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Everything posted by 51m0n

  1. 51m0n

    LH 500

    There always a bit of hiss of it. Its nothing to do with anything plugged in. Some amp designs are a bit hissy IME. Its not gonna be an issue at all at a gig. Doubt it would even be much of an issue recording. Note this is plugged into a pair of Berg HT series cabs (reknowned for having probably the best tweeters ever put into a bass cab and custom crossovers, so if there is any hiss we hear it ) The sa450 is quiet as the grave in comparison.
  2. [quote name='jazzdrums' post='546174' date='Jul 21 2009, 11:13 AM']Hey all, sorry to keep infiltrating this forum as I'm not actually a bassist - but maybe this'd be of interest to a bassist looking for somewhere to practice or a full band. My band have spent the last 5 months building and soundproofing a studio in south east London (Lewisham). It's nice and big with a full room-within-a-room design for soundproofing with a separate lounge area to chill out in. It's fully kitted out with drums, P.A. system etc. It sounds really good inside. Looking for a friendly band or musicians wanting to practice to share the room with us on a monthly basis (we pay monthly rent to the landlord). This will definitely work out a lot cheaper than an hourly rehearsal studio business- it's 24/7 access and we're very flexible on times for use. It's got toilets, a shower, microwave/oven/grill, fridge/freezer, tables chairs, dishes and cutlery - basically everything you need to stay there all day long, and it's on a main street by loads of shops to get food. I hope I've put this in the right section, and that it doesn't upset any mods - it's not for commercial purposes, we're just trying to find some friendly people to studio-share with. Please P.M. me with any enquiries Thanks, Caz.[/quote] Wish you were in Brighton!
  3. 51m0n

