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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. From our own Silent Fly's sfx sound labs:- [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=h1"]http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=h1[/url] Looks great, I'm very tempted!
  2. Never try and record an overdriven or distorted guitar from a DI. It just about never sounds as good. The above advice is all excellent. I'm currently trying to get my guitarist to splash for a low power tube amp for live so he can crank the nuts off it without deafening us, and we can use the PA then to get it FOH and monitor. He isnt againt the idea (which is really unusual in itself), he just needs to get the funds together.....
  3. Thats ace. Love the bass tones, esp the fretless actually Fantastic cover of Will You? chap!!!!
  4. I'm not surprised you are finding it hard to let go of the big one Really hope this does it all for you mate, its so hard to find that elusive 'it', and you seem to have been through the ringer looking for it! Best of luck with the new rig! Si
  5. Where did you get this? How much? Looking for something similar myself....
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='572603' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:33 AM']The sides look like pyjamas.[/quote] I thought that too!
  7. The only thing I have to add is thats a brand new set of strings....
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='571588' date='Aug 17 2009, 01:32 PM']I suspect you'd blow the output transistors and release the magic smoke. Alex[/quote] All hail the magic smoke! Funniest thing I've ever seen was a very very very experienced analogue electronics expert geezer putting together a studio, We had just wired up the spot lights (well I was the one up in the roof space chewing insulation and fighting the transformer tangle fairy). Anyways, he provisionally makes a just for the minute fuse in his fusebox on the wall, turns to me (up ladder) shouts, "Adjust for maximum smoke!" pulls the switch to the most enormous BANG! huge cloud of smoke, and him stood there with soot on his face and a truly bewildered expression on his boatrace. Priceless! I was convinced I'd cocked something up, but it turned out it was him in the end, so I didnt feel too bad Amazing bloke though, this was a real one off, he was an absolute mine of fantastically useful info!
  9. He's a fantastic player/teacher, and yes his bass collection is unbelievable!
  10. Either way its a fantastic set of tone controls. I used Plux' rig (HT210 and HT115) last weekend as a mono PA for background music, cos it was an easy way to play a few CDs really loud. The whole thing sounded fantastic, which it should, but what was really interesting was the way those controls work, really nice and musical couldnt find a really bad setting without being totally silly.
  11. [quote name='JTUK' post='567687' date='Aug 13 2009, 09:39 AM']Really...?????????????[/quote] Absolutely. There will be a plethora of Berg and Barefaced at the SE bash. Come along and see what I mean!
  12. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='567421' date='Aug 12 2009, 10:42 PM']irony is I don't have a car at all and I'm only 5'4"... yay![/quote] So how do you manage to reach that amp then??? (snigger - except I'm 5'7 and 3/4, and dont forget the 3/4, so I stick to a 410 so I can reach the amp with only one beer crate to stand on)
  13. Lovely mate. The Overwater is just gorgeous! You transporting that cab in a hearse or a horse drawn carriage? Its mahoosive!! Whats in the fx chain?
  14. [quote name='Mr.T' post='566533' date='Aug 12 2009, 09:35 AM']Is that "Wait till you try it on a gig".... (Advice) or "Wait till you try it on a gig".... (Because.....) ?[/quote] Its both really. As we all know the gig is the most important test so that's where you have to really judge these things. But also I think the Big One is probably the best lightweight single cab solution out there for a vast number of people (certainly for the money), its built on solid engineering principles, rather than marketing ones, and seems devoid of snake oil, so I think you will also enjoy what you find even more on a gig. If I were buying my rig all over again and had a choice of v. expensive, exceptional Berg vs cheaper but still exceptional BareFaced I would have struggled to really justify the Berg IMO, even though it is naturally closer to my ideal sound, the Big One is that good at taking on eq.
  15. Wait till you try it on a gig......
  16. What a shame it such a tiny room, that you can only just squeeze the drums in and have to make do with whatevr fits.... e Oh, sorry, thinking of almost every other studio I've seen posted on a forum, that looks great! Bet it feels a bit more real now you've had a chance to play in there a bit eh!
  17. [quote name='Mr.T' post='562674' date='Aug 7 2009, 11:09 AM']That the place I want to get back to! The only tweeking I ever did with my Trace (If any) was the rather superb 'tilt' control on the SMX amp. I got to the point with that rig that I would just say to the g**tarist "How loud are you", adjust my level to suit (while he let a chord hang)..... and we would play![/quote] I dont trust any guitarist to be able to get their volume right, I ask the drummer to 'give it the f**kin' beans' and set to him (playing lightly). Last 3 or 4 gigs we've done this by virute of a wee ickle groovey jam. Then we get the guitarist to slot in. My eq is almost always flat, really. A tweak to the room if absolutely necessary. I always aim to get my rig right against the back wall if I possibly can though.... Adjust guitarists treble 'skank' to suit room + a couple of db if its going to get rammed (as if...). That part of the soundchecking takes aout 5 mins, vox is easy, turn it up till it hurts your head then back it off a couple of db, come the gig he'll apply at least 2db more oomph anyways. I'm lucky, my rig sounds absolutely right to me that flat, any other adjustment is pup pan and technique based. It can be done.
