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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. I wouldnt worry about that at all, leave it flat and you're good.... Seriously you wont notice any issue from running through an eq set as flat as it can go. Nothiong else will do what you need other than a virtually empty MoMark Or a good standalone PA amp....
  2. Just checked my manual. Definitely EQ post FX. You're only chance then is to use the DI on the first amp to drive the return on the second amp and DI from the second amp if you need to. That would work, but would add noise (and eq) to your final DI
  3. [quote name='alexclaber' post='645450' date='Nov 4 2009, 04:52 PM']Aren't the Markbass FX loops internally switchable, or was that the previous generation? Alex[/quote] The DI is switchable Pre/Post eq with an internal jumper. Not sure that the FX loop comes post eq though. I would think it might well be. Anyone one got the sa450 schematic handy??
  4. I wouldnt think it would be easy to. But why not get a MOMark with no eq, just an input and an output volume..... Or as close as you can - ie speak to knowledgable dealer type.
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='645308' date='Nov 4 2009, 02:59 PM']Ah, but the harmonics of an F#0 are stacked differently to an F#1, so you get: 23, 46, 69, 92, 115, 138, 161, 184, 207, 230 Hz harmonics in the lows (though your amp will not reproduce the 23Hz loud enough to hear so forget that). Whilst the F#1 will contain: 46, 92, 138, 184, 230Hz, (in the lows, plenty more above). so it'll sound quite different. The key in the amplication is to be able to reproduce the first overtone (or second harmonic) clearly, i.e. the 46 and 92Hz respectively. If your rig can't reproduce that then the lowest overtone you hear is a fifth, not an octave, which makes the pitch less clear. Despite what manufacturers' specs suggest, reproducing 46Hz at high SPL is not easy. Think BIG! Alex[/quote] Absolutely, so the brain perceives the F0 as a different (lower) note to an F1, yet the ear cant actually hear the fundamental of an F0. Although you will feel it, ("Charlie Murphy, I think I'm bleedin' inside ma' chest").
  6. Dont be daft. If you want a fundamental that low, the only instrument other than a synth thats going to do it is a really big pipe organ. And they arent portable, or at all rock 'n roll:- No way will any standard bass kit produce anything that low. If you feel you have to try and do this find yourself a Crown DC300 lab amp (good luck with the search, I had one of these driving two HH 15s for years, really nice amp for sub!). Its called a DC cos it will push DC (they even used them to power hammonds when touring on the wrong side of the pond, and banks of them to drive electro magnets to flex boeing wings to destruction back in the day). No 'normal' PA amp is going to go that low, they all filter out frequencies below about 30Hz cos its practically wasted energy. No speaker cab or driver you can buy will produce these frequencies loud enough to hear compared to the harmonics (assuming you could actually hear them - more in a mo on this). Why would they?? The human ear just doesnt pick up any sound below 20Hz, I dont care what you say, I dont care what you try and tell everyone, that is a measurable provable scientific and medical fact based upon the physical dimensions and construction of the ear itself, which is the sensory organ in question. The human ear/brain is incredibly clever at synthesising and processing the sound it picks up. In doing so it may give the impression that you are 'hearing' things you physically cant. The fact that you think you can hear something proves absolutely nothing, since you may not be physically hearing the sound, you can still believe you 'sense' something, the thing that your brain is synthesising. That is not the same thing at all, and anyone insisting it is is frankly deluding themselves. Continuing to insist that you can hear below 20 Hz just makes you come across as a bit of a fool who cannot accept the scientific truth. The problem here is people stating that they can hear anything below 20Hz, and insisting they are not hearing 2nd order harmonics or above when it is fact that you cant. I suppose this is akin to the creationalists' view of the world
  7. Tony Levin sig 3 string 'Ray for the "Funky Finger" thing Me, a super duper special Roscoe Century Sig 5'er with helium filled chambering (cos I'm so weak) and a concave back for me gut, and an ultra secret talent pot to make it sound like I can play a bit. Oh and strings that never get old.... Herbie Flowers Blue J bass (although that might actually happen soon, its 50 years since he bought it, it was a prototype), with tapewound strings. Leigh Gorman (cos I love the Bow Wow Wow stuff) though I've no idea what make it would be
  8. Since you'll not ever find a Berg NV215 for that money it just has to be the Barefaced Vintage. Played through one with Alex's Shuttle 6.0 this weekend Massive massive massive volume, deep lows staggering midrange detail and bark, lovely top end with no annoying sizzle. Having said that the Big One was causing what sounded like structural damage at one point
  9. Funnily enough I met the editor on Sunday (briefly) at Franc O'Shea's 'masterclass - bass and beyond' ramble at the Brighton bass day thingy with Herb. Nice bloke, seemed genuinely surprised at how many people there read his magazine.
  10. Please do post sound clips!!! Had the 3leaf site bookmarked for soooo long. Love the Discombobulator (just call me mr big GAS) so a comparison would bake my cake and so on and so forth (hint hint) Cheers!
