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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. No dont mull it over - bin them - now! They are NOT going to change, they havent enough motivation to wipe their own backsides, and something will always get between the band stuff and them. I feel for you, I have been there. Do yourself an enormous favour and start your own band, its really easy for a guy like you.
  2. [quote name='iamapirate' post='626679' date='Oct 15 2009, 09:18 AM']Damn! Another thing I'm missing when I'm in Dubai! bargh![/quote] And you expect sympathy - get away with yer!
  3. Yeah it gets worse matey, I think I missed it too I blame the bass bash, made the fatal mistake of trying one of these beauties out.....
  4. [quote name='Rowbee' post='623879' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:24 PM']I had a go on this when I was trying out his Barefaced Compact. I've been using a MB SA450 for quite a while and the Puma really turned my head with the amount of warmth in the tone.[/quote] Really? All the stuff I've heard suggested this was ultra hifi, and not as warm as the MB stuff, thats really interesting!
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='626147' date='Oct 14 2009, 04:25 PM']I shall definitely be attending this as Dave likes the idea of having a wall of Barefaced cabs on show! I'll be doing a workshop on acoustics and tone at 2pm, which unlike the other workshops will be free, because I'm worth it. Alex P.S. Just noticed I'll be Herbie Flowers' warm-up act. Am scared...[/quote] Herb is a lovely lovely bloke, completely unassuming and daft as a brush, dont worry about the fact you are the warm up for a studio legend with more credits than you've had hot dinners (heh heh ) If its any help if you feel at all overawed just remember his biggest hit was "Grandpa (we love you)" [guffaw!] He also has an encyclopedic range of amusing anecdotes to fall back on. When he does the Rockshop (which Plux has attended twice now) concert we get a couple of minutes of Herbie Spiel between each band, and he never dries up (knocks things over sometimes though
  6. [quote name='Plux_the_Duck' post='626005' date='Oct 14 2009, 02:00 PM']best rig I have heard with MB gear, is my dad's MB SA450 into a Berg AE10 - the nicest growliest tone ever!! but I prefer my Hartke LH500 with Berg HT210 and HT115 :snob: though I would like a MB F500 - cos of the weight and size[/quote] Quite right too! Aren't you supposed to be at school working right now?
  7. Currently vapourware IMO.....
  8. Used to use a Nady something or other, but I've been all cable for the last 10 years. Why? Its one less thing to worry about going wrong. It didnt give me problems very often, but I just found I didnt need to run around to get people on their feet, I needed to groove better, so I got rid of a variable....
  9. If its really big bottom you want then I would have to suggest a Barefaced Vintage or BigOne. The Berg ae410 is superb, but the HS410 has more low-mid bump, so that may suit you more. Either way Berg is about as good as it gets IMO (see sig), its just which Berg you need to choose. If you have the readies for that kind of gear (Berg) and you want to hear a bunch of options get in contact with poptart (Mark) on here, and go and see him in his shop (www.bassdirect.co.uk). He will have just the thing I promise , your wallet will not forgive you, but every time you hear your rig you wont care If you want to experience the Barefaced kit then check out the BigOne and Compact tours in the Barefaced forum, you can borrow one for a week and try it out on a gig, then pass it on. Couldnt be a better way to work out if its right for you or not...
  10. Ngggarrghhhhh (resist, resist!!!!)
  11. Phwoarrrrr! Lovely bass!
  12. Korg rack jobby with lights, and more flashing lights. And a mute switcheroo... The reasoning being, if I get enough lights on the rack then the punters will be mesmerised and not notice that I'm only playing E and A all night
  13. Have you seen this Jake? [url="http://www.noteflight.com/login"]http://www.noteflight.com/login[/url] Its 'free' (like heroin, in that they give you something for nothing then ask for cash for the best gear ) and pretty fully featured (I've only looked at the free version, I can give it up if I have to, its just a cold, just say no etc etc). Just a thought, since as an educator it might be really helpful, esp as its online, and I think you can set up restricted public availaility blah blah blah.... Si PS Love the sig
  14. [quote name='alexclaber' post='624808' date='Oct 13 2009, 11:15 AM']How ridiculous does that neck look?! Thankfully it doesn't feel anywhere near that long...[/quote] You're right, thats absurd, I cant think you want to be seen to be that daft. Obviously the best course of action is to give me the bass and you take up banjo, after all you wont have room for such a positively obscene neck in your house for much longer, once the midgets start to breed.... [quote name='alexclaber' post='624808' date='Oct 13 2009, 11:15 AM'][b]Two Midgets will go as loud as a boutique neo 4x10"[/b] though they'll need a bit more power to bring an equal weight to the lows. I'll let you know when the first coax tweeter one is ready for you to have a play! Alex[/quote] Hey I see a "bass-off" in the very near future there matey... I know just the competition Am very interested in the coax one of these to be honest (so is Plux, but to be honest I think he wants the entire range), if only as the perfect cab for rehearsal spaces and very small gig(lettes?).
  15. Damn and thats not showing off? Some really in your face playing there. Got to admit though I love the way it stays totally in the groove too. Respect!
  16. I'm usually very close to flat. I tend to add a tiny bit of low (really its not much at all, not even 5 mins past the hour) esp if I'm going to be sitting on the bridge pup a lot. I quite often dial in a similar amount of VPF too, just a smidge, once I can hear it doing something its enough. I hate too much salt and pepper in my food too.....
  17. [quote name='mikek' post='624647' date='Oct 13 2009, 01:12 AM']Thanks for the photos 51m0n. Blurry or not it's the first time I've seen a finished Midget![/quote] It sounds great too, really pokey for a silly small box that weighs like a packet of cornflakes! Alex ran both in a stack and I reckon that would cover most small to medium gigs. They dont have the HUGE low end thud of the vintage or 2xCompacts, but I wouldnt have expected that. They do have enough low end (hey I'm a believer that too much low end on the gig is a recipe for disaster) and plenty plenty punch though! The ones with the concentric tweeter should be sreally really really good though (IMO)! I also think Alex has got the aesthetics spot on now, with the metal corners, very pro badgery, and the Vintage stylee cloth, they all look superb!
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='624374' date='Oct 12 2009, 08:32 PM']I know, I'm scared to use my compressor pedal now in case he sees me. :ph34r:[/quote] Quite right too! Maybe next time I'll show you what I mean, get a bunch of pedals and a couple of decent rack comps and cop the pedals with the rack comps. Then show how much more useful a rack comp is, blah blah blah. Ending with my usual rantasm about the stupid pedals (apologies one and all!). Then again maybe not!
  19. More piccies! Jakesbass - I want some of what he's having Another view of the Barefaced cabs:- Blurry Barefaced cabs:- Mine and Plux's Rigs:- Ped showing us what we're all missing! Plux making sweet music (or something....)
  20. [quote name='Shockwave' post='624188' date='Oct 12 2009, 05:27 PM'] A few people know exactly what it is. Its a first for Barefaced.[/quote] Big One 'Plus' with the variable tweeter goodness going on?
  21. [quote name='Hamster' post='624210' date='Oct 12 2009, 05:57 PM']When you asked him for a pink sequins and diamante finish I never thought Alex would do it for you.......... [/quote] Coffee, meet Mr Screen......
  22. Is a Big One or a Compact? Oh, a Vintage? Too big for a Midget though....
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