  18. [quote name='jakesbass' post='558773' date='Aug 2 2009, 09:53 PM']While there is a smart circularity to that statement, if you have any experience of teaching musicianship alongside teaching bass (and I have years of experience) one would have to disagree. I have a myriad of tiny defintitions about what details to impart in the way a style or line is approached and ultimately taught. Ask any of my students (and there are a few on here) it's something that I place emphasis on and I do have a ton of ideas to explain how to create a feel. I have a very detailed understanding of what elements go into creating a feel and if I can blushingly say, it is the thing I have singularly been complimented upon the most throughout my career. Everyone always says to me "lovely feel" So yes it can be taught, and definitely it can be learned. Just not by everbody[/quote] I think you should be seconded to Brighton for a long term sabbatical stay
  19. Funny the glass twice the size it needs to be is often put forward as a software engineers point of view as well Alex, imagine that with the aid of science and engineering you created the first cab that truly projected sound perfectly across a room, with a completely flat frequency response, in someway doing away with all phase issues, and magically dealing with room nodes and standing waves. You know what, a load of people would hate that sound, for all it was the best engineered cab, they would prefer the sound that their old cab made, warts and all. Thats what people are like, and you can not ever make a cab that will please everyone. Even if you feel you can honestly turn around and say its not the cab chaps, thats what you actually sound like, they are all just going to say, well we prefer sounding better to us through worse cabs. That is why some people never want to change the gear they use. You cannot win that battle, even with the best cabs in the world ever mate. Dont even try!
  20. [quote name='redstriper' post='562113' date='Aug 6 2009, 05:41 PM']The Berg 115 is only the best 115 you can buy if you like it yourself - I don't. I haven't tried a Compact, but I have a lighter 115 that sounds great to me, so I don't need to. Forget the science and popular opinion and use your ears![/quote] Well absolutely. Popular opinion is only that, opinions. There is much to be said for a good look at popular opinion though, otherwise you wouldnt be on this forum. If it doesnt float your boat it doesnt float your boat. That doesnt mean its not widely considered an exceptional cab, it just means that it isnt what you want from such a cab. Historically I dont like 15s, I much prefer 10s. But I do like the HT115, especially with a fretless, its a lovely sound - that could only be better if a decent player was behind the fretless in question, rather than me . Possibly what I like has changed, or maybe the fact that I like it and you dont can be attributed to more general differences in our preferences in tone. Who can say....
  21. [quote name='cetera' post='562068' date='Aug 6 2009, 04:33 PM']It'll be fun being incognito.... [/quote] To be honest I'm pretty disappointed about this....
  22. [quote name='synaesthesia' post='562018' date='Aug 6 2009, 03:07 PM']This common thinking or impression will not go away, moving the trump card game to a different set of more informed specifications does nothing either. Some of the so-called 'informed experts' are still playing trumps when it comes to certain specifications. At the end of the day, a musical instrument or a circuit is more dependent on the holistic performance more than the sum of its parts, than any isolated specification or component. 12AX7s are used in crap amps and are used in great amps. JRC4558s are used in great circuits and crap circuits. TL072s are great in some circuits but noisy in others. 10, 12, 15" speakers go into great and crap cabinets. Foster/Fostex tweeters are the devil to some but if you use them right they sing. But as much as we know this, in the next day someone will post something along those lines that 10" do this better, Tweeters are evil or mylar caps do this , that and the other better.[/quote] Alex is absolutely spot on here though. The sound a cab gives is far more dependant on the dimensions of the cab and its porting than the dimensions of the speaker (or it weight). For instance, my son's berg HT115 is slightly smaller than its accompanying HT210. The 210 goes deeper. Neither is 'faster' than they other, the 115 is (awful word to use) warmer, and less hi fi - this is a subtle thing though. They have identical tweeters in, but slightly different crossovers (IIRC). Either on its own is phenominal, both together is as good as any speaker combination I have ever heard. The HT115 is IMO rightfully considered by a lot of people to be just abut the best sounding 115 you can buy. I'm not knocking the Compact at all, which is voiced differently, and doesnt have a tweeter, I'm just stating what I've read. Personally I think the difference between them is a taste thing, the Compact is a lot lighter though [quote name='Etienne' post='562053' date='Aug 6 2009, 04:08 PM']I've got a Compact now, and find that it reminds me very much of the 1153's sound, especially now that it's loosened up with a few loud gigs. It definitely doesn't sound lightweight, that's for sure! If anything, it sounds like it should weigh twice as much as the 1153![/quote] I couldnt agree more, the Compact sounds to my ears like an old TE 115 but 'better', deeper, clearer and louder etc. And certainly sounds like it should be three times its weight at least!
  23. Senn E835 and E845 are good no nonsense alternatives
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