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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='TheRev' post='755887' date='Feb 24 2010, 10:32 AM']It seems that most of us are OK with someone 'having a go' as long as they ask nicely. Others (like OTPJ) have a strict 'no chance' policy as their bass is their livelihood - I've used this excuse myself on more than a few occasions, even though I'm not a pro player. But - what are peoples' feelings about bass bashes? Would you be happy to let anyone at a bash play your bass? At the last south west bas I found myself in a weird place of being surrounded by an abundance of amazing gear but with no idea of who to ask for permission to play it. [/quote] Its a bit odd isnt it, I found myself happily letting people hav a crack on my bass through my amp, but its simply because they are bassists, they know what its all worth, and I'm watching them, and they dont know about the lead pipe up my sleeve in case they need reminding.... :ph34r: (in the immortal words of Ray Winston, "Where's your tool?" )
  2. No one I dont know very well has a go on my basses and even then only if I hand the instrument to them, otherwise I would have to plead a brief moment of insanity for the result...
  3. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='751942' date='Feb 20 2010, 05:11 PM']sod the artists. the pies are for me! [/quote] Quite right too, you're working, they're larking about, it's only fair!
  4. Rule 1 Its all about mass - 2 or 3 layers of plasterboard on the inner wall each layer at rightangles to the last Rule 2 No Gaps. Absolutely none, sound will get out of any gaps you have, so each layer of plasterboard needs to be fully caulked and glued (green goop stuff is good) Rule 3 HEAVY doors, two of them, sealed Rule 4 Things like airflow, power etc require proper thought so buy the book above! Rule 5 You know its right when people are asphyxiated inside.... Rule 6 Talk to Rimskidog on here he knows a thing or two about building [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49754&hl="]live rooms[/url]. [url="http://www.avforums.com/"]AV forums[/url] are an absolute gold mine of great info and clever people.
  5. Yeah Mark is superb isnt he...
  6. Edit to remove a post that I meant to go in another thread entirely - damnably fiendish tabbed browsing makes me look like a a###hat once again On another note - thats the nicest jazz I've seen for a very long time Nige
  7. LOL - that maybe the ultimate 'producer switch'
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='749679' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:50 PM']I'd love to try the 112s....[/quote] I daren't
  9. "...he squashed me frog!" BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!
  10. [quote name='sk8' post='749340' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:52 AM']My rig and demonic cat![/quote] Nice rig sir!
  11. How about this [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/gator_g_bus_8_multi_power_supply.htm"]Gator G-Bus 8 multi power supply[/url] at £57 from Thomann. Best price I've found a serious power supply (ie with 9v and 18v outputs)
  12. I'd love to hear clips (hint hint!) Is it alright for arco as well as pizz? (Its probably a really dumb question, but humour me )
  13. You'd do well to check out [url="http://www.delano.de/"]Delano[/url] too...
  14. A very good friend of mine has synesthesia, she sees different phonetic groupings in words as different colors! My partner's name is a lovely green colour to her apparently, which made my partners day as that would be her favoutite color.
  15. Some awful truths (massive generalisations) you need to get your head around:- #1 Punters often cant make head nor tale of bass - they can tell if its wrong, sometimes.... #2 Punters main concern is having a good time, not checking out the various and clever references the bassist is making #3 Puinters couldnt tell good bass gear from bad, or good bass tone from bad, if the groove is there they are happy, although they generally wont know why, why on earth would you expect anything different? #4 Punters do not see bass as something to concentrate on in a mix, they aren't trained too (why would they be, and yes it requires some training) #5 Punters concentrate on melody, lyrics, guitarists, keys, horns, drummers, before bass - get over it! #6 Consequently most punters think a band is bad for any other reason than the bassist being utter plop, even if the truth is that the band is plop because the bassist is rubbish. #7 Punters think bass is easier to play than guitar, keys, drums, and far easier than singing. In some genres they are not far off the truth, however much we like to think that isnt the case, if only because the parts are simpler. #8 The vast majority of venues/sound engineers are massively compromising your bass sound FOH, so no one can hear anything other than a whumwhum,whum even when you are above the 12th fret on your G string. The kick drum will be like a sledgehammer between the eyes in comparison. Thems the breaks kiddo, tough! This is a massive generalisation, but still very true, there are some genres where this is less the case (dub, funk) but even then it still holds true for a large proportion of paying civilians out to have a good night. Enjoy that you played well, held the band together, were tight, enjoyed the music and made people happy, do not fret if no one mentions any thing about what you played precisely, since they wouldnt have picked it out anyway.
  16. 51m0n

