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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. [quote name='alexclaber' post='624047' date='Oct 12 2009, 03:09 PM']Following Ped's V-bass demo, if I was a modelling type of person I'd definitely be leaning that way - what an amazing piece of kit! Alex[/quote] +1
  2. Blimey - you learn something new everyday
  3. [quote name='jakesbass' post='623860' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:01 PM']Damn I knew I forgot something important!! well next time. There's loads more info where that lot came from. It's quite tough to pitch it to so many people because there is a wide variety of standard.[/quote] I'll have to get you a copy of the Plus Tech Squeeze Box album, there's some really choice bass & drums & melodies on there! Mad as a ferret in a hot air ballon mind
  4. [quote name='Ray' post='623908' date='Oct 12 2009, 12:58 PM']Does this still apply if the pickups are wired in series?[/quote] I would think so, its as a result of the pickup position along the string, and the way the two sources are out of phase with each other as a result of this position. Nothing to do with how the pickups a wired up electronically.
  5. [quote name='mikek' post='623679' date='Oct 12 2009, 03:16 AM']Do my eagle eyes spot a Bareaced Midget on top of a Compact in the right of the top photo? Does anyone have any more pics of these?[/quote] Yup, and yup, but they will probably be rather blurry (dont know what was up with the camera/operator ) I'll try and sort it out this evening...
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='623614' date='Oct 11 2009, 11:34 PM'][attachment=34338:Hamsters_gear.jpg] Some of Hamster's gear[/quote] Best shot of Mine and Plux's gear (right hand two rigs) from the whole day - all my photos came out blurry I think, if I do find anything worth posting I'll put it up though! Si
  7. [quote name='Rich' post='622302' date='Oct 10 2009, 10:37 AM']I love where I live, but on occasions I just hate being so far from London. This is one of those occasions. I would have given arms & legs to have been there. [/quote] It was awesome (sorry to rub it in but I gots to tell the truth mate )
  8. Thanks to all of you, really really enjoyed putting names to faces, spending a day getting my ears battered by a superb array of basses and amps. Best thing in that department though is that for me, my favourite bass there was mine, and my favourite rig was.... ...mine (woooot! GAS-less on the bass and amp front still, result!!) Was hoping to allay my Discombobulator gas only to have it fired up to truly scary proportions, and completely new and previously unknown GAS for a Deep Impact now (doh!) The talks were super informative, particularly enjoyed Jakes (damn that's a wicked bass mate!), just have to work out how to make my ears as golden as yours now: seriously chaps he worked out a nice motowny b-line off a CD that he'd never heard before just hearing it once and played it straight back,he didnt show this party trick to you lot but I had to go and get a plaster for me chin! Thanks to all of you for putting up with Plux and me making the most of an opportunity to be proper noisy together - must have been dreadful for you all! Cant wait to see you all again next year. Si
  9. [quote name='jakesbass' post='621845' date='Oct 9 2009, 05:30 PM']Hi Guys, just a quick request to anyone coming to my workshop, it would be handy for the purposes of demonstration if you could bring a random piece of music (cd or summat) as I would like to play for you guys a piece that I've never heard before in order to demonstrate the importance of ear training. Obviously the chances are that I will have heard some of the things that you may bring but I'll be honest and if I've never played said track before I should be able to show you how quickly a well trained pair of ears can analyse a piece. Cheers in advance. Jake[/quote] Errr I just remembered something dasterdly in my CD collection - you mind if I bring it?? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  10. [quote name='jakesbass' post='621845' date='Oct 9 2009, 05:30 PM']Hi Guys, just a quick request to anyone coming to my workshop, it would be handy for the purposes of demonstration if you could bring a random piece of music (cd or summat) as I would like to play for you guys a piece that I've never heard before in order to demonstrate the importance of ear training. Obviously the chances are that I will have heard some of the things that you may bring but I'll be honest and if I've never played said track before I should be able to show you how quickly a well trained pair of ears can analyse a piece. Cheers in advance. Jake[/quote] Oh mate, thats a red flag to a bull with this lot!!! Hope your good (dumb comment #46 of the day I know ) or some swine he will bring something utterly unfathomable! <Brain/CD collection wracking begins!> On another note both Plux & I will be there, all the gear is now completely blocking the hall - Its like a tiny Berg warehouse
  11. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='621872' date='Oct 9 2009, 06:04 PM']Bought my Roscoe from him. Top bloke![/quote] +1 Although I wasn't customer #1, I believe I got Century Std 5 string #1 (hey the serial is A007, which is just coooooooollllll )
  12. Do you wanna go uber-bling? [url="http://www.harvest-guitar.com/en/Bass-Bags/"]http://www.harvest-guitar.com/en/Bass-Bags/[/url] Niiiiice.....
  13. 51m0n


