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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. I've been enjoyiong this months one too - esp the Squarepusher interview - damn he's a control freak live I struggle remembering which end to blow through, and hes running sequencers, lights and blowing a gale - git!
  2. Well I think I will, and take my eldest too, he knows Herbie quite well from the last two Rockshops he went on, so he wont want to miss out, plus I've not seen Terry Popple for a while and he's an old mate from years ago (and a superb drummer to boot), a jam with him is always worth while!
  3. Nope there will always be hugely influential innovators, they just dont turn up very often, and in the meantime the industry just keeps trotting out the same old lineup of maybe 15 players for years and years and years! There has been loads, Jamerson, Jaco, Flea (he's influenced at least as many people as Jaco has IMO), Geddy, Bruce, Vic, Sheehan, Stanley C, a million upright dudes, Wimbish, Squarepusher (great article on him in BGM, love his stuff, a long way from the rest of the bass fraternity, which is a very good thing IMO, although as D&B goes I prefer T-Power and Aphex Twin) etc etc Tomorrow someone new will pick up bass, and they may end up being the next most inventive cat ever, or it may be ten years from now, but it will happen. I can honestly say it wont be me though
  4. [url="http://www.bassplayersday.com/"]http://www.bassplayersday.com/[/url] Dont know if anyone else on here has heard about this so I thought I'd post it, looks to be a decent line up! From the website:- [quote]Dave Barnard & Juliette Golding Present a BASS PLAYERS DAY Sunday Nov 1st. 2009 12-7pm.& 8-11pm The Portland Rock Bar & Green 153 Portland Rd, Hove BN3 5QJ Tel ( 01273 ) 383840 Running Order ROCK BAR EVENTS 12– 7pm. £5 entrance ( consc) £3.50 The Rock Bar Stage is available for Jamming throughout the event , Back-line supplied 12.00 pm DOORS, MEET, MUSIC, MASTERCLASS ( GREEN ROOM ). 2.00 pm SPECIAL GUEST...HENRY THOMAS, ROCK SCHOOL. 4.00 pm BRIGHTON BASS ORCHESTRA, Throb. ( Dave’s Workshop group ) ‘In Concert’. 4.20 pm SPECIAL GUEST….THE INSTITUTE, ( ICMP) PHIL MANN. 6.00 pm RAFFLE & COMPETION prizes etc. with “ BIG” FRANK . . HOT & COLD FOOD MENU 1—6pm MASTER CLASSES (GREEN ROOM) Please note £3 cover charge for these Clinics ( tickets from door) 12 noon DAVE BARNARD. The Building Blocks of Bass 1.00 pm FRANCOIS DeVILLE BASS, What is it good for?– GLUE! 3.00 pm HERBIE FLOWERS. How to survive in the Music Biz and stay HAPPY! 4.30 pm STEVE LOCKWOOD. Rock Bass 5.30 pm. PHIL MANN Playing the Shows 6.30 pm FRANC O’SHEA Bass & Beyond BRING, BUY, SELL, EXCHANGE OR JUST EXHIBIT YOUR BASSES, STRINGS, VIDEOS, DVD’s, MAGS[/quote]
  5. [quote name='MythSte' post='610948' date='Sep 28 2009, 04:10 PM']I opened up my Shuttle 6 the other day, And it is pretty much empty in there already!![/quote] FOOL! You've let out the helium, it will now weigh 85lbs!!!
  6. DR Lo-Riders are somewhat more stiff than the Hi Beams, but still not anything like as stiff as the D'Addarios that came on my Roscoe (which were all but unplayable IMO) DR Hi Beams need a slight action adjustment in the wrong direction unless you play really light. But your post is asking almost the impossible, you want strings that arent stiff, but allow a low action - that can not be done. If a string is noticeably more flexible it will vibrate over a wider area and therefore require a higher action not to buzz. I have a pretty low action and Hi Beams but I play gently and the setup on the bass is superb... I would prefer Lo-Riders though, since they produce more midrangey tone.
  7. Its about frequecy mixing the band. All the members of the band have a 'sound' that they like to practice with and show off their lovely gear with to their mates. This is a huge wide frequency sound (esp for keys and overdriven/distorted guitar) that can really maximise the impact of their instrument. They all turn up to rehearse and use this same sound or a variation of. Result: no space for any other instruments, everything turns to a volume war or mud. Solution, give everyone a frequency range or two to stay in, so guitars are upper mids, keys lower mids and extreme highs, bass is bass and middly mids. Carve that out at their amp so no amount of fx pedal jiggerypokery can then change it. BTW Vox gets absolute volume precedent, always! Result - they will bitch and moan at you. Solution to bitching and moaning - sack them or leave, OR record the band in situ with their sounds their way, then again with them your way ( a zoom H2 is perfect for this). Take the resultant mixes around to everyone and their partners and friends and play them back on their stereos and ask them to say which they prefer - do this a couple of weeks later and do it double blind. They will always (and I mean always) prefer the frequency mixed version cos it always sounds better. You can hear the individual parts and nothing is fighting anything else.
  8. I'm not even remotely surprised, its just like the way MB amps have gone - waaaay more power in the same space. The shuttles have to keep up, I expect there will be a TC upgrade in about 8 months time then..... I also like the black though - nice!
  9. IMO & IME no amp one knob compressor is going to help you in this one. Generally speaking amp compressors tend to be very obvious, they need to appear to do something to sell the feature in the shop! What you need is a comp set up to gently compress almost always (lowish ratio, low threshold), a good 20 to 40 ms attack to let the tap articulation through and the shortest release you can use without artifacts so that each subsequent tap retriggers the comp, with the subsequent attack delay. You may need a limiter afterward to curb the most violent peaks though. This will not sound obviously compressed, but it will really even things out. You better have really clean technique though, or you will bring the noise/crud up too loud. Setting this up for tracking is extremely hard to do. You are best off setting it up at mix down for that one part (which would need to be overdubbed on a seperate channel ideally) Live I use a more forgiving comp setting (higher threshold, lower ratio) and never struggle to be honest. This is partly to do with the way the Roscoe produces rdiculously loud taps (louder than anything else I've ever played) and I have no idea why!
  10. Nocturne - Siouxsie and the Banshees Awesome!
  11. 51m0n

