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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='776580' date='Mar 16 2010, 06:54 PM']Again, thanks for the suggestions. I looked at a Quiklok mixer stand today that was perfect - right height and everything, and I can buy it at trade price. I don't want to swap my gear, as I'm really happy with the sound. The in-ear monitor option looks tempting. I'll talk to our engineer about it...he's a sound guy. <pun intended>[/quote] Those Quoklock stands look like proper 'mil-spec' gigging gear dont they! Everything else seems more than a bit pony after you've got your hands on one of them
  2. OK a huge but not funky groove:- Gotta get me a bigger hat, boy!
  3. Love the compressor on that bass break..... Sorry, I'll get me coat
  4. [quote name='OldGit' post='775744' date='Mar 15 2010, 09:54 PM']When I bought my PA tripods they came with some top hat sockets that could be screwed onto cabs. or you could make a platform to put your cab on with a top hat socket attached. Luggage strap it all together for stability and you are sorted.[/quote] Bloody nora! Wouldnt risk that with my rig, unless the stands resembled the Eiffel Tower, which would in itself possibly cause some other issues....
  5. A couple of these will do it:- [url="http://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/uk/"]http://www.reallyusefulproducts.co.uk/uk/[/url] After all you can put a mini on four of them - they are really strong - or you can buy the extra strong variant if you dont feel secure. Then you can bung all your leads and kipple in them after the gig...
  6. These are supposed to be the beans:- [url="http://www.quiklok.com/catalog/?p=productsMore&iProduct=30&sName=WS-540"]Quicklok WS-540[/url] Pretty expensive, but I know of at least one bassist who swears by them (under his Berg hs410 IIRC). I'd love to get one, but they are seriously not cheap!
  7. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='773044' date='Mar 12 2010, 06:41 PM']man. Five hours a day of bass playing. Sweet memories. I might manage 5 hours a week if I'm lucky nowadays... [/quote] Oi, you have no reason for envy, I've seen that studio build thread! Swap you the thrill of checking file format specs any day of the week. These guys don't know they're born
  8. [quote name='jakesbass' post='772982' date='Mar 12 2010, 05:27 PM']ahh lol... It's a busy time of year for me as a very keen veg gardener so that competes with my playing time in spring... so I did an hour sight reading and then some impro practice before breakfast. I did a DB warm up session too as I have a nice Jazz gig this evening (which I count in my daily playing) So I'l end up at about 4 hrs in all today... and the doors are on their way to the tip. [/quote] Envy is not a pleasant thing
  9. Nah, I'm with JPJ here, he's absolutely spot on, plus I'll throw in a shattered shatterproof 12" ruler too....
  10. [quote name='jakesbass' post='772889' date='Mar 12 2010, 03:55 PM']Nah Si, not dense at all, which is what I suspected would be the question... Tip it is![/quote] You may find a use for them if are treating the room. Not as treatment per se, but as a way of building some big ole bass traps (you'd have to drill alot of holes in them though. To be honest its probably just not worth the hastle! Did you manage your full 5 hours today? ( Lucky git - I've been reviewing stock file specifications today, that is [b]not[/b] rock'n'roll )
  11. Are they very dense? If so then its possible they may be useful, if not they are a waste of space.
  12. So taking on board what ThomBassmonkey and I are saying, if you dont want to waste money, save up enough to do it properly first time out (albeit secondhand) rather than cutting corners now. Cos it'll bite you in the wallet later if you do
  13. [quote name='tauzero' post='132379' date='Feb 2 2008, 02:27 AM']When I did Robot Wars, he was just sat quietly behind the operator booths reading a paper until it was time to perform. I'd have rather liked to ask him about the Red Dwarf film (which was at the time allegedly being filmed in Australia) but I didn't. Flippa Forrester was much more chatty, I got talking to her at Technogames - she wasn't one of the presenters on that series IIRC, she'd actually turned up out of interest.[/quote] Spill the beans, what team on Robot Wars and Technogames? (Scarily we still have every episode from series 2 onwards on tape somewhere....)
  14. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='128500' date='Jan 27 2008, 12:38 AM']Following on from the "Claim To Fame" thread, where the question was all about the most famous person you've played with....well I'm thinking more in the vein of standing next to someone famous in a shop sort of thing. To start the ball rolling.....I was watching Big Country on YouTube and it reminded me...... I used to own an Aria SB900 whose previous owner was Tony Butler.[/quote] Plux's best mate at Primary School was Tony Butler's nephew, met him a couple of times, and Tony too Met Tom Baker too (he is the one true Doctor)
  15. I'm going to muddy your waters in a typically annoying way here. Sorry.... I agree 300w is your minimum realistic output to do the job IME IMO. That is 300w output given the impedance of the cab you are plugged in to. You definitely do not want to be running out of headroom, and that can and will hapopen will 200w regularly IME. However cabs are not all equal (obviously). In fact the cab is the biggest differentiator in real world performance more often than not. For instance the rehearsal space I go to has a Hartke 410 in it. It is utter dross, my rig has to work twice as hard (at least) and requires vicious eq to get a reasonable tone, compared to the (way more expensive I admit) Berg ae410, which sounds perfect pretty much flat. The real performance of a cab cannot be measured by a simple watts RMS value, thats a thermal limit only. The efficiency of the design and the excursion of the speaker have more to do with the actual performance of a cab than the RMS rating. In terms of spend, unless you intend to outlay more cash soon, laying out way more on your amp than cab is bad decision IMO. Unless you get a great deal on a cab! The LH500 is a great, simple amp that chucks out real oomph for the money. The ashdown 1000w mini head you linked to I dont know much about, but that looks to be a very very low price for such a head, I wonder why? Is it 2x500w or 1x1000w for instance? If the former you would need 2 cabs I suspect. Several of the 1000w mini amps use that compromise to get their output so high (Tecamp Puma 1000w springs to mind) You'd better check. I'll also admit I'm not that up to date on quality cheaper cabs right now, I thought the TC 210 was pretty good when I had a blat through it, but second hand you should be able to pick uop something really nice for around £200-£300. What is your budget? I would say that there are a lot of cabs that need the 'right' amps to drive them well. Some amps sound good through nearly everything and a few (usually very expensive) cabs tend to make any amp sound its best (mmmm Bergantino or Epifani spring to mind). At your budget you are going to have to get the right match up to deliver the tone closest to what you want I'm afraid, hence why so many people are constantly swapping gear about.
