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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='bassbloke' post='784762' date='Mar 24 2010, 02:56 PM']I'm ashamed. 4 pages of name calling and no one has thought to post this Nice clear bass tone on a Fender precision bass. Instantly recognisable bassline.[/quote] HUGE +1 from me. Probably my all time favourite slap line, if I had to name just one....
  2. Cant stand that Level 42 slap tone, its got no 'meat' on its ricky-ticky bones Love Bonin' but the slap tone on that is too nasal for my liking ("mmmm my warwicks got so much wood!" - yeah, but again, no meat!) I prefer a fatter slap tone all round, like this:- Or even the first track on my myspace page (shameless plug ) which has a slap tone I was thrilled to get, all grindy and naughty, not all squeaky clean and polite....
  3. Gator definitely do a shallow case (I've got two). As for comps, keep an eye out for a dbx160A, they are great.
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' post='784530' date='Mar 24 2010, 11:30 AM']The units will have their size on the spec in Us so most compressors* and tuners will be 1U and you'll need a 2U case to put them in. The depth varies too though, and I don't think this is as simple. EDIT: *Cheap compressors![/quote] Its not only cheap comps that are 1u as it goes
  5. Personally I think the ultra modern slap tones of MM and the like are rather grating. I like something 'chewier'. Of course part of that is the stuff he does, its far too clinical to be really funky for my taste. He's a staggering player though, dont get me wrong, he just isn't doing songs to **** to, and thats what funk is all about really IMO
  6. [u]Modern slap tone[/u] [i][b]Brand New Strings!!!!![/b][/i] absolutely vital to get the amount of harmonic content you need. I'd recommnd a set of DR Lo-Riders or DR Hi-Beams. Cut the harsh stuff around 700Hz-1KHz , boost the upper bass (120Hz and below), boost the sizzle to taste (>4KHz) Both pickups wide open, tone on the bass (if its passive) on full. You do not need an active instrument, but it can help. A decent compressor, set up very well can help too. You also need a really decent amp and a great cab with a great tweeter - something like an Eden 210XT or a Berg ae410 (yeah baby!). [u]Old skool slap tone[/u] Strings neednt be so new, but shouldnt be dead like Motown dead either. Dont cut the mids anywhere near as much, and dont boost any treble. You dont need a tweeter for this (they didnt put them in bass cabs till the late 80's IIRC) but 10s are still good. If yuo have a tweeter turn it off, you want that paper cone top end... For the really real deal ultra old skool sound use tapewounds on a passive J bass, like Larry Graham in Sly and the Family Stone. A lot of 70's slap was actually done on P basses, so if you have a J bass you can try just the neck pickup, but there are definitely tracks out there with all kinds of variation in pickup blend, especially when mixed with plenty of eq, so all bridge pickup and a big bass boost can sound really nice too.
  7. 'The kings of the catchy cheesy chorus' - Melody Maker Thats one double edged compliment isnt it! 'The best pop song in the last 30 years' (Happy Ending) - John Peel Mind you, that I would find hard not to have engraved on my body if it were about one of my band's songs, and said by that man! Kudos to you sir!!
  8. Well if they arent exactly the same make and size of strings then this is completely understandable. The tension is how much the strings are pulled. This is related to the resultant stiffness of the string, but that stiffness is also dependant on mass, material and construction. DR Hi Beams are really bendy at concert pitch, d'Addarios are like pylon cables in comparision (this is IME having swapped the d'Addarios that came on my Roscoe for Hi-beams).
  9. [quote name='Spoombung' post='783635' date='Mar 23 2010, 04:28 PM']Some of you may have seen this already but here goes: [i]Martin Taylor's contract rider _____________________________________________________________ Dear Promoter, Thank you for inviting me to play for you. I have been a professional SNIP Thanks for your cooperation. I look forward to a great gig.[/i][/quote] Thats ace, up their with [url="http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1004061iggypop1.html"]Iggy Pops rider[/url] for sheer entertainment!
  10. [quote name='Flanker' post='764120' date='Mar 4 2010, 04:46 PM']Can be heard here........ [url="http://www.youtube.com/Kjungbass#p/a/u/1/HLJEjRkZVPI"]http://www.youtube.com/Kjungbass#p/a/u/1/HLJEjRkZVPI[/url][/quote] Love the way yanks refer to it as a Pooh-Ma... Sorry, I'll get me coat!
  11. Ooooh this would drive 2 Berg ae410s at tectonic plate shifting volumes! Shuffles away to cure the GAS with a firm 'Dobie has been bad' hand ironing session.....