  11. Oh man, I remember the Wombles came to visit all us kids in Brighton in the summer of '76 (IIRC, and it was HOT!). They were to 'appear' at Withdean Stadium (now the home fo The Albion, at least for a little while longer). As you can imagine the place was rammed with kids sat on the grass banks which then went all the way around the ash athletics track. The great moment came, the Wombles stepped forth into the sunshine got halfway across the center of the field when, with a great midless roar every child rose as one to their feet, disengaged themselves from whichever parent's hand they had been grabbed by and ran as a mindless barbaric horde at theWombles gathered in front of them - possibly to grab fur, maybe to get some Womble burger, I honestly dont remember any thought involved (I was about 6 at the time). Said Wombles retreated at a full run back to the changing rooms, batting kids out of the way as they went. Looking back on it I imagine that the poor thesps in those suits needed new underwear and oxygen by the time they got to safety! Part of me feels I should apologise for my tiny part in their fear filled 5 minutes. The rest of me quakes with laughter inside at the memory of 6 grown ups being forced to attempt a 60 yard dash in big heavy furry costumes at midday in blinding summer heat by a swarm of something like 5 or 6 thousands raging kids. Tee hee! Oh, and Tomsk, he was definitely [b]not[/b] the fittest one there, judging by his 60 mtere sprint performance
  12. Only if they use my good side Nah, I don't mind....
  13. This is a funny one for me. I categorically do not like playing with a distortion or even an overdrive. However my Roscoe fully on the bridge pup when I dig in a bit really snarls and barks, and all neck does too, its all a lovely sound but it has its similarities to an overdrive I guess. I played it through a Alex' Shuttle 6.0 into his Vintage yesterday and that accentuated this to the point of making one hell of a rock sound, it was great, but a bit much for me in my more funky space. Tried the Big One again too, and that is so much wider that it tamed the effect back to something more my style, but its definitely there, I'm not imagining it. I should point out that nothing is overdriving, the preamp batteries are fresh and no gain lights were flashing, and me digging in is like most people (Ped excluded) holding back. It just the sound of this bass, it can be super aggressive in the right circumstances, and I love it
  14. They came across really well I thought, definitely a decent job on the cover, not brilliant, but good I thought (esp vocal harmonies). Good to see a band sticking two fingers up at a record company not wanting them to take an opportunity like this (assuming that wasn't all a set piece to camera, you never can tell)
  15. [quote name='jmsjabb' post='642126' date='Oct 31 2009, 07:45 PM']LM2 seem to be struggling at the mo. Ebay would let you have on at the mo for £325![/quote] Which is a decent price for a decent amp
  16. And apparently its only a three man lift too
  17. Or (and I admit this is now getting properly silly) A Big One and a Big Sub not bridged, since you are doing dub that would be all the deep bass you could ever ever need. You may have to take out extra insurance to cover for the inadvertant bowel surgery that that would cause on the audience (and maybe yourself) though....
  18. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='640762' date='Oct 30 2009, 09:20 AM']Mike Brooks still has my nylons collection...er. sorry, wrong web forum! I've not used them for some time but used to have a Precision strung in such a fashion - a real bass sound! Herbie Flowers has had the same set on his lovely old Jazz bass for at least 20 years...![/quote] That's a hell of a jazz that Herbie's got, apparently it was a preproduction model or some such, had some weird distortion preamp in it at some point (which Herb thankfully ripped out cos it was a pile of elephant excrement). Thers a web page about it all somewhere (try google, I cant be bothered to right now!).
  19. Just get 2 more of exactly the same cabs as you have now, then dont bridge the Eden, but run parallel from the bottom to the 2 1x15s and parallel to the top fro the 2 2x10s You will get a MASSIVE increase in volume this way (~6dB). OR better yet buy 2 Barefaced Vintages (4 Ohms each) and run the whole lot [b]not[/b] bridged. That would tear the roof of the sucka all right since the vintage is more efficient
  20. Nice one mate - now all you've got to do is figure out which of the arsenal of amps and cabs you've been squirrelling away you want to unleash on them first
  21. Can if you want. Then you can get to have a jam with me old mate Terry Popple if you want to. He's a properly top drummer mate, well worth a bash with him, he played for Van Morrison (all be it a long time ago ). Superb bloke too!
  22. Quick reminder-stylee bump - this is on this Sunday, chaps! Alex, will you be bringing your troupe of BareFaced Midgets? (Oh the mental imagery that conjures ) If so I'll bring my rack as well as my bass, cos I'd really like to hear one with all my gubbins running into it (especially a T'Midget if one is ready!!!) See you there... Si
  23. No one tell Jakesbass - he'll wet himself if he sees it!
  24. [quote name='turtlemoon' post='639969' date='Oct 29 2009, 12:46 PM']Just to say Iam now the proud owner of a bergantino HS410 which I bought from stevefletch59. He let me audition the cab with my band and was very impressed , so thanks for that Steve. So now I have the cab I just need a warm and fat amp to power it , any recomendations ? The hartke sounds ok but not really powerful enough.[/quote] Markbass LMII or III LMII go for about £400 second hand. They are definitely warm sounding solid state amps, and weigh nothing to speak of! The match up with the HS410 is superb too, it will definitely be loud enough for any no PA situation you find. My sa450 is essentially the same power section and into my ae410 it easily filled a 300+ venue without PA support. loud but not stupid volume, with plenty more left in reserve.
  25. Well then use this instead:- [url="http://www.grooveshark.com/"]http://www.grooveshark.com/[/url]
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