    Site down?

    [quote name='Hamster' post='608810' date='Sep 25 2009, 10:49 PM']I'll try and put an answer here soonest![/quote] Be quick - I've just got back from a week long holiday with the poorest wifi connection known to man, the addiction to basschat is very very real in this one
  12. 51m0n

    Site down?

    ooooffphhhh - and back again!
  13. Thats a very cool thing indeed (details of the magic done by your guitarist would be appreciated!) Also love the artwork and title - cant listen not enough bandwidth right now
  14. Personally I've never found a compressor pedal that really did the job right. Since they all have less than all the controls required to properly tweak the device to you, your bass the way you play - its always a compromise. Not until I got the focusrite compounder rack jobbie. Obviously that means going rack, and they may well not be for you, but it can be so transparent, or crush the knackers out of it depending on what I need. Not saying dont try comp pedals, just that you can expect to go through a fair few trying to get exactly what you want, only to discover that no one pedal can do everything you might need off a compressor.
  15. Heil PR40 Its the absolute nads.
  16. Its bloody cavernous in there isnt it!
  17. Hmmm tricky, on the one hand I'm 'in' a band thats spread all over the south coast, that get together and record bits whenever we can. All original, would be great if I enjoyed the music more, and we could do more of it, but I love the people so its certainly not all bad. Then there is a ropey blues covers band that I dod the odd gig with - that one we had knocked on the head cos it was really doing all our heads in (very non-commital singer) but it appears to have reaered its fugly head again for a Halloween gig Finally I'm in the process of getting my own band together - first meeting/rehearsal/appraisal/writing session on Tuesday week. Cherry picked a line up of people who do funk in all sorts of bands, got them involved by stalking them mainly, and selling them on the idea of what I want the band to do. They are all dead fired up over the idea of it, which I'm not going to spill here (you would all be doing it if I did ) - looking to be ready to gig in 3 or 4 months max with a 9 track set. Very very excited about this one!
  18. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='599736' date='Sep 15 2009, 11:10 PM']yes. It's a cascade fathead with lundahl transformers. Probably the best bargain in audio at the moment! You can't tell but it's about 10 feet in front of the kick![/quote] Love Cascades, superb for the wonga! NOt heard the Lundhal transformer version though, make much difference?
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='600325' date='Sep 16 2009, 03:22 PM']No contest... A pocketful Unless they are young and have yet to play in public then it's "a Slap"[/quote] +1 A Pocket
  20. [quote name='Rimskidog' post='598812' date='Sep 14 2009, 11:01 PM']It's a Yamaha Subkick. An NS10 woofer wired backwards it's essentially a microphone that captures all the low end frequencies of the kick drum.[/quote] Cheers! Heard of 'em, never seen one. I take it you have another mic in the shell or round back getting some beater click and what have you then? We want all your secrets
  21. [quote name='XB26354' post='596744' date='Sep 12 2009, 06:41 PM']Hi, These are "Coltrane Changes" - something that John Coltrane popularised with Giant Steps. The two progressions should be as follows: .... There's lot more about this kind of sequence in print - notably Mark Levine's Jazz Theory Book, which devotes an entire chapter to it. Hope this helps Cheers Mat[/quote] Thanks for the single most informative post (not to suggest anyone else here hasnt provided great info in their time but...) on how substitutions work - I think I'm even starting to 'get it' now! If only this had actually been explained in the article I might have had the tiniest chance of keeping up
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