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='772360' date='Mar 12 2010, 04:34 AM']I was in a large (10-piece) touring funk band in the mid '90s, but that was in the USA and they will turn out in droves to see good live music, so it was easy to keep a large band on the go.[/quote] Is there such a thing as gig envy? I'd have loved the chance to tour America in a 10 piece funk band!!! Biggest band I was in was a 19 piece funk band at college, we only did a couple of gigs for charidee mate, but they were awesome (we even had dancers on top of that). Just superb fun!
  17. Last time I was in an out and out funk band was pre-millenium 6 Piece old school funk band (we had a flutist, nice!) and as we aimed at a hornless sound and as we were original it was fine. Used to pack in the punters (I mean really pack them in) - student town meant a lot of people just all about something to dance to. I've been on the look out for funk orientated players for months now, they just aren't about down here at all any more; ok one or two, but thats it, literally hundreds of rock and punk players mind. Its not really harder to play funk than rock lets face it, you dont have to have a big horn section, though it can help, I really don't understand why there isnt more interest, punters love it!
  18. If the sound quality is anything like that of an Eventide UltraHarmonizer then its absolutely top dawer.... I still get weak at the knees with GAS for one of them :wub:
  19. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='771859' date='Mar 11 2010, 05:26 PM']Remember that power doesn't always mean volume though. My suggestion would be work out a budget then go from there. If you're thinking about upgrading over time, you really can't go wrong by getting a cheap head and a cheap cab or two then you can upgrade as you can afford it. I'm sure I've seen a Hartke LH500 and a Hartke 1x15 and 4x10 going on here for a total of about £350 (separate thread for the head and the cabs). They get good enough reviews to start you on and with that setup you shouldn't have any volume problems. There's nothing to stop you upgrading one thing at a time, maybe a little GK or MB here and a Eden or EBS there and you'll be sorted.[/quote] Big +1 (although an IP112 is louder than anything that size has any right to be) My son has an LH500, its hugely loud for the cash outlay. Also buy second hand it works out massively cheaper.
  20. I think the cat got away pretty lucky then!
  21. IME a 1x10 on its own is very likely to struggle with even pretty small gigs. The built in speaker is in all likelihood 8 ohm, any extension box you add will be the same, so the 1x10 will get an equal amount of power as any extension cab you plug in with it. So in short you are right in that the limiting factor will still be that 1x10 cone. There are some 1x12 cabs which handle humoungous amounts of power (Berg IP112 is the daddy) but they are stupendously expensive. Cheap and Lightweight are not often found together I'm afraid. The TC210 is pretty cheap for what you get, and the Aggie DB112 and GS112 are reasonably cheap for the performance, and although not neo lightweight, they arent back breaking.
  22. [quote name='Raggy' post='771693' date='Mar 11 2010, 03:06 PM']Same as mate [/quote] ROFLMFAO!
  23. All quiet on the Western Front, I'll be expecting a dawn attck from the East then, som kind of pincer movement perhaps??? :ph34r:
  24. [quote name='Raggy' post='771683' date='Mar 11 2010, 03:02 PM']Dude, I am so glad you edited that due to the bad spelling [/quote] I can spell fine, I just have typing dyslexia! [quote name='Dubs' post='771684' date='Mar 11 2010, 03:03 PM']AM1, is that you...?!?![/quote] Nah, I get on fine with AM1, and she plays far rougher too!
  25. [quote name='smurfitt' post='771656' date='Mar 11 2010, 02:40 PM']Quote 5im0n: [i]In your highly in depth investigations did you happen to take into account the tiny width of an LMII compared to a standard 19" rack unit? It is only 10.87 in. / 27.6 cm wide, leaving approximately 4.5 inches on either side of the back of the unit to the inner edges of the rack case.[/i] Er yes I know it needs rack ears. Re: my punctuation: yet another personal sleight and totally off topic again. As I said relevant info is all I wanted not your opinion.[/quote] The need for rack ears is not what I was getting at. The point is that according to you the owner of the SKB case stated that the back of the LMII would be close to the catches of the back of the case. Those catches are on the left and right edges of the case. Due to the width of the case versus the width of the amp they would be over 4 inches away! So it is very very unlikely that the rack would actually cause you an issue. Did you understand that or would you like me to do a diagram? (seriously) RE: Punctuation, this is a written word medium, as such if you wish to be understood it is best practice on this forum to use well punctuated, well spelled and grammatically correct posts. This is not a personal sleight, it is a fact understood by all the non-newbies on here. Please play along.
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