    LH 500

    [quote name='buff' post='546185' date='Jul 21 2009, 11:21 AM']My old peavey head has started playing up, so i was thinking of getting a lh500. I know theyve been out a while now so now the dust has settled, do the people who are using them rate them over amp twice the price ???[/quote] I'd say my son's LH500 is an excellent piece of kit especially at the price we paid (before they skyrocketed). Its still very good value for money. [b]Downsides are:-[/b] Its a bit hissy. It has jack speaker outs (WTF!!!). The eq section although very musical is a tad differnt from what you are probably used to. Its not a featherweight amp Price went thru the roof [b]Upsides are:-[/b] Its REALLY LOUD Great tone Really musical EQ section Its not really heavy. Its not stupidly expensive still, just not the amazing deal it once was. It is not IMO as good as my MB sa450
  4. I wouldnt touch the bass or strings at all. Not yet. I'd be upgrading the rig from the ground up - start saving cos if you want punchy and bright and you love 4x10s then the ae410 is the best there is (here I go again, my record is stuck). If you like deep then the Epifani Ul410 is the daddy. If 4x10's arent your be all and end all then a barefaced Big One may do the job, but it doesnt get super duper tweeter bright. After that I'd replace the head with either MB (F1 if you an get it - or any of the LMII or derivatives), or a Shuttle 6.0. Or a MesaBoogie Carbine. After all of that and getting used to it then look at the bass. Other options that may suit include the TC Rebelhead stuff or TecAmp Puma stuff. I'd not bother with halfway houses I found you end up spending more on juimping up the tone ladder than just saving for a long time and getting the best when you can afford it. But thats just my opinion..... The differences between your rig and the ones I've listed are massive IMO.
  5. Yeah baby - you dig it tha' most! So jealous, where's my cape baby!
  6. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='541315' date='Jul 15 2009, 02:17 PM']...cos I'm sure you can get one for under 1000 notes...[/quote] Doh! Missed that bit - oops! No chance at all then, sorry....
  7. Having played Birdy's it has to be Alleva Coppolo for me....
  8. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='541080' date='Jul 15 2009, 10:47 AM']I was trying to think of a witty reply but I'll just leave you with this thought. This girl's quite a reasonable singer I believe but she knows a thing or three about image... [/quote] You said she sings? Who cares......
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='539472' date='Jul 13 2009, 05:01 PM'][url="http://www.basslinepublishing.com/Books/UltimateSlapBass/tabid/69/Default.aspx"]http://www.basslinepublishing.com/Books/Ul...69/Default.aspx[/url] 12.50 - a bargain for such a great book.[/quote] Just ordered it. Cant have too many books on slap now can you
  10. Theme from Mission Impossible, but double up the piano LH octave pattern in the intro, fantastic!
  11. [quote name='The Funk' post='539750' date='Jul 13 2009, 09:42 PM']It'll get you some - but they'll be outnumbered by the "haters".[/quote] Well yeah there are such things as slap bass groupies out there, they are very few and far between though!
  12. Cool, I was worried you'd given up on us Trev Like the angling of the wall box, anything to help get the right lead into the right hole
  13. [quote name='acidbass' post='539457' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:42 PM']Just had a look at that on Amazon and it looks ideal for my needs at the moment too - ordered! Many thanks for the heads-up Danny[/quote] [quote name='bythesea' post='539459' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:46 PM']Same here, mine arrived today - looks to be a worthwhile purchase [/quote] Hehe you say that now, wait till you get about 35 pages in - the rhythms start getting properly mental. Expect your brain to be truly mashed
  14. [quote name='james_guitar' post='539052' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:50 AM']Slap bass is cool in the same way that jazz flute is.[/quote] Nope, ya lost me there mate
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='539430' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:13 PM']Get a copy of the Ed Friedland slap bass DVD - a very good guide.[/quote] +1 Ed Friedland is damn fine at slap (and reggae) - hell he's just all round really really good!
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='539292' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:00 PM']Suspect JoeGarcia's twin GS412s and Sunn1200S (plus another valve amp when he's between exploding them) might have the edge, 4-5 times the size, and many times the weight though.[/quote] Furry muff. Thats outrageous! Still pound for pound - both price and weight - I doubt there's many louder. I seriously doubt mine would compete on decibels - tone, now thats another thing baby!
  17. [quote name='leftybassman392' post='539300' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:13 PM']A common fallacy with slap is that it inevitably contains an unremitting volley of notes. Although the gunslinger brigade tend to like to show off how well their w***ing hand works, it is possible to incorporate elements of slap technique into a less frantic playing style. In the current Muse thread elsewhere on Basschat there's been some discussion of developing a playing style that's individual to you. A lot of people like to talk about playing in a 'slap style' but IMHO the word 'slap' suggests a specific set of technical skills - how you use them is up to you. (The reply above explains slap in some detail, but approaches it from the viewpoint of a technique to master, not a style to play in.) Just trying to be helpful... [/quote] +1 Whilst I can tell you how to slap technically, I cant possibly tell you what to play with that technique (I wont be held responsible if it turns out that you become the next reviled speed slap monster !) It is very very easy to get so into muted thumps and pops and LH muting and double thumping and triplets etc that you forget to make music, that you leave no spaces, that you just blast away from start to finish. Everyone who has pursued slapping or techiqical ability in any area has been guilty of this. Its a part of mastering a technique, taking it too far to be ultimately musical, such that it becomes a display of prowess, if only for yourself. The vital thing to reach mastery is working out how to then tame that technique to make it more musical. I find that sometimes its best to lay a groove down how you like, let everyone else put stuff over the top then literally edit out as much b-line as you can, cutting away as much as possible, just leaving the key ingredients and a tiny bit of seasoning. Then learn to play whats left and re-record just that. Thats cos I have a tendency to enjoy a few too many notes as much as everyone else . Thats an approach that has worked for me on several occasions. Try it!