    [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='617027' date='Oct 4 2009, 11:55 PM']If money really is no object, you'll be after a [url="http://www.looperlative.com/"]Looperlative[/url]. Failing that, you might also consider the Digitech Hardwire DL-8 which has a decent, if not exactly feature rich, looping function.[/quote] +1 Saw Steve Lawson the other noght with one - that is some seriously cool kit!!!
  14. [quote name='Bottle' post='621527' date='Oct 9 2009, 12:50 PM']PM'd re: SanSamp PDDI + Tuner See you all there at the Bash! Seriously getting excited now ([i]contain yourself![/i])[/quote] I'm not, oh no not at all (runs around in circles in the office again shouting and jumping up and down ) - see totally coolio..... I keep getting the oddest looks you know
  15. [quote name='Hamster' post='620995' date='Oct 8 2009, 09:01 PM']The good Mrs Hamster, who will be serving coffee, tea, pastries & soft drinks wants to know if there are going to be any other "better halves" coming so she doesn't have to sit and listen to a load of blokes talking about their shiny things all day......?[/quote] Dont be silly, there's no room in the car - its all full up with bass stuff
  16. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='620601' date='Oct 8 2009, 02:38 PM']There's a right way to build light weight cabs, which when employed will vibrate less than heavy cabs while sounding better, and there's a wrong way. One guess which applies to the lightweights you tried. [/quote] +1!!
  17. Steve, just wanted to congratulate you and Michael, the gig was outstanding! Really fantastic venue to get to see the most amazing playing, my son loved it too: think I'm going to have to get him a looper like yours now, if only so we can muck around reversing stuff Si (and Ethan)
  18. 51m0n

    Studio acoustics

    [quote name='GM10' post='618588' date='Oct 6 2009, 02:27 PM']Does anyone have any advice on descent, reasonably priced acoustic kits or [b]any hints/tips in general on developing good acoustics on a budget.[/b][/quote] [quote name='Rimskidog' post='619492' date='Oct 7 2009, 12:42 PM']Oooh. Misrepresentation abounds! First of all... forget foam and forget bookshelves.[/quote] Well in my defense it is known that bookshelf diffusers, though far from perfect are an improvement over a bare wall, and quite possibly the cheapest solution he could get (ie if he has the books already). Its fair to say they wont be perfect, but short of spending money on a test harness and constructing a load of bits and bobs or hiring someone in to do it for him he isnt going to get close to perfect in a room with parallel walls. Not to in anyway detract from Rimskidog and the av site (which has got some excellent solutions in btw!)
  19. [quote name='Kubickiboy' post='619456' date='Oct 7 2009, 12:16 PM']Go on - treat yourself...!!!! [/quote] This is the GAS equivalent of the turtle's head mate, stop it you're kiling me!
  20. I had a long play with one and am pretty sure it will do what you need (from memory). However I was less than impressed by its tracking, which seemed no better than octavers of old to me....
  21. gnnnnnnnng This is not on! Have a bump on me, if I didnt absolutely have to have a Zoom H4n by the end of the month I'd have bitten your arm off getting this...
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='619064' date='Oct 6 2009, 09:48 PM']The conclusion I'm arriving at is that bass players are now totally spoiled for choice. I remember when bass cabs were all fields...[/quote] +1 It is genuinely a fantastic time to be looking for bass gear....
  23. 51m0n

    Studio acoustics

    [quote name='GM10' post='619341' date='Oct 7 2009, 09:44 AM']Hi, thanks for the responses. I have looked at the Advanced Acoustics website and if I don't find a cheaper option I probably will go down that route. I want to record miked vocals, bongo's and acoustic guitar so I think I'm right in saying that I'll need a dead sound. Is the advanced acoustic stuff particularly special or will ordinary foam do a similar job? I'm talking something permanent here not quilts and stuff. As you can tell, I'm being a bit of a tight a**e here but the cost of everything else for the studio has left me a bit skint! Thanks again[/quote] Well no, not necessarily, you may find that with the above treatment the room sounds fabulous and you prefer that sound to one of processed reverb. You can always deaden one corner down, get a mic [url="http://www.studiospares.com/Mic-Accessories/SE-Electronics-Instrument-Reflexion-Filter/invt/422160"]reflection shield[/url] to put around the back of the mic, then place the vocalist/instrumentalist with back to corner. Or you can use reversible panels to be able to tailor the room to what you are doing. I think going the totally deadening route is generally a huge mistake, since its a one way ride, and IME nothing you can do with a processor sounds as good as a sorted room! This may make you see what I mean:- [url="http://www.prorec.com/Articles/tabid/109/EntryId/109/Sonic-Makeover.aspx"]http://www.prorec.com/Articles/tabid/109/E...c-Makeover.aspx[/url] It really doesnt have to be hugely expensive to improve a room a huge amount though, there are loads of articles on the web about sorting room acoustics out. The basics are pretty simple to grasp and achieve, bass trapping helps sort out standing waves/room nodes, diffusers sort out parallel wall reflections, then acoustic foam (or heavy curtains) darkens the room, tiles or glass or wood brightens the room. Getting the balance spot on is the tricky bit, so doing anything that can't be changed or fettled with is a bad plan IMO....
  24. Do I have to say??? Bergie Baby, AE410 for me all the way!
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