff as well in the studio (other pres for a start, Alembic and Yamaha IIRC). How can this possibly be if your argument holds any water at all???
  11. Dave, the cheese farmer in question happens to like the SVT -> 810 thing. Bit like you do. He has the luxury of some poor roadie to move it for him too! So he uses one. So what? We can name a myriad serious bassists in huge bands that happen to not like or use that particular solution, since it is not the only one. Why can not accept that it is really not the be all and end all of bass tone? Why do you continue to try and say that there are people on this forum in this thread who dont know what they are talking about? I assure you that I, and I think anyone else reading this thread, would seriously struggle to pick anyone out as not knowing what they were talking about, since I havent actually seen anyone in here saying anything unreasonable but you. And the only thing you are saying that is unreasonable is that there is NOTHING better than an SVTIIPro into an Ampeg 810 for any bass application. That is not true for everyone. Not even close! It may be the best tone for you that you can imagine (hey congratulations you search is over), but unless you only play one style of music for the rest of your life, or your taste in bass tones never ever changes, then that will not always be the case anyway. Had it crossed you mind at any point that there are many iconic bass tones in rock that aren't in any way reliant on an Ampeg SVT or an 810? Have a listen to some Stranglers, mate, you may learn a thing or two....
  12. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='943642' date='Sep 2 2010, 04:47 PM']Have I missed something? Did someone mention chavs?... [/quote] Oi stop posting - I still cant scroll past your avatar!
  13. [quote name='dave74200' post='943619' date='Sep 2 2010, 04:36 PM']No, you're right mate. Ampeg SVT's are total sh*te. You've converted me and i'm going to sell mine at a car boot sale for a tenner. It propably won't sell though cos it's such a load of crap. Perhaps I'll just give it away to some 'fool' who likes having a really bad tone.[/quote] :snob:
  14. [quote name='dave74200' post='943540' date='Sep 2 2010, 03:52 PM'][b]Anyone who knows their onions will have heard a Precision through an SVT 2 and 8x10 cabinet. That's what it sounds like, the real deal[/b]![/quote] Oh dear.... You see this is it, where you are going so very wrong. A precision thru an SVT into a fridge sounds like a precision going thru an SVT and into a fridge. That is only 'the real deal' if thats the sound you want. Otherwise its cr*p. Totally and utterly cr*p. Its also damnably heavy, liable to failure (its a tube amp), and remarkably inefficient by modern standards (that would be a sealed cab, cant argue with physics mate!). Oh, and arguably overpriced. There are also other options available for achieving similar or even better sounds. Yes there are, however hard you try and deny it. Some of those options may or may not use tubes, sealed cabs, no amp at all. But they all can achieve timbres close enough to the venerable SVT->Coffin, some are considered even better. Those are the facts. Until you have heard and tried all those options though, you cant just say nothing else can even compare, because on a forum like this there are almost certainly a bunch of people who have actually tried significantly more gear than you have, and between all the people on here I guarantee they have more experience than you on your own. If you were on Talkbass you would be arguing with the likes of [url="http://bowlusblog.blogspot.com/"]TomBowlus[/url], and he's got more gear in his basement than almost anyone on this forum has even tried I reckon.... If you had said, "Finally I'm back where I started, its been a crazy long winded trip, but I love the tone of my blah blah blah" you'd have had nothing but support. Instead you try to tell a lot of people who have a lot of experience with some extremely high end kit that if their preference is not for the amp you like then they dont know what they are talking about. That tends to get people into a bit of a mob, you will get bashing for it. You got exactly wht you deserved IMO. Never mind alls well that ends well
  15. Svengali Vole Tappits Saturated Vintage Thermisters
  16. FWIW an SM57 can make a pretty decent kick mic if its in exactly the right position... Not a lot of people know that
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='943133' date='Sep 2 2010, 10:58 AM']We have all said things on here we later regret. I reserve the right to be an arse at least once in a while. Perfection is merely aspirational![/quote] I'm sorry Bilbo you cant reserve that right, I already made that reservation, its right here in the book see, under the name 51....
  18. For a bit of perspective, its perfectly possible to produce a great recording with a bunch of sm57s, if you have the know how. Its easier if you have a good condensor or two as well. Its perfectly possible to do a reasonable to good job of micing a db for live with an sm57. Really. No doubt at all, it can be done. What you are after is mics that make getting a great result easier and less hit and miss. Do you need a million mics, no. Do you need individual £3000 mics? No. You need a good set of real workhorses that wont stop you getting good results. Total cost should be well under £5000. £3000 should go a long long way to covering the basics with real quality kit. If you cant make decent recordings with £3000 worth of mics then find another past time! That rules out a [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/u87/1553"]U87[/url] immediately. Dont sweat it though, you can still get amazing recordings with cheaper [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/tlm103-+-shockmount/1552"]alternatives[/url]. But you want to mic your bass for a gig. This is clouding your judgement IMO, live you could use a million different mics to get a bit of DB into the PA, and they would be perfectly adequate, as long as you can place them on the instrument in a way that works fo ryou and allows that specific mic to capture the right part of the sound. The thing with DB live is not the mic as much as the position you can put it in to cope with the inherent compromises. That DPA happens to make this much easier, but it doesn't make it the only option. Maybe now isnt the time to concentrate on your live db mic?
  19. You already know my opinion I think There are not that many mics in that price range that you could really say excel at as many sources as a PR-40 (IMO). If you are worried about the studio first and foremost its an absolute no-brainer to me. I can honestly say its very very good at kick, vocal (smoother than a condensor but still plenty of top, and a really nice other option, worked for me on some voices where a condensor of some quality has not), full kit (ie room mic), DB, Leslie (esp the bottom speaker), congas, loud guitar amps etc etc. I have never noticed any issue with its output gain whilst recording with it. not once. If you are worried about live first and foremost and are willing to spend more on other mics then the DPA is probably the better solution for live (haven't heard it so I cant get too excited, although a lot of people love it). No mic can cover all the bases and applications you may need a mic for however, it's up to you to weigh up your priorities at this point. I'd also lean heavily toward PR-28s for drums (4 or 5 of them depending on the kit size) and the best small diameter condensors you can afford as a stereo pair for overheads. Also look at maybe getting a third for the hats. Then the Cascade FatHead II stereo package for room mics, another variation of vocal mic, and mainly on guitars. That leaves you needing a good large diaphragm condensor mic for you main vocal mic, (oh boy, huge can of worms). Neuman (or a clone thereof) is always a very strong contender, but many consider the ubiquitous U87 overpriced (its a damned good mic but there are a lot of damned good mics), but dont discount the likes of AKG 414... Gets expensive fast does a good mic locker I'm afraid.
  20. [quote name='umph' post='942746' date='Sep 1 2010, 10:17 PM']seems to be alot of underlying valve hate in this thread which makes me sad [/quote] Read what is said again. I dont think anyone said valves were bad, I for one posted a picture of the most godly of all the valve heads (just IMO), what was said very clearly was that to propose that valve amps and Ampeg in particular and an SVTIIPro to be even more particular were the only way to get a really fantastic tone, and if you didnt believe the OP you were a fool, and lying to yourself and everyone else was in fact a load of trollish horsesh*te to be derided as such to the greatest extent posible at every opportunity. Its well recognised and accepted here that there are many bass tones that can be considered really fantastic, some require valves some dont. No worries! Dogmatic claims otherwise are just bogus. 10,000 people at his last gig... Only after three hours of photoshopping, mwahahahahahaaaaaa!
  21. This (thanks again Herbie FLowers): He's the whole damned track!! And this:-
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