  18. Just posted this elsewhere but it applies to you too:- [quote]I would recommend using two fingers for popping (index & middle) since that will lead you on to being able to pop double stops and get triplets going too. Works for me. People starting slapping have the most trouble just getting a note to ring properly with the thumb. Points to note:- 1) Your thumb should be like a piano hammer - fast and light, bouncing immediately off the string 2) It should strike the string with the thumb knuckle over the last fret, the string needs to bounce of the fret to get hat slap tone. 3) make a fist, stick out your index finger and thumb (keep thumb relaxed) rotate your forearm back and forth such that your index finger is the axis, your thumb should be flying around, that is essentially the correct 'action' for slapping. Index finger needn't remain pointing, but that rotation of the wrist/forearm is key 4) Yes its tricky, it will take practice Good luck![/quote] Slapping isnt easy to get down. It takes a lot of careful practice, not just wiggling your fingers a bit in front of the telly. Once you have the fundamentals of getting a good slap and pop on all the strings working on muted thumps and pops, then left hand thumps (search for it on here), then popped chords, and lastly think about double thumping. Joining this all together you then have to work hardest of all on the feel, and spaces between the notes. Otherwise its a complete waste of time! I suspect your action may be a tad high too, if you fret at the first fret on each string if your action is higher than about 3 or 4 mm at the 12th fret (measured from fret to bottom of the string) and over 3 or 4 mm at the last fret on your bass you will probably struggle. In this case a decent setup is required if you wish to get decent at slapping IMO. Slapping to show what a fab bass player you are is pointless and will gain you no love whatsoever. Slapping to lay down a fat as a fat thing groove is always cool if appropriate for the music. It is worth the effort when all the ladies are boogying to your great slap line, honest!
  19. [quote name='chris_pokkuri' post='539116' date='Jul 13 2009, 09:28 AM']Its worth it - thats as cheap as you'll find it these days! I've got a LH1000 and I love it. As mentioned above you don't get much overdrive with it but it is crazy loud, clear and punchy. You can run it in parallel or bridge mode too. I run mine through a Barefaced BigOne - oh yeah! [/quote] By god I bet thats about as loud as any rig on BassChat.... Nice!
  20. [quote name='silddx' post='539135' date='Jul 13 2009, 10:00 AM']They are most certainly worth reading. They get progressively more serious and aren't the rollercoaster ride the first one is. They focus more on philisophical, political and[/quote] God Emperor is my favourite one! Its certainly not boring (well it wasnt for me).... Most of the detractors seem to be aiming more at the books not written by Frank H, but his son. The Butlerian Jihad is a perfectly good SF read, its not the masterpiece that Dune was, but it does give the beginnings of a story arch not really touched upon in Dune that spans tens of thousands of years, and that is pretty cool IMO.
  21. [quote name='Josh' post='539039' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:11 AM']+1 I've never heard any displays of using 3 fingers that have ever sounded as clean or controlled as something done by 2 fingers. My advice would be to start out with 2 and stick to it if it keeps you happy, only consider 3 fingers if your seriously concerned with more speed.[/quote] Violent and Funky - The Infectious Grooves Granted its a triplet feel, but I defy anyone to play that song with two fingers and think its easier than three. Not just once round the groove, the whole song....
  22. Figerstyle is generally a 2 finger thing. I use 3, there are people on here going the whole nine yards and getting the Garrison technique down. That is about as fast as a bass can be played with fingers IMO, but it will take you months and months to get down. I rake, I think its more efficient (just to annoy silddx of course ) but its a horses for courses thing. It probably isnt quite as tidy as strict alternation though. I would recommend using two fingers for popping (index & middle) since that will lead you on to being able to pop double stops and get triplets going too. Works for me. People starting slapping have the most trouble just getting a note to ring properly with the thumb. Points to note:- 1) Your thumb should be like a piano hammer - fast and [b]light[/b], bouncing immediately off the string 2) It should strike the string with the thumb knuckle over the last fret, the string needs to bounce of the fret to get hat slap tone. 3) make a fist, stick out your index finger and thumb (keep thumb relaxed) rotate your forearm back and forth such that your index finger is the axis, your thumb should be flying around, that is essentially the correct 'action' for slapping. Index finger needn't remain pointing, but that rotation of the wrist/forearm is key 4) Yes its tricky, it will take practice Good luck!
  23. Stupid question of the day - if that's a P why has it got J pups?
  24. If you are in any way interested in tube overdrive then forget the LH500. It is uber clean, but by god is it loud and clear too. Punchy as a punchy punching puncher thingy too. My son has one driving his Berg stack and it is a staggeringly good sounding rig. Thats a 210 and 115 too. Dont know much about the quality of Ashdown cabs so cant comment...
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