  12. You know the thing Vic and Bob do with the thigh rubbing on Shootin Stars? Thats me right now matey, come over all peculiar seeing those bad boys! Damn, I need to get out more!
  13. Well another option is to sort out samples and have the drummer play to a click.... Dont shoot me down here, a friend of mines band do this, and they have found it has opened up a whole world of creativity and interesting stuff that they couldnt have done with just a singer (or 3). Mind you the drummer plays to a click with no problems at all. Of course if its covers you're doing that probably isnt much help!
  14. Bump for a very decent bass. Still use my Clipper custom shop occasionally (mainly when I want that EMG sound - I retrofitted some EMGs into mine, sounds fantastic!). Super playable neck on these!
  15. I was once briefly in an Indie band (forgive me). The two guitarists at every rehearsal would dick about for at least a couple of minutes with tiny adjustments to amp settings that were only just audible between every song. I thought that this slightly OCD behaviour was odd but nothing more. I never thought they intended to do this on the gig, it would be ridiculous, some songs they spent 5 minutes between on occasion. On the first gig you can imagine my horror when after the first track they proceeded to go into their peculiar arse in the air (pointed at the punters) ritual of 'getting their sound, man'. During that first song I rolled a cigarette, and smoked it in entirety, before they got to the point where they were happy. The venue was absolutely silent as the punters stood there slack jawed at this turn of events. After the next track I rolled three more fags. Smoked one on the third gap, then sang a quiet 'why are we waiting' for about three choruses. At this pooint we were alone with the bar staff, the punters having come to their senses. At the end of the night we went our seperate ways. Fortunately I didnt have to tell them I was leaving the band, they phoned to sack me the next day for not 'having the right attitude to make it' Best local band I ever saw had no dead air on their gigs, just constant pure energy. And that is the best way to do it by far. Nearly killed the drummer though! Buy the guitarist a tuner! Teach him how to use it.
  16. My mate Terry Popple's old band Snafu, one of if not the best drummers I've ever had the pleasure of playing with. Cracking groove this! Niiiice!
  17. Saw Dr John at The Dome in Brighton with Plux last year (I think), immense sound, humungous groove. Loved it!! He was preceded by the worst band I've ever seen though, trying to do funky and missing the mark by about as far as you can, they were awful!
  18. You're all utterly boinkers IMO Staggering effort Bilbo, I had a look at the pdf, and as far as I can tell its slightly mnore complex than a route map to the center of the universe. I cant even clap some of those rhythms ! Stuart, you're as dab hand at transcription, shouldnt take you too long to throw some chords on there (btw my copy of your Chic book is getting worn out, its all dog eared )
  19. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='779892' date='Mar 19 2010, 03:23 PM']May the funk be with you. [/quote] And you too, with knobs on, well stars then, you know what I mean
  20. [quote name='OldGit' post='779870' date='Mar 19 2010, 03:08 PM']£80 retail so what's that? about 57p trade? [/quote]
  21. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='779839' date='Mar 19 2010, 02:46 PM']Like your stuff on MySpace BTW. Is the Roscoe on that first track?[/quote] Why thank-yew-verrr-much kind sir :blush: Yeah definitely the Roscoe on the first track, and the second. Love the sound I got in the bridge bit on that first track :wub: Both with the d'Addarios it came with, damn they are some ultra-non-bendy cables! Sound pretty fine though. HiBeams give me back the bendiness and playability, but have smoothed out the tone a bit more than I want, going for Lo-Beams next time, I just love the sound of them! The rest are way earlier things with the old Vester, before I put EMGs in it. Not in the same league as the Roscoe (well, closer with the EMGs, but still not).
  22. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='779795' date='Mar 19 2010, 02:03 PM']It certainly is, especially as you're a member of the elite Roscoe Owners Club. [/quote] Absolutely, what greater mark of a man is there???
  23. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='779778' date='Mar 19 2010, 01:54 PM'][/quote] Well, it's always worth a punt isnt it
  24. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='779719' date='Mar 19 2010, 01:12 PM']This is actually top of my list. And I can get it at trade price. Cheers. [/quote] Well for the tip off the very least you can do is do me a deal on one then /end_cheeky_git_mode
  25. [quote name='silddx' post='777545' date='Mar 17 2010, 03:34 PM']I'm 46 aswell mate[/quote] Pull the other one, its stoned! Well you've disgraced yourself very maturely then mate, nice one , you must be a tleast ten yers older than I thought!
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