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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='639777' date='Oct 29 2009, 09:51 AM']Not to download the client, but you still need an invite to create an account. I don't understand why they've gone back to invite-only. [/quote] Really??? Wow, thats very daft indeed!
  2. Cr@p by the sound of it.... Did he not have piccies of this on the sale?
  3. Ni invite required people:- [url="http://www.spotify.com/en/download/windows/"]http://www.spotify.com/en/download/windows/[/url]
  4. if they have one of those XLR to phonos incorrectly wired you could get all sorts of phase nastiness I would think. Is your bass active? If the jack into said bass was active, then any amount of weirdness may happen due to the stereo socket in the bass used to trigger the active-ness I would imagine. Short answer, no IME a jack to jack lead to a wall box and a jack to jack from next wall box to amp would be more normal ie most wall boxes also have some nice jack input/outputs on them. Course other people may experienced other ways of wiring up to achieve this.
  5. Spotify by default is entirely free. You have to put up with the occasional ad. Or you can spend 9.99 a month to not have ads. The ads arent as intrusive as FM radio IMO, and that makes it a win for me!
  6. It is on spotify though [url="http://open.spotify.com/track/4MmaH0gfufdTwY8Lx2jF3b"]http://open.spotify.com/track/4MmaH0gfufdTwY8Lx2jF3b[/url] And wonderful it is too!
  7. Commiserations, really, but I'm sure you can work a way around this. Lighter bass, two bass straps - one over each shoulder - and a belt strap to better spread the load. Or if even that isnt enough, they used to do stands for acoustic guitars and the like that held them in playing position - largely for spandex wearing lead guitarists who needed access to an acoustic in the generic power ballad in the set. Surely you could modify something like that to take the weight of the bass?? It might not look so cool, but you'd be gigging!
  8. Funy that - if I want to listen to virtuosic bass I listen to some Meshel or Bob Marley . With the sole exception of Michael Manring, who I dont actually think is playin bass, he is composing music on a four stringed instrement that fully deserves the Hyper tag. He still surprises, amazes and delights me with his compositions. And he really isnt w**k*** IMO. As for Vic, Alain, Marcus etc heard all they do ages ago
  9. TOP Chances of more of 'em dieing before they get back over here is fairly high now - there's a happy thought!
  10. Use anything u like that I posted in the photo thread, although they are probably all rather blurry and plop due to my massive deficit of talent in that area....
  11. Yeah baby hit me up with a subscription!
  12. bass -> comp -> tuner -> head I want more pedals for sploinky funkiness though
  13. Starter for ten is the LMIII. That's the bomb right there. If you want a quicker punchier feel and have the bucks go for an uber ickle F500 (especially brilliant into a Berg ae410 by all accounts). If you want more tone shaping then go for an sa450 (I like!) If you need more grunt then and SD800 (massively wide sound with buckets of headroom) If you want tubes then try those options, but bear in mind outside of the classic 300 you are paying a lot for a very clean tube pre, rather tha something that will break up. Personally I see no real reason in the tube 800 or LMIII tube. YMMV....
  14. Yeah, and while you're at it, tidy your room, put the cat out, the dog needs feeding, and there's downstairs to decorate! Chop chop!
  15. NIce site! I may be wrong though but it looks to me like the picture of the Vintage is actually a Compact with your nice cloth front stood on its side (I can only see one driver in there)? On these pages:- [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range.htm[/url] [url="http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=vintage"]http://barefacedbass.com/index.php?page=vintage[/url] Or am I going bonkers??
  16. Thats a damn fine effort that is! Mind you if he plucked any harder he'd break the neck
  17. [quote name='Funkmaster' post='635612' date='Oct 24 2009, 08:57 PM']Got the new string twang thing going on tonight as I've just put new strings on. It's a rare occurance in Funkmaster world. But I love that sound![/quote] +1!
  18. [quote name='funkmunky' post='634150' date='Oct 23 2009, 08:50 AM']I've got the same rig (Markbass SA450 and Berg AE410) and it's just the best sound I've yet had. Big, warm, clear bass. By the way, for what it's worth, I did a comparison of my AE410 with Geoffbassist's HS410 a few months back to see if there would be any benefit in changing my setup... We both agreed in the end that it wasn't worth it. the AE410 seemed clearer and had a wider frequency response. The HS410 sounded smooth but to me not as big and warm as the AE cabinet. Depends what kind of thing you're after I suppose, but I was happy enough to keep my amazing cabinet. Steve[/quote] Its just an awesome sound isnt it! Honestly I went to the SE Bass Bash and listened to and tried a lot of nice kit at decent volumes, and every half hour or so I'd go and have a bash on mine and think, "yup, got the best one here" - I absolutely love it!
  19. [quote name='turtlemoon' post='626343' date='Oct 14 2009, 08:10 PM']Many Thx for all your replies , I really appreciate your advise. I think i will take up stevefletch59s offer of listening to the Bergantino HS410 first and see how it sounds. And then possibly a trip to Matamp in Meltham and see what they have. Not really bothered too much about cab weight. I may have to consider getting a more powerful amp though If I was to go for the Bergantino HS410. I bought the Hartke 3500 head about 5 years ago and to be honest I have never had the chance to listen to anything else .It has been a good and reliable head. Once again many thx to you all..[/quote] The Berg 410s are pretty darned efficient, and rated at 4Ohm so they will get everything your amp has to give. On the other hand being a 410 they are possibly moving a bit less air than what you currently have. You definitely need to try one!
  20. [quote name='crez5150' post='631181' date='Oct 20 2009, 10:53 AM']I'd say with finger Funk you have to listen for space... try not to overplay.... less is more sorta thing[/quote] Unless you end up at the Tower of Power end of the finger funk spectrum He doesnt over play, but he plays way more notes than the above would imply! Heck, Bootsy wasnt note shy even when he was playing with JB way back when... You want to get ghost notes down, and really listen to a massive amount of funk, whenever you hear a funk track figure out the bassline, then run it agains a click on 2 & 4. It shouldnt take too long to get a good cross section of the funkiest stuff (see previous threads on good examples of funk to listen to).
  21. Very tempted to add some drums to this Jake, if I get some time and you dont mind, just for a bit of fun.... BTW I dont suppose you have the two bass parts on seperate tracks do you ?
  22. Definitely the right thing to do mate. Best of luck with your next project!
  23. Are the man behind The JesusFist Tapes (quite a different direction to this stuff, and really really good too). He's brilliant, playing an upsidedown strung (heaviest string closest to floor) lefty piccolo fretless for crying out loud, bet he doesnt get too many requests to have a go on it though Staggeringly nice fella too.
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