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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. 51m0n

    Studio acoustics

    Floor to ceiling bookshelves across two walls full of assorted books makes a fantastic diffuser - then you'll need to look up how to make some bass traps, and you'll be a lot better off....
  2. You is gonna be so ful lof GAS you wont fit into the Castle at all Mark is a diamond fella, and his gear is just superb. Have fun!
  3. [quote name='stinson' post='616116' date='Oct 3 2009, 11:09 PM']Can someone please go into Immediate down Sydney Street and tell Fat Ian to get down there, a great ska bass player and Brighton legend. Tell him Hardy recomends it. [/quote] I know Fat Ian, used to swim with him in the same club when was were ickl'uns. He was significantly less fat then, and had a very very fast freestyle! Lovely fella...
  4. To be honest 100w in a combo is going to leave you struggling everytime the drummer wakes up and wacks a drum like a drummer is supposed to. Your 300w is a better bet, provided the speaker cab is reasonably efficient.
  5. Like that alot ! What are you using for the synth bass part? Love the little double thumping muted filtered bit at the end, my fave bit, all warm and squelchy like
  6. I wouldnt recommend a Behrionger rig to anyone, regardless of the price. Especially if they want future proof, since Behringer gear cr@ps out all the time. £200 is not alot of cash. You'd be looking hard for something that will do. For that money you'd better be willing to schlep serious weight. I would suggest looking for an old 2nd hand Peavey rig, they were cheapo and robust and did OK back in the day. How about:- [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peavey-Mk-VI-XP-series-402-bass-amp-head_W0QQitemZ200389189818QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item2ea82060ba&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Amp[/url] and [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PEAVEY-1X15-BASS-CAB-300-WATTS_W0QQitemZ380163893729QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_MusicalInstr_Amplifiers_RL?hash=item588388a9e1&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]Cab[/url] Well under budget right now....
  7. Hmmmm, Bridge pup soloed for slap? Not normally the best choice IMO. Try both pups on full, or a a slight roll off of the neck pup, or neck soloed. +1 to the above, you should have no issues getting a strong and bright slap tone with no amp at all. I've said it before, you need to double check your technique, and the action of the bass...
  8. ooooh them servers is gonna be working hard over the next few days then
  9. Well to a point I agree with Alex, However a rear port does rely on a certain amount of space behind the box to work well - if you work in small venues alot and squeeze you cab right against a back wall the a rear port can suffer as a result....
  10. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='617273' date='Oct 5 2009, 12:14 PM']Touch of thread hijack![/quote] Apologies one and all!
  11. Hmmm, you are really going to struggle, firstly the majority of guitarists are super attached to the vintage end of things, and although they moan (the guitarist thinks its an evil thing that my entire rack weighs next to nothing, and my cab is only slightly heavier than his combo), they are soooo attached to those labels. I did get him (after a particularly nasty case of too loud/too quiet harrassment at a gig) to try a tiny little tube combo run so hard it was melting, all through the PA, with monitors set up for him (and us) to hear what the hell he was playing. Even though it worked a treat, he still didnt like it. Moral, you cannot convince them. They are not going to change. You will waste money and time trying. Stick to us lot, we are so happy to have someone trying to improve the situation that we will buy in to it (plus you have are held in some esteem on here and all the other bass forums I've seen you on, which is only helping you). I really want to try a midget, I think it will be my goto cab for band rehearsals and ickle gigs. See you on Saturday!! I think the PA idea is pretty good, but you are looking at producing some really pricey kit there, so even though it is a high bang for the buck, less people will have that money to hand. Hope you've been supplying advice to voxchat.co.uk (if there is such a thing!) Slightly different note, why is it vocalists dont think they need to provide a good quality vocal PA??? That one really baffles me! I dont ask the vocalist to provide my amp after all!