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='Rosh' post='747650' date='Feb 16 2010, 07:16 PM']I'll take a look now, thanks! I'm just after a reliable bass tuner [b]BUT REALLY I NEED[/b] flashy extra lights to call in a mothership![/quote] Fixed for you....
  17. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='747808' date='Feb 16 2010, 10:14 PM']I recreated something VERY close back in college when I had to play this for my diploma... I had a DOD FX25b evelope filter and a DOD Phaser (can't remember what FX code it was), took a bit of time to get the filter sweep set to the tempo so it runs it's course between notes but it sounded spot on. The phaser was very little in terms of sweep, just to add flavour and phasing at the same speed as the filter. Was cheap well as back then I bought the pedals for £30 each brand new [/quote] Yup that would get right in the ballpark I bet! Daft of me not to suggest it, I got an amazing phased and filtered fingerstyle tone with a Maxon AF9 and the TriMod doohickey the other day (oh and an MXR stereo chorus), really superb. Not the same as this, but it was fingerstyle, I can definitely see how you could tweak the sweeps to match up. Good call!
  18. [quote name='davidmpires' post='747431' date='Feb 16 2010, 04:45 PM']So what's the best way to emulate the sound? With an envelope filter?[/quote] Hmmmm, well it sounds more phased to me. An envelope foloower wont have the same timbre, and I think that would probably be more noticeable than having the rate slightly off as it were. I'd try a regular phaser, or the TriMod jobby, that is not only envelope following, but you can use an accelerometer too if you like (not that I've found a use for it yet). If I get the time (*BIG if!*) I'll have a go with my trimod phaser and see how close I can get to it....
  19. [quote name='RhysP' post='747429' date='Feb 16 2010, 04:42 PM']That probably means it was played once then cut & pasted.[/quote] Possibly, or just using an envelope following phaser - they arent so rare! Also, this is Lenny 'we dont need no stinkin digital' Kravitz, so it may be tape cutting, but it aint protools!
  20. [quote name='discreet' post='747188' date='Feb 16 2010, 01:18 PM']Just out of interest, what do you think [i]are[/i] the best out there? [/quote] Honestly? IMO (and thats all it is) a Bergantino IP112ER and HT112ER with assorted pres to get whatever tone I wanted (Summit TD100, JoeMeek 6Q, a Neve something, an Avalon, some kind of fuzzy tubey thingy). I am not able to justify the cost of that collection given what I have now, unless I win the next biggest EuroMillions draw, in which case, I'll get out the credit card tootsweet . Only I'd go for the IP double stack, run in stereo and to hell with the phase issues!
  21. [quote name='Doddy' post='747229' date='Feb 16 2010, 01:54 PM']Ibanez Soundgear basses are great instruments. Their necks are really slim,which can be good or bad depending on preference,but I think they are comfortable to play. [b]......They also use punctuation[/b]. [/quote] BWAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!! You owe me a new keyboard!
  22. It sounds like an envelope phaser to me.... It could be done with a very carefully set up phaser, but the phase in the original always starts from the same place, which is not normal for a vco controlled device. Did that make any sense??? Course some clever dick will turn around and prove it was a tremelo now
  23. This is right up my list:- Its just so relentlessly groovy Larry Graham, I mean really, did he ever play a wrong'un?
  24. 51m0n

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    [quote name='Rosh' post='747163' date='Feb 16 2010, 12:59 PM']So basically unusable for live situations with a bass? Which is what I'll be using it for What is the difference, then between the Korg DTR 1000 and 2000?[/quote] The 2000 has more inputs, can run off a mic, calibrate to your input signal and some other bits and bobs. Go to the Korg site and download the manual, its the same for both units, so you canreally see the differences. Oh and the 2000 has a built in racklight, with which you can impress chicks, win friends, influence people, and end world poverty - at least thats what mine said....
  25. 51m0n

    Rack Mounted Tuners

    They are slower than the Korg DTR. Some would say unusably so.
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