  12. Its not a bloody race mate Also, as has been mentioned, there is a huge amount more to Flea than the punk funk slap thing, and a lot more to VW (the people's car?!?!) than the double thumping thing. I love em both, and listen to whichever I'm most in the mood for. I would say this though, considering Flea's stuff solely on the strength of that clip is a crying shame, he has written and played some cracking b-lines (slapped and fingerstyle) over the years, my personal favourites run up to and including BSSM, after that I think he loses his way (heresy I'm sure), but I think BSSM was one of (if not the) best bass heavy albums of the 90's, and the best album RHCP will ever produce. Some of VW's stuff with the Flecktones is achingly beautiful too, but his (and almost everyone else's) solo bass work leaves me cold (the one guy who doesn't is Michael Manring, but he's from a completely different planet IMO)
  13. Result! Love the beat, actually I love all the two tone stylee stuff I've ever heard
  14. Some basses do slap better than others, but its generally a setup issue rather than anything more serious. Occasionally there are ergonomic decision made during design that really hamper slap like having a Ramp installed (IMO rather strangely the Warwick Thumb bass suffers from having too big a gap between the string and body for your popping finger to disappear into for instance). Generally though just about anything can be slapped, although the tone may not be what you would want always. The answer in all probability is that your technique isnt there yet to get over any inadequacies with the bass itself....
  15. [quote name='obbm' post='615128' date='Oct 2 2009, 07:19 PM']I want to go but I'm not up to it yet Craig. Recovery is taking longer than I thought.[/quote] Awww, Dave, thats a shame, really looking forward to meeting the chap responsible for all the long black stringy bits that hold my rig together. Hope it goes well mate!
  16. What no mention of The Big One? Shame on you!
  17. Never played a gig drunk or stoned. However way back in the day I may just have done the odd recording session so stoned that walking was not a possibility. And they sounded superb both during and after. Guess I found it helped me scrutinise my grooviness even more then Oh, and yes the recordings still exist....
  18. [quote name='flyfisher' post='613325' date='Sep 30 2009, 09:45 PM']If I miss this one, are they a fairly regular event?[/quote] Annual really as far as I can tell (so about 1 per year per region)....
  19. [quote name='secretsquirrel' post='613090' date='Sep 30 2009, 04:38 PM']As you're not far from him go and see Mark down @ Bass Direct and actually try some amps! He's only about a hour or so down the M40 from you but prepare to bring your wallet as you'll find what you want...[/quote] +1000 Mark is a diamond geezer, but he has a scary tactic of allowing you the time to fall in love with the sound of the gear he is selling before asking you whether you want it or not - my wallet actually starts to tremble at the thought of going within 75 miles of his shop now! In all seriousness Mark's place is superb, and he totally knows his stuff, he'd be happy to help ypu find the right kit for your needs....
  20. [quote name='P-T-P' post='612933' date='Sep 30 2009, 01:10 PM']Interesting, not least because you were using Bergantino cabs at one point weren't you? Those are the elephant in the room I'm trying not to think about as I know they're gonna sound great but they are well pricey.[/quote] I wont say what I was going to then
  21. Well thats it, got tickets, am definitely going See you there....
  22. Markbass F500 into a Berg ae410 Growlosaurus baby More to the point these amps dont add too much of their own spin on your tone, and the cab is very punchy and will really allow you jazz bass' natural growly tone to come through...
  23. [quote name='chris_b' post='612820' date='Sep 30 2009, 10:45 AM']If you can you get to the Bass Bash (just off the M25 near Staines) in two weeks time you should see more top class bass gear than even the Gallery can put it's hands on![/quote] +1 The gear list that will be there will allow you to hear more bass cabs,amps and combos than going around any of your local or not so local shops (seriously, check out the list of people and what they are bringing!). You will also get to talk at length to the owners and find out if it does what you need. That makes it worth every penny IMO!!! On top of this there will be lectures from our very own Alex (Mr Barefaced) on psychoacoustics and bass, and various other luminaries of basschat (I'm really looking forward to hearing what Jakesbass has to say, he is a highly respected member of this forum, pro bassist and by all accounts an exceptional teacher). If you can drag your self along I think all your questions will be answered. I personally think the Compact would be a clever move. It will significantly increase your volume (up to a theoretical 6dB which is a lot), but in the long run you are right, that you will need to replace that extremely underpowered combo. The beauty of going the Compact route is that when you are ready you can trade the combo against the head you will replace it with, and the Compact can take a lot of grunt, so you will probably find that trading an underpowered combo for a decent head will mean you end up with a much smaller lighter solution that is easily loud enough. I would suggest looking at Hartke LH500 to eventually pair with